Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 27, Friendship

Chapter 27, Friendship

In the student team of Xiangtou Mountain, a strange person got mixed in.
Li Yun, a young man in Taoist robes, followed a group of mountaineering students in casual clothes, and the sense of disharmony in his painting style was about to explode.

There were only 6 people who had just decided to worship at the Taoist temple, each with one yuan, which means that Li Yun had just obtained a total of 3 incense coins, plus the current incense coins, a total of 5 incense coins.

However, Li Yun felt that the incense money was not the point now, but the Yi Shuwen who was very wary of him in front of him.

"Layman, why do you hide from me?"

"Don't you think that everyone is unhappy when you sneak into the team." Yi Shuwen's face was slightly depressed.

After all, the students marched together and joined a stranger. Except for Wang Kai himself, everyone else was a little alienated, with some unnatural expressions on their faces, and there was no topic for everyone to chat with.

Li Yun turned a deaf ear to it, and just kept walking silently without speaking, as if he was really traveling in mountains and rivers.

"This Xiangtou Mountain is not driven by us. The Taoist leader can leave and come whenever he wants. Is there any problem? It seems to be no problem." Wang Kai defended. He knew that Li Yun must have his reasons for following.

"Heavenly Rescue the Miserable, although it is good to regard the poor way as air, the poor way is just going to climb the mountain with him." Li Yun finally spoke, and then said with a smile: "This mountain is beautiful, and the poor way knows that there is a mountain spring nearby. If everyone If you are interested, you can talk to Pindao."

Mountain springs?

Everyone's eyes lit up. There is nothing missing in this metropolis, except all kinds of pure natural and pollution-free things.

Isn't this mountaineering just to climb high and look far, drink clear springs, and eat wild game?
"So... Taoist priest, is this mountain spring far away from us?" One of the bolder girls came up to strike up a conversation.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm almost done drinking the kettle here, so I just need to fill up some water."

"Master Dao, do you think there are any natural wild vegetables here? I want to pick some for my parents."

People asked one after another, although it felt disobedient for a stranger to join the team, but no one thought Li Yun was a bad person.

Zhongzheng's peaceful temperament emanating from the inside out can capture people's hearts very well.

Only Yi Shuwen had a gloomy expression on her face, and she became even more unhappy when she saw Li Yun. This trick of bribing classmates is really straightforward.

"Hmph, disgusting Taoist priest"

"Hey, what did you do when you entered the Taoist temple just now? Why did this bull-nosed person follow you? You couldn't be the one who seduced him." Lin Honghong looked at Yi Shuwen in front of her with a teasing smile on her face.

Yi Shuwen frowned.

"Don't say that seduction is so ugly, I'll just find him and count my fate."

"Haha, to seduce is to seduce, don't say it sounds so good." Lin Honghong snorted, and then said: "Don't say it, although your small body is thin and flat, but your foxy face may really seduce the Taoist priest."

Although Yi Shuwen looks a little thin and thin, but her face is really beautiful and lovely, and she usually likes to read books, and she is also called a literary girl in her class.

At least Lin Honghong knew that many boys in the department had a crush on her
"Lin Honghong, if you talk about it again, I'll get angry, don't say anything about seduction, I don't want him to follow at all." Yi Shuwen looked a little angry.

"Okay, okay, if you say no, there is no, ha ha." Lin Honghong shrugged, stopped talking, and continued to talk to other people, but the other girls didn't want to talk to Lin Honghong very much.

Yi Shuwen sighed and continued climbing.

After arriving at Shanquankou, gradually, everyone in the team accepted the existence of Li Yun, a Taoist priest, but it was not that kind of acceptance, but the existence of a silent air man in the team.

Just like those ordinary boys with little sense of existence, it doesn't matter if there is one more or one less.

In this line, even if Wang Kai came to strike up a conversation with Li Yun, he just shook his head with a smile and didn't strike up a conversation.

A real bystander, watching the whole class.

"By the way, Chanel's bag is good, I want to buy it."

"Not interested, I still like skirts"

"Oh, actually, I like both of them." Lin Honghong was interrupted just as she wanted to insert.

"I hate it, Lin Honghong, let alone whether you can afford it or not, it's embarrassing to wear it."

"That's right, don't keep trying to get in when we're chatting, it's annoying."

Lin Honghong was choked up bluntly, looked at the two pretty girls in front of her and scolded Bichi in her heart, and then left the team.

"Hey, why do you want to join in the fun? We can't afford the luxury we talk about." Yi Shuwen dissuaded.

"Shut up, you think I'm the same as you, go, go, play by yourself." Lin Honghong seemed to vent her anger on Yi Shuwen, and then went to get into the topic just now in a self-defeating manner.

"Are you enough, fat woman, can you play with your own eggs?" One of the beautiful girls' yellow-haired boyfriends jumped out and said: "She said that she doesn't want to join your topic, and also, you smell very sweaty Yes, don't get close."

"Yes" Lin Honghong was at a loss for words.

"Apologize to Honghong quickly." At this time Yi Shuwen jumped out and shouted: "You insulted Honghong just now, please apologize."

"Huh? Did I say something wrong? Everyone said don't play with you, and they shamelessly moved up." The boy also tore his face, and sneered: "This time, if it is not for the sake of the monitor, I know If Lin Honghong is coming, I'm sure I won't come."

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel, don't quarrel, Africa's agriculture is underdeveloped. Uh, I'm changing words, how about everyone having fun climbing mountains?" Wang Kai came out and joked.

It's a good class trip. Is it interesting for everyone to quarrel?

Besides, the priest still sees it
"Well, it's all my fault." Lin Honghong said.

"Honghong, you are not wrong," Yi Shuwen couldn't help but said.

At this time, Lin Honghong couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted: "Yi Shuwen, you know what, what's the difference between you and them? You must be friends with me because you want to see my jokes, and you want to find a foil, yes, You are beautiful, I am ugly and fat, in fact, you are no different from those cousins!"

At this time, the class was also in a mess, but they didn't say much, even the person who had scolded Lin Honghong just now fell silent.

In the eyes of almost everyone, Yi Shuwen's idea was exactly that.

A beautiful girl finds a fat woman as a foil for her best friend, isn't that what everyone does?

"That's right. Although Yi Shuwen is beautiful, she is too fake."

"It's obviously just looking for a foil, but pretending to be good for you, it's disgusting."

"Tsk tsk, it's because of this that everyone doesn't like Yi Shuwen."

The thin and broken voices reached Yi Shuwen's ears, making Yi Shuwen a little at a loss.

"Honghong, do you think so too?" Yi Shuwen turned around and asked Lin Honghong. She didn't care what other people thought, but she couldn't help caring what her best friend thought.

Lin Honghong was silent for a moment, then said.

"I've endured it for a long time, Bichi."

Yi Shuwen was struck by lightning.

This best friend who was inseparable in the past, actually scolded her bitch.

Looking at the endless cliffs in front of him, Yi Shuwen had only one thought.

I really want to die.
I really want to jump off this mountain.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient."

(End of this chapter)

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