Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 346, good brother, show loyalty

Chapter 346, good brother, show loyalty
The scene was distorted and changed, and it was changed to the downtown hospital, the largest and best hospital in the entire city
"Pindao and this place are really related."

The corners of Li Yun's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that he and this hospital had an unusual relationship, and that he had been here many times in various senses.

Lu Zhanfang and Zhao Yuan felt a shock, they didn't know whether they had traveled through time or what, they came to the Central Hospital even though they were still in the dark room just now.

At this time, Zhao Yuan believed it thoroughly, Li Yun in front of him was really sent by the gods to punish him
The final scene was fixed in a ward.

"This is Dad's ward? No. This is Dad's ward, but it's not Dad inside." Lu Zhanfang looked at the bed in the ward with a murmured face. The one lying on it was not his father, but pretending to be sick. Zhao Yuan, at that time, Zhao Yuan's complexion was very bad, it looked black and black, as if he was about to die, anyone would think that he was a terminally ill person at first glance.

"My wife is a nurse at the Central Hospital. At that time, we faked a serious illness with her and cheated Lu Hong of money." Zhao Yuan couldn't control his mouth again, and began to speak the truth.

Looking at Lu Hong in the illusion, Zhao Yuan desperately wanted to turn his head away, but the illusion is an illusion, whether you close your eyes or turn your eyes away, you can see that Lu Hong's face is concerned and serious, and he is determined. The firm eyes when you are determined.

Zhao Yuan felt guilty. Facing Lu Hong like this, he felt guilty.

"There is no medical record, and there is no sign, and there is no medicine, and no doctor to observe." Li Yun looked at Zhao Yuan calmly and said, "Just such a child can see the flaws of the scam, Lu Hong did not hesitate to believe your nonsense, believed your so-called serious illness, took out the money that would have been used to buy a new house and get married, and [cured your illness] for you."

Yes, Lu Hong did not hesitate, including Lu Hong's wife and Lu Zhanfang's mother, did not hesitate at all. They supported her husband's behavior and used this sum of money to treat the so-called good brother.

Lu Hong's last words before he left were to tell his good brother Zhao Yuan not to worry about money.
No matter how many times Lu Hong came to visit and how big Zhao Yuan's flaws were, he always acted as if he believed him.

Unconditional trust derived from righteousness.
"Don't show me these! Don't show me! It's all fake! It's all with special effects, I don't believe it, I don't believe it?" Zhao Yuan shook his head frantically to lie to himself, roaring hysterically.

"This is something you have experienced yourself. No matter how you deny it, these things will be deeply remembered in your own heart." Li Yun stared at the panicked Zhao Yuan and said: "Not only Lu Layman, but also more You won't, and won't, forget the money you got out of your friends by fancy tricks."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhao Yuan looked confused, obviously he had lost his conscience, and these things didn't matter to him anymore.

At this time, the scene changed again. It was the scene where those former friends and relatives came to collect debts because they owed money, and he refused to admit it. Whether he was accused in court or included in the list of dishonesty, he didn't care. He had no money. Or if you don’t have the money to pay back—even if you have money, you won’t pay it back, and you will be used to gamble, and then you will go home naked after losing.

Without a so-called brother leading the way, he would still gamble all the money left over, even without money for his own child to go to school, and let him go out to work to fend for himself after graduating from junior high school.

In the past, Zhao Yuan took it for granted, but it was not so easy to accept that all of them were presented in front of him.
The scene changed again, and the surrounding space was distorted. The scene was also in the ward, but the person lying on the bed was not Zhao Yuan, who was pretending to be sick, but Lu Hong, Lu Zhanfang's father.
In the same ward, in the same place, with different people, standing next to him was Lu Zhanfang in school uniform with a childish face, and Lu Zhanfang's mother was crying and talking nonsense.

Lying on the hospital bed was Lu Hong, an unconscious vegetative, still wearing a slightly messy shirt with blood on it.

Lu Zhanfang on the side looked at Lu Hong on the hospital bed through the illusion, and gritted his teeth.

"When I heard about the follow-up medical expenses for the first time, my mother and I were shocked. We lost our pillars and had no means to support medical expenses. We could only sell the house. My mother worked desperately. Even myself, I would go to work in my spare time. Even if the hospital knew about our situation and gave us a big discount, the medical expenses for many years were still not affordable for our two mothers and children. Our only way , is the money you owe my dad. Only in this way can we barely maintain my father's life."

Looking at Lu Hong lying on the hospital bed, with the messy shirt on his body, Zhao Yuan finally remembered that the shirt was made to order with him, and on the back, there were two large characters of "loyalty" written on the logo. shirt.

When Zhao Yuan collapsed on the ground, the illusion had dissipated, and he returned to the original starting point. In the slightly empty self-built house, under the moonlight, everything became so beautiful.

At this time, Li Yun took out a white shirt from nowhere. This white shirt looked a bit worn out. It is known that the hole was bitten by a mouse or something, but the logo of [Yi Qi] is still clearly painted on the back of the shirt. This is something that Lu Hong insists on, and something that Zhao Yuan lost.

"Remember this dress, it represents a symbol of your friendship, doesn't it?" Li Yun threw the shirt on Zhao Yuan's body indifferently, and said, "You betrayed this trust, and it is the same as the one you hated before. What is the difference between people?"

After receiving this shirt, Zhao Yuan thought of all the previous things.
Lu Hong took out the money to buy a house in order to pretend to be sick.
In order not to pay back the money and not to pay back the money, I would rather be penniless than pay back the money to distort myself
"Am I wrong?" Zhao Yuan murmured.

"At least from the point of view of the poor, you are very wrong." Li Yun looked down at Zhao Yuan, retracted the chain of his evil mirror, turned around and jumped up, and jumped onto the street lamp.

The voice became farther and farther away, leaving only one sentence floating in the night.

"Zhao Yuan, take care of yourself."

Lu Zhanfang also turned and left, chasing that figure away, no matter whether Zhao Yuan would repent because of this, he already knew the truth, the person in front of him owed 80 to his family.

Zhao Yuan was left with a dull face.

"I think it's better for me to give up thinking."

Zhao Yuan gave up thinking.
(End of this chapter)

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