Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 788 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 4

Chapter 788 Interstellar Era: General, Bed Wars 4
Aquamarine is the entire alliance, that is, the capital planet of mankind.

Nowadays, science and technology are advanced, and humans occupy hundreds of planets. If they are rich, they can even own a small planet by themselves.

And the water blue star is the capital planet of mankind, and it is also the most prosperous place for the development of the entire alliance.

Xia Yichu didn't know why Feng Si would take him there. Logically speaking, according to everyone's current Zerg identities, shouldn't they stay away from Shuilanxing as far as possible?

Although I don't know Feng Si's thoughts, but Xia Yichu is still very supportive of going to Shuilanxing.

The bug is on Shuilanxing, after the spaceship stops at Shuilanxing, it is time for Xia Yichu to leave.

For the next whole afternoon, Feng Si didn't bother Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu huddled in the room to read a book, and never thought of going out. If she was hungry, she gnawed on her eggshells. The eggshells tasted crunchy. Not only could she bear the hunger, but it would also turn into energy to swim away from her body once she got into her stomach. Around the body, Xia Yichu completely gnawed on it as a snack.

After flipping through the books sent by the maid, Xia Yichu had some understanding of this continent.

The alliance and the Zerg have always been hostile. Xia Yichu is not clear about the situation there, but from the map, he can see that they have occupied many planets over the years.

On the Zerg side, since the last Zerg queen died three years ago, various Zergs have started to dispute, and soon the land that originally belonged to the Zerg was divided into many territories, large and small, and everyone lived in their own territory. In the territory, they occasionally help each other, and occasionally join forces to bully humans and attack the alliance.

However, because the reproductive power of the Zerg is not high, so far, the number of the Zerg has not been huge. In the past few years, they have been in a state of recharging energy. Only when there is no food, everyone will join forces to attack the alliance and grab some. Human beings came back and kept them in captivity to eat slowly.

Xia Yichu did not comment on the Zerg cannibalism.

After traveling through so many planes, Xia Yichu already knew that some things cannot be distinguished from black to white.

Although the Zerg cannibalism is cruel, it is also a biological chain of survival.

It's like killing pigs and chickens, because in the eyes of humans, chickens, ducks and pigs are all food.

And similarly, in the eyes of these Zerg, human beings are food.

There is no reason to follow.

The speed of the spaceship is very fast, the speed is as fast as the sun, and the unit is light years.

The distance between several planets, from that remote and distant small planet to the bustling water blue planet, unexpectedly only took half a day.

At six or seven o'clock in the afternoon, the spacecraft had already stopped outside the water blue star.

Every spaceship that enters or exits the water blue star must be checked by the machine.

Now Feng Si's ship is full of Zerg, if it can avoid the machine's scanning, it will be strange.

A Zerg maid came in from the outside and said to Xia Yichu, "Your Majesty, Master Feng is looking for you."

"En." Xia Yichu responded, put down the book in his hand, and followed the Zerg maid out of the room.

I don't know what the body of this Zerg maidservant is. Although she has transformed into a human being, there is a long tail protruding from her dress, dragging on the ground, making Xia Yichu feel like a lizard.

The maid brought Xia Yichu to Feng Si's room.

Feng Si was sitting at the dining table eating, and the plates in front of him were all fresh meat that smelled of blood.

When Xia Yichu went, he was chewing with a human hand.

Blood dripping.

After Xia Yichu went through the scene at noon, he already had a bottom line in his heart.

Moreover, before that, she had experienced two doomsday planes, where the scenes of zombies eating people and people eating people were even more bloody and brutal.

Xia Yichu walked in with a noble and glamorous expression, without changing his expression.

Feng Si opened her bloody mouth wide, and shook the stump in her hand towards Xia Yichu friendly, with a cruel smile: "Does Your Majesty Princess want to dine together?"

"Thank you, no need." Xia Yichu resisted the urge to feel sick, and responded to him.

Feng Si seemed to have guessed Xia Yichu's reaction long ago, so after knowing Xia Yichu's answer, Feng Si did not show any surprise, but lowered her head and continued to nibble on the stump in her hand.

Xia Yichu tried his best to stay away from him, and did not set his eyes on the dining table, but looked at the decoration here in a blink of an eye.

There was a sound of biting and bones being crushed, and the smell of blood became stronger and stronger. Just when Xia Yichu was almost unable to control his stomach, Feng Si finally had enough to eat, and asked those maidservants with tails behind him to eat him. The leftovers were collected.

Feng Si took a deep breath of the smell of blood in the air, as if she was still reminiscing about the delicious food just now.

Xia Yichu looked at him and said, "I don't know why we parked the spaceship here? Why don't we go there?"

Feng Si narrowed his eyes slightly, he looked a little lazy after eating just now, he licked his lips, and said: "Of course not, as soon as we pass by, we will be discovered by the humans of the alliance. With the current situation of our clan, I believe that Her Majesty the Queen has stopped eating. I learned from those books that I have a friend on Shuilanxing, he will come back to pick you up later, Her Majesty the Queen should go and hide there for a while."

Although Feng Si said so, she didn't intend to ask Xia Yichu's opinion at all.

He just told Xia Yichu that no matter whether Xia Yichu wanted to or not, when his friend came, he would forcefully take him away.

Xia Yichu's previous guess about Feng Si was indeed correct, Feng Si obviously had bad intentions towards her.

Although Xia Yichu was not killed to prevent future troubles, the consequences of leaving her on the human side are not much better than killing her.

If her identity as the Zerg Queen is exposed, what awaits her is a dead end or endless torture.

Moreover, Xia Yichu still doesn't know what kind of person his friend is.

However, even if he doesn't know the character and identity of Feng Si's friend, and doesn't know the relationship between Feng Si and that person, Xia Yichu still has to go to Shui Lanxing.

Xia Yichu's hand on her side tightened slightly, and she asked calmly, "Oh? I don't know your friend, when will he come?"

Feng Si was a little surprised by Xia Yichu's calmness, he took another look at the new queen whom he had only known for half a day, and smiled lightly: "Queen, don't worry, he will be here soon."

After Xia Yichu got this reply, he stopped talking, sat in his seat, and waited quietly for the arrival of Feng Si's friend.

Xia Yichu could see spaceships flying around in the Milky Way outside the window.

Until about ten minutes later, a white spaceship approached them.

 [The next chapter is about to meet the male protagonist, so I want to stop the update. . 】

(End of this chapter)

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