Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 843 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 10

Chapter 843 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 10
Xia Yichu was startled, he didn't expect to see such a scene when he came in.

It was a boy who could be seen to be very delicate and beautiful even with his eyes closed. He was not very old, and seemed to be the same as Xia Yichu now, only in his teens.

He was originally wearing a set of exquisitely crafted crescent-colored costumes, but it was already stained red by the blood overflowing from his body. Even he himself didn't know whether it was life or death.

Looking at the child, Xia Yichu didn't know what to do, and suddenly thought of the carriage that was speeding down the street today.

Xia Yichu made a quick decision in his mind.

She decided to save the child.

The premise is, if he is not dead.

Xia Yichu walked over quickly and checked the child's breath.

Fortunately, although the breath is very weak, there are still some, and there is still a glimmer of life.

Xia Yichu reached out to touch his body, Xia Yichu was stunned when he touched it.

Immediately, a wave of anger gushed out from Xia Yichu's heart.

Judging from the previous deduction, if Xia Yichu's guess is correct, this child is probably the child of the owner in the carriage today.

And he was thrown here by those men in black, either for vendetta or for blocking their way.

He was only a child, but when Xia Yichu reached out to touch it, his whole body was soft, and those people actually broke all the bones in his body!

Moreover, the damage he received was far from that. All of his body was covered with knife wounds, as if they were separated by people with knives. Every knife avoided his vitals, but it made the blood in his body They stayed out continuously.

These people tortured him intentionally, but they kept his last breath, and then let him die slowly in this cave.

Even Xia Yichu couldn't help feeling pity for the child in front of him.

How cruel is it to do such a crazy thing to a child.

There were too many wounds on his body, Xia Yichu didn't dare to touch him at all.

Due to excessive blood loss, his face, which was originally as white as a jade porcelain doll, had no blood at all, and his lips had turned white or even blue, without the rosiness that a normal person should have.

His weak breath had been intermittent, as if he was going to die the next moment.

Xia Yichu hurriedly exchanged a life extension pill from the system mall and stuffed it into his mouth.

There are many kinds of things in the system mall.

There are fast ones and slow ones.

The elixir that Xia Yichu exchanged for Su Zhenghe before was the one with slow efficacy.

But now, without hesitation, Xia Yichu directly exchanged for the one with the highest price, the fastest efficacy, and no side effects at all.

As soon as the continuation pill entered his mouth, it melted immediately.

The originally weak breathing gradually strengthened and even became stable.

Xia Yichu exchanged another hemostatic pill and painkiller from the mall for it to eat.

The pills in the system mall not only have no side effects, but also won't conflict with other medicines, Xia Yichu is not afraid.

The two elixirs entered the stomach, and the wound on the child's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally began to form scars.

Xia Yichu didn't know if those men in black had left here completely, but no matter whether they came back or not, this cave should not stay any longer.

Xia Yichu stretched out his hand and gently hugged him up.

Because of taking painkillers, even if Xia Yichu picked him up now, the child who was still in a coma didn't feel the pain.

Mingming Xia Yichu is only ten years old now, but she can hold people who are about the same age as her, and she can't force her to do so. She can even walk fast if she wants to.

Xia Yichu knew that this was not the reason why he traveled over here.

It can only be said that this time she traveled into the hands of a natural strongman.

Xia Yi started to walk in a hurry, and the child in her arms was jolted out of a coma.

The child's thick and slender eyelashes trembled, and then opened those dark eyes.

Because Xia Yichu used the method of hugging a child, his hands passed under his armpit, one hand dragged his buttocks, the other hand clasped his waist and put it on his back, holding him firmly in his arms.

They were facing each other, his head resting on her chest.

After the child opened his eyes, he looked at the receding plants on the side of the road, and realized that his location had changed after waking up. His eyes shrank, and the painful, tortured and dark memories before he passed out instantly swept away Come on, the child's body began to tremble uncontrollably.

As soon as he moved, Xia Yichu knew he had woken up.

Even if he didn't look down, Xia Yichu knew that the child must be scared.

She patted his back with her hand on his back, and comforted him softly: "Don't be afraid, I just came to the mountain to collect medicine, and I found yours from a cave, and I ate some for you." The medicine to treat the wound, now take you to a safe place."

The child was slowly comforted by Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu didn't take him home, but went out of the forest, took a long way to avoid the people in the village, and went to the cellar of the Su family.

From the very beginning, Xia Yichu never thought of taking this child back.

Just from the fabric of the clothes worn by this child, it can be seen that his status is either rich or noble.

Xia Yichu wasn't sure if the group of men in black would return to the cave, so she didn't dare to take the risk of bringing the Su family into it.

It would be better for her to hide the child herself and heal all his injuries.

In rural areas, almost every household has one or two cellars for food storage.

There are two in the Su family, one is under the ground in the room where Su Zhenghe sleeps at home, and the other is right here against the mountain.

In the past, the Su family only had a cellar near the mountain, but later, for convenience, they also dug one at home, and this cellar was rarely used.

Xia Yichu removed a few large stones and wooden planks that blocked the entrance of the cellar, then walked in with the child in his arms.

Although there has been no food in the cellar for a long time, it is very clean inside.

And unlike the scorching heat outside, it is cool and cool inside, which makes people feel very comfortable.

There are no stools here, Xia Yichu can only put him on the ground.

Moreover, because all the tendons and bones in his body were broken, he could not stand or sit, and could only lie on the ground.

Xu Shi was born in a noble family since he was a child. Even though he is in such a bad situation now, he can't see the slightest embarrassment on his body. The posture he is lying on the ground gives people the impression that he is not sleeping on the ground, but rather looks like he is sleeping on the ground. It's like sleeping on a soft couch in the palace.

He opened his eyes and looked at Xia Yichu, his eyes were dark and bright, his expression was calm, without the slightest panic and fear that belonged to his age.

 [Recently, I especially like this hug posture. . . 】

(End of this chapter)

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