Chapter 319, Puberty
The little girl is wearing a school uniform. She looks about 15 years old. She looks pretty. You can see the shadow of her parents. She has a lively single ponytail hairstyle. She looks like she just entered junior high school. The difference is that she always lowers her head and plays with the mobile phone in her hand.
"Hey, Xiaomei, let Aunt Zhao have a look, it has grown so big, look at the appearance of this water spirit, hey, it's so pretty." Aunt Zhao greeted the little girl warmly, but the girl never stopped. It was lukewarm, facing Aunt Zhao's enthusiastic attack, she just nodded slightly at the end, and then put her mind into the phone again.

Aunt Zhao on the side was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, the girl's parents broke the embarrassment.

"Sister-in-law, the more you live, the more beautiful you are." The girl's father, a middle-aged man who looks somewhat similar to Wang Rihua, is almost carved out of Wang Rihua's smile.

Aunt Zhao was also very happy to hear this compliment, and said: "Hey, Xiao Zhu, this little mouth is still so sweet, no wonder it can make your family have a second child, my husband told me to give birth to me Absolutely no more."

Wang Rizhu's wife was also giggling, and the child she was holding in her arms was the protagonist of the day. She took a closer look, and saw that he was a big fat boy with a tiger head and a tiger brain, and his crying was loud and healthy.

"Brother! I'll just wait for you." Wang Rihua waved his hands happily, and brought out all the dishes from the flowing water banquet, and put them on the table.

This Wang Rizhu was not too polite, he found his own empty table, and began to complain: "Don't mention it, the traffic jam on this road is really terrible, it has come here at seven o'clock in the morning, and the traffic jam has kept you waiting for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, which one of our brothers is with who? Today's little nephew is full moon. We won't be drunk or go home. By the way, you drove here today, so you drink juice, let's drink haha! Just look at it with envy." Wang Rihua He also laughed three times, seeing his brother very happy.

Aunt Zhao did not stop the men from exchanging feelings, but went into the kitchen to serve dishes, and soon more dishes were brought out, as well as drinks for the children, Laobaigan and beer for the adults.

"Xiaomei, how is your study doing recently? Are you paying attention to the class at school? Is there anyone you like? Puppy love is not good. Girls your age should study hard." even.

Xiaomei also remained expressionless in the face of her uncle who was obviously offline. She just twitched the corners of her mouth and continued to play with her mobile phone. She tapped the screen with both hands and typed desperately, without any intention of blending into the atmosphere.

In this regard, Wang Rihua didn't feel any embarrassment, juniors, just like this, the former Xiao Hei also had a few days of rebellious period, and it will naturally get better after a while.

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you. This is Xiao Daoist Li from Xiangtou Mountain, the one who rescued Xiao Hei when he was a child." Wang Rihua introduced to Wang Rizhu next to him.

Li Yun just smiled lightly and nodded slightly.

"Oh Daoist Li, I heard that you once saved Xiao Hei. Thank you so much. Come on, let's have a few drinks..." Wang Rizhu was a little disapproving of Li Yun's status as a Daoist, but he did not care about Li Yun's little black benefactor. His identity is gratitude from the heart, and Li Yun can feel it.

Wang Xiaomei next to her still looked indifferent, she just lowered her head to play with her mobile phone, and no matter what happened next to her, her face remained unmoved.

"It's just a little effort. At that time, Pindao didn't think much about it. He just wanted to send Xiao Hei to the hospital." Li Yun thought about the scene at that time, and felt that it was no big deal, because he was not a native of the village. It is still a bit difficult, but because of Xiao Hei's matter, Wang Rihua and the people in the village regard him as a benefactor, a good man, he has completely integrated into this place, and has taken care of him for many years, especially when he was just a Taoist priest. Aunt Zhao's family and other villagers helped her, otherwise she would be so hungry that she would faint on the top of the mountain.

A drink and a peck are all cause and effect——

"Haha, don't be so polite. You are a benefactor who saved our Xiao Hei. Come on, cheers." Wang Rizhu drank tea instead of wine, and then encouraged Wang Xiaomei who was next to him, and said, "Xiaomei, say hello."

"Don't bother me, hurry up and go home after eating." Wang Xiaomei finally became impatient, and said something directly, she still didn't raise her head, and she was still playing with her mobile phone, as if she didn't care what happened around her.

"How does this child talk?" Wang Rizhu was a little angry, why is his daughter so rebellious.

Just when he was about to get angry, his wife next to him, Han Xiao, pressed down his hand, and said persuasively: "Forget it, forget it, this is outside, give your daughter some face, children of this age are like this."

"You, it's like this every time. It's because you spoiled our daughter. This is embarrassing me outside." Wang Rizhu looked at his wife's earnest expression, and finally took a sip of the juice. This breath is suffocated.

As soon as Wang Rizhu finished speaking, Wang Xiaomei next to him muttered again: "It's so troublesome, why do you still drink full moon wine, consecrations and so on, who still believes in these things now, why don't you ask for Tarot cards?"

"Oh, I'll go, look at my temper." Wang Rizhu said angrily.

"Forget it." Han Xiao began to persuade again.

The culprit, Wang Xiaomei, was still playing happily without any fluctuations in her heart.

Li Yun, who was on the side, was speechless looking at this scene. This family has a hard-to-recite scripture.

At this time, Xiao Hei and Han Xiang who were next to him also came back.

"Hoohoo, it's really boring to play with these kids, I will definitely not play with them next time, it's really too naive, hehe."

The corners of Li Yun's mouth twitched, the words were boring, but the joy was almost written all over his face.
Hanxiang next to him was also pretending to wipe off his sweat, and then sat on Li Yun's left side with a cute face. This Xiao Hei also liked to cling to Li Yun, so he sat on Li Yun's right side.

Xiao Hei also found that his little cousin was coming, and waved hello.

However, Wang Xiaomei ignored him.
"Well, what's so interesting about mobile phones." Xiao Hei complained for a while, but didn't say much. He usually studied in junior high school in the city, and now he knows that mobile phones are something young people can't live without.

But in Xiao Hei's opinion, this is not as fun as playing mud with the children in the village.

Afterwards, Xiao Hei also looked at the main character of this full moon banquet, the child with a thick head and a thick head.
(End of this chapter)

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