Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 578 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 28

Chapter 578 The Revenge of the Disfigured Adopted Daughter 28
Although they have the ability of photographic memory, but the characters in this script still have to figure it out carefully.

For the past few days, Xia Yichu has been staying in his room, trying to figure out the script.

The post-editing of Director Wang's play has been completed, and the publicity work has started.

As the heroine of that play, Xia Yichu should also be going, but after the people above saw her go once, they felt sorry for the negative impact of her black physique, so they waved their hands , simply let her stay at home without going.

Xia Yichu couldn't wish for this result in his heart, so he stayed at home obediently and read the script.

Three days later, Zhou Jianhua's assistant called Xia Yichu to inform Xia Yichu that the script would start in three days.

For Zhou Jianhua's script this time, the filming location was abroad. Everyone gathered at the airport one day in advance to go abroad for filming.

Only a few people knew that Zhou Jianhua was going to shoot a new movie this time. After Ye Qingwei knew about it, she always wanted to audition for the heroine in the film, but Zhou Jianhua directly denied her after taking a look at her.

That's why Ye Qingwei had no choice but to adopt the policy of saving the country with curves, and contacted Zhou Xiaoming, deliberately letting him tell the public that he would give himself another chance to audition in front of Zhou Jianhua.

But he didn't expect that Zhou Jianhua had made up his mind. After several days of nagging Zhou Xiaoming by his side, he still didn't nod.

Even Zhou Jianhua chose Xia Yichu as the protagonist.

When Ye Qingwei heard the news, she was devastated.

Ye Qingwei couldn't understand why Zhou Jianhua chose Xia Yichu instead of himself.They both look very similar, don't they?And there is the Ye family behind her, if Zhou Jianhua needs it, she can bring money to join the team.

Ye Qingwei's heart was full of injustice, and her hatred for Xia Yichu rose to a new level.

However, no matter how much Ye Qingwei wanted to trip Xia Yichu, she didn't dare to do it easily.

She could feel that even though Ye Beichen didn't say anything in front of Yang Yiyi that day, even if the entertainment company still let her choose any resources, Ye Qingwei knew that the way Ye Beichen looked at her had changed.

Ye Qingwei didn't dare to make any more moves, and when the previously agreed time came, Xia Yichu took Yushi and boarded the plane to N country.

The original owner, Ye Nian, was also a hard worker at the time. In addition to Chinese, he not only learned the languages ​​of the other three countries when he was in school, he even taught himself the languages ​​of the two countries.

After Xia Yichu inherited her memory, Xia Yichu was able to operate freely on all the knowledge left by the original owner.

Yushi's N language is not very good, and he can't speak well, but he can still communicate in daily life.

After a day's flight, everyone took a rest in the hotel, and at night, Zhou Jianhua took everyone out for a big meal.

Then after everyone rested for another night, Zhou Jianhua led everyone to hold a kick-off banquet in a foreign country.

After the opening banquet, it was filming.

For filming, Xia Yichu has long been familiar with the road, even if he is abroad, it does not affect Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu didn't deliberately hide his acting skills, almost every time it was a mistake, Zhou Jianhua looked at Xia Yichu from the sidelines, and felt great joy in his heart, fortunately he had his eyes on her at that time!Otherwise, I would have lost such a good piece of jade in the rough.

When Xia Yichu was filming abroad, the movie directed by Director Wang was finally released.

At that time, in the first publicity of this movie, because of Xia Yichu’s appearance, many fans said bluntly that they would not watch it, so on the day when the movie was released, the sales volume was not ideal, only tens of millions of box office .

This figure may sound like a lot, but in fact, for this movie that cost 3.2 million yuan to make, it is simply a loss to grandma's family.

On the second day and the third day, the film's sales still had no innovation, hovering between tens of millions.

And just when the decision-makers were discussing whether to remove the movie, the sales of the movie suddenly skyrocketed, from the previous tens of millions to [-] million, [-] million, [-] million in just one night!
This huge contrast stunned everyone, and before everyone realized it, the sales of this movie were still refreshing rapidly.

Three days before the movie was released, it was always tens of millions, but on the fourth day, it suddenly exceeded [-] million.

Just when everyone thought it was the highest, it broke 11 million on the fifth day!On the sixth day, it broke [-] billion!
Everyone was stunned by this phenomenon, especially the investors, director Wang and producer of this film.

They have been in the entertainment industry for so long, and they have never seen such a strange phenomenon. If it wasn't because the amount was too huge, and tickets are now purchased with real-name authentication, otherwise everyone would think that this is a scam.

Everyone peeked at each other, and they didn't know what was going on, but only those who frequently surf the Internet and hang around on Weibo knew that the matter was actually very simple.

Even if there were a lot of fans before, when they saw Xia Yichu's name, they didn't want to see it anymore.But there are still some people who don't care about these things and don't watch online disputes, or it's because there are female voices they like in this movie.

So they go.

But they didn't expect that this movie, which they didn't expect much in the first place, would be so good-looking!
The plot is captivating, and the ending is heart-wrenching!

During the two days after the film was released, when everyone walked out from here, many female spectators had tears in their eyes.

A light-hearted and funny TV series can make people laugh and love, but a good tragedy can make people remember forever.

Now that technology is so advanced, I feel uncomfortable, and there will inevitably be many netizens who will post or tweet about what they have watched this film on the Internet.

There will also be netizens who strongly recommend other people to watch this movie. In this way, after the movie was released a few days ago, the box office suddenly exploded.

A large part of it is because of Amway who has seen those people before, and a small part is because of those who have seen them before, and they accompanied their friends to go to the second brush again.

This film is a tragedy. The heroine played by Xia Yichu lived a miserable life in it, and died very tragically in the end, which is very distressing.

There was no happy ending in the movie, but outside the movie, everyone really wanted to see Xia Yichu's happy ending in life.

The incident between Xia Yichu and Ye Qingwei some time ago has gradually dissipated on the Internet.

Many netizens were searching for Xia Yichu's name in this world, and then quickly followed her, and Xia Yichu's fans skyrocketed.

 [QAQ is too stuck, this chapter is written from eight o'clock to eleven o'clock, what can I do, I am also desperate.Thank you Gu-du, sleep and wake up, stop and go, passer-by., Manzhushahua, Tutu hasn't eaten the rewards of the five babies, no more today, sleep full, give the brain a rest Tonight, I will feed everyone tomorrow again~]

(End of this chapter)

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