Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 845 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 12

Chapter 845 The Ancient Farm Family Gets Rich 12
"Mother, I really picked this up on the side of the road. He was covered in blood, wounds all over his body, and all his bones were broken. Now he can't do anything except lie down." Xia Yichu said .

Su Zhaodi and Su Jiabao might not fully understand what Xia Yichu said, but Liu Xia and Su Mei could hear it clearly.

It was only then that the two realized that the child seemed a little strange. After being brought back by Xia Yichu, he had been lying on the bed.

Xia Yichu didn't want to keep talking about Xiaohan, so he turned to Su Mei and said, "Sister, is there still hot water in the kitchen? I want to wipe his body."

"I'll go and have a look." Su Mei said, and walked out quickly.

"Then I'll find some clothes for him to wear." Liu Xia also noticed that the boy was actually wearing Xia Yichu's middle coat!

Liu Xia's eyebrows twitched, and she turned around immediately to dig through the clothes in the box.

Su Mei quickly brought hot water in, Xia Yichu tried the water temperature, and it felt okay, Xia Yichu reached out to take off Xiaohan's clothes, but was stopped by Liu Xia who had already brought clean clothes: "Er Ya , get out of the way, and I'll wipe him off."

Liu Xia's tone was stern, Xia Yichu was taken aback for a moment, only then did he realize that in ancient times, men and women were seated differently at the age of seven.

Just what she did to Xiaohan today is enough to ruin her reputation.

Even if she and Xiaohan are just children.

"No, don't." Xiaohan finally said.

He grabbed Xia Yichu's clothes, and a huge panic overflowed in his heart.

After being hurt and abused by those people, he no longer trusts anyone except Xia Yichu.

Xiaohan tightly tugged on Xia Yichu's clothes, tears streaming down his face, as if he was about to cry in the next moment.

"Mother, let me do it." Xia Yichu said, raised his hand to wipe away the tears from Xiaohan's face, and untied the belt of his clothes.

The belt of the clothes was untied, and Xia Yichu's middle coat was spread under him. He didn't wear any clothes underneath. No matter whether it was Liu Xia, Su Mei, Su Zhaodi, etc., everyone saw the fresh blood on his jade-like white and tender skin. Overflowing and hurting.

"Ah! There's a lot of blood on his body!" Su Jiabao exclaimed.

Su Zhaodi was kind-hearted, and she was frightened and cried immediately. She walked to the bedside and said to Xiaohan: "Little brother, do you feel pain?"

It's no wonder that Su Jiabao and Su Zhaodi reacted so strongly, even Liu Xia and Su Mei were frightened by the wound on Xiaohan's body.

Especially looking at so many fresh wounds on his body, while Xiaohan seemed to be unconscious, it made Liu Xia and Su Mei feel even more distressed.

Xiaohan just quietly lived in Su's house.

At the beginning, Liu Xia even said that she wanted to hire a doctor for him, but Xia Yichu refused.

She had already taken a great risk in bringing him back. If the doctor were to come to see him, then the matter of having an extra child in their family would spread quickly.

Moreover, even if there is no doctor, Xia Yichu will heal Xiaohan's injuries.

The words are divided into two parts.

In a small courtyard in the town, the servants came and went in a hurry, and everyone lowered their heads to do their own things, not daring to paddle and chat as usual.

Every servant in the yard knew that their young master was missing.

This is the only real son of the eldest lady, who is usually held and hurt like a baby bump.

Now that the young master is gone, it's like taking the life of the eldest lady.

After the eldest lady heard the news that the young master had disappeared this morning, she immediately fainted.

Luzhu, the maidservant next to the eldest lady, came in from the outside. After seeing her, the maidservants in the room seemed to see a savior, and one or two all showed expressions of relief.

The eldest lady was lying on the bed with a haggard look, as soon as she saw Luzhu coming in, she immediately asked, "Luzhu, is there any news about Han'er?"

"Ma'am, this servant just went to the front yard to look at it, but Manager Zhang and the others haven't come back yet." Luzhu replied.

The eldest lady actually already had a guess in her heart, but it was not as uncomfortable as after hearing her words.

"Han'er, my Han'er." The lady muttered, crying again.

Seeing this, Luzhu hurried forward and took out a handkerchief to wipe the face of the eldest lady, and said to the eldest lady: "Madam, don't cry. Manager Zhang and the others sent so many people out, and the magistrate also sent people out to find Yes, I believe everyone will find the young master. But you, please don't wear yourself out. If the young master comes back and sees you fall ill, you will definitely feel very sad. If the young master is not by your side, you must be stronger and wait. He's coming back."

"Yes, you are right, Han'er will definitely come back. I have to take care of my body. Han'er's assassination is too strange, you don't need to think about it to know that it is the handiwork of that bitch! If I fall like this, it will be right In her arms." The eldest lady seemed to have thought of something, her expression was cold and stern, she did not disappoint the appearance of crying just now, she said to Luzhu: "Luzhu, bring me the medicine to drink."

"Yes, ma'am." Seeing that the lady finally started to pull herself together, Luzhu replied crisply, and then handed the medicine on the tray to the lady.

 【Good night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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