Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 608, the earth is gradually waking up

Chapter 608, the earth is gradually waking up

The five small mirrors came into Li Yun's hands, and he activated his own power. Huge power visible to the naked eye radiated from the mirrors, making the five-dollar mirror look like a small mirror with neon lights, colorful beams of light Shoots everywhere.

The people around who watched this scene just smiled knowingly when they saw this scene.

"Are you a young man?"

"Yeah yeah, putting neon lights on the mirror made me laugh out loud."

"I think it's good to add some sound effects. If I were a dj, a dj, a dj, would you love me?"

Fearing that the air would suddenly be quiet, Liu Yanli and Bai Chen walked a few steps away from Li Yun in silence.

Li Yun put his hands on his forehead, although he felt ashamed, but what they said was the truth. The five yuan small mirror flickered with neon lights, and the neon lights on the plastic bottom basically meant that the manual DJ machine was not running.

"I'm going to go, do you have to use this kind of swinging neon light? I remember you don't have to play like this."

【This will make me look cheaper.】

It was you who won my sister.
The power of swinging the DJ Kunlun mirror wrapped Li Yun and others, and their thoughts were directly connected to the big tree.

Walk into the memory of this piece of land.
The clear blue sky, the earth without any pollution, the clarity makes people enchanted.

Not at the temple fair, Li Yun and others appeared in a lush grove.

"The earth is a very wonderful thing. One side of water and soil nourishes one side of people. Then, what kind of concept is a side of water and soil?" Li Yun tapped the ground with his hands, and the moist soil and the fragrance of vegetation all appeared before his eyes. .

This is memory, the memory of the land that is gradually waking up, completely different from human memory, as if you have traveled through time.

"Have we time-traveled? Damn." Liu Yanli was startled, the first thing she did was to find out if she had gold fingers or something like that on her body.

Bai Chen on the side looked amused, and said, "It's very similar to Lolicon, I think the first thing to do after coming to the new world is to see if there are any plug-ins on your body, what the hell do you think you are a 24-set genius? Those who choose, you can travel through it casually."

"Isn't it time travel?" Liu Yanli felt dull.

Bai Chen explained to Liu Yanli, probably everyone present had fallen into a dream.

"The big dream of yellow beams, Zhuang Zhou's dream of butterflies, immortals can be born in this painting, so why not in this dream? In other words, what is the difference between this place and the real world for us today? Land, this is [Reality], if the people here are conscious and able to communicate, then this is the real world." Bai Chen, who was at the side, said with a philosopher's expression, his eyes were full of wisdom that shouldn't be there .

In this piece of land, little Su Li turned back into a little fox, and immediately returned to the most familiar place. A little head poked out of Li Yun's arms. The only regret was that the little fox's tail couldn't be transformed here. Nine tails supported Li Yun's belly, which looked like a beer belly.

Fortunately, it’s not the real world, otherwise Li Yun felt that he would not only be placed in [Scum Taoist who married early and had children] [Trendist who plays DJ mirror], but also [Uncle troubled by obesity and beer belly] and so on. title.

The picture is too beautiful, Li Yun dare not think about it.


An old cow blew, and the ox pulled a pear cart and drove past. An old man in a cloth shirt was driving the cart, singing a song from a long time ago in a language that Li Yun could not understand.

"Hey, young man, let me ask you something. I know Xiao Yan, the strongest fighting emperor in the world." Liu Yanli wanted to show off her language knowledge, and greeted her with the same accent and language, but she was ignored The old man continued to sing simple folk songs and drove the old cow.

"After all, you can only realize what has happened. You can touch and feel, but you can't change anything after all." Li Yun murmured, looking up at the sky, thinking about the memory of this land hundreds of years ago, can you see To the cultivators flying to the sky and the earth, such as the uncle of the Demon Sect and the little girl of the righteous way, who fell in love with the little girl of the righteous way, and were forced to fall off the cliff in the end, and he could laugh at him ruthlessly, anyway, it all happened.

"The malice on your body is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye." Liu Yanli squinted her eyes and looked at Li Yun.

At this time Li Yun could only smile innocently, refused to admit it, and followed the old man.

The settlement is a small settlement, farming and weaving, and contented. Everyone wears coarse linen clothes with extremely low productivity, but the smile that is purely natural on the face cannot be changed.

At the entrance of the village, there is a big black dog with smooth fur like satin. It just stares at Li Yun's side, as if it can see everyone standing here. Unlike ordinary black dogs, that wise dog The eyes looked exactly like human beings, full of calm and wisdom.

However, soon, this big black dog continued to walk as if he hadn't seen anything, and walked on the path at the entrance of the village without his owner following him. It can be described as "dragon walking and tiger walking", yes A flirtatious dog, even walking like a wind, can't be provoked.

However, no one except Li Yun noticed this big black dog.

"Is it my illusion? That black dog can see us?" Li Yun frowned, looking around, including the non-burnable garbage, Bai Chen, who was watching the tour, and didn't notice the big black dog at all.

In the end, Li Yun just took it as his own illusion.
"Small settlements develop into villages, villages eventually develop into towns, from towns develop into prosperous towns, and maybe eventually become big cities, just like Shenzhen." Liu Yanli looked at the poverty in front of her, and thought again Think of the bustling scene at the temple fair.

However, the price of living a better life is that the town is not as fresh and lush as it is now. It is better to live in a steel jungle or in a primitive and natural society. Li Yun doesn't know, and he won't comment, everyone has their own way of life.

At this time, a kid wearing coarse linen clothes came out of a small room next to him, his whole body was dirty, he looked like he was less than ten years old, and his face was tanned.

The child planted a small seed in the ground.

The seeds of the phoenix tree take root and germinate under the water of time.
This is the very beginning, the story of sycamore wood here.

At this time, an old man came out from the grass. The old man had a white face and no beard. He was wearing a sky crown and a blue and white Taoist robe. He looked happy and followed a big black dog.

The old man came out and patted the child's head, and continued humming a little tune while leading the big black dog away, just passing by forcefully.


Li Yun almost spat out a mouthful of old water, and everyone present was stunned by the reaction.

"Fuck you, old Li, spit your hair out."

"If my dog's eyes are not blind." Li Yun looked at the old man's back, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "The old man, why does he look exactly like the old man Xuan Daozi?"

Old man Xuan Daozi?

Han Xiang was the first to react, and said, "Old man Xuan Daozi, isn't this your adoptive father, brother?"

The old man Xuan Daozi, Li Yun has a deep attachment to this old man who raised him. When the world is so big and he wants to see it, Li Yun also thinks that he can come back soon to see how his Taoist temple is now being run. The scene at the present scale.

No matter what kind of person you become, it is always the most beautiful to be praised by your parents, including Li Yun. When the old man Xuan Daozi came back, he could say in a wet tone [Now I am the real big brother] wet! ] and the like.

But now I saw the old man Xuan Daozi, in the memory of the small town - the memory of hundreds of years ago.

Although Xuan Daozi in the memory of this land looks younger, Li Yun can be [-]% sure that this is the one who raised him.

"Your father? Are you sure? They look exactly the same?" Bai Chen frowned. He knew that Li Yun had an adoptive father.

Li Yun nodded: "I wasn't sure before, but after he just smiled, I knew it was definitely him. When he discovered the study materials I hid under the bed, he scolded me, and then he himself That’s the expression on your face when you take it to look at it.”

Li Yun tried to stand next to the children, imitating Xuan Daozi's actions just now, looking far away, and sure enough, he could see here that there were big girls and young wives taking a bath in the creek in the distance.

It is definitely the old man Xuan Daozi, Li Yun can be sure and sure, this is not running away, the posture and demeanor are the same, the sullen expression after seeing the welfare.

"Your adoptive father is not a cultivator. When the main body of this system was killed by you, it can be confirmed that there is no trace of the spiritual sea. It is an ordinary Taoist temple." The system is full of doubts.

If it wasn't a cultivator, how could it be possible to live so long? Is it the second generation of murlocs blessed by Kongtong Seal like Fathead Fish?
Thinking of Li Yun, he shuddered. If his adoptive father was Fathead Yu, then wouldn't he have some kind of relative relationship with Fathead Yuliu Yanli? Thinking that he might be a relative of Fathead Yu, just thinking about it made his liver tremble from the bottom of his heart .

"Why do you feel that I was shot while lying down?" Liu Yanli asked in amazement.

"No, it's just that I'm thinking about some terrible possibilities, but now that I think about it, it seems unlikely. After all, the old man is quite poor." Li Yun thinks it's unlikely. So poor, the matter of money can be solved by crying.

Li Yun thought about it for a while. He originally thought that his old man really wanted to look around because the world is so big, but now it seems that it may not be that simple, and there may be more profound reasons.

At this time, the figure of the old man Xuan Daozi gradually faded away, and soon disappeared from the memory of this land. An old dog, a veteran, wandered around the world.

Even the illusion created by this piece of land disappeared.

"We can only think about it later." Li Yun squinted his eyes and looked at the old man's back, feeling a little happy in his heart.

After all, it feels good to be able to see family members who left on a long trip again.

The illusions flow, the village is still the same village, the seeds have become saplings, the children have become youths, holding a girl by the hand, and this little girl is the child of the youth.

The two came out to water the sapling. While watering, the little girl put a stone under the sapling, folded her hands together, and the smile on her little face betrayed her thoughts.

She was praying, making a wish on this little sapling, using stones.

The dream disappears, the youth is gone, the little girl has grown into a big girl, the little sycamore tree has not changed, it just grows a little taller.

The vicissitudes of life are just a moment for a tree.

Li Yun was not surprised that the young man was not here. At that time, medical conditions and food were the biggest enemies of ordinary people. Even the average life expectancy of princes and nobles was much lower than it is now, let alone small villages.

Even in fertile lands, the average life expectancy is only middle-aged.

The eldest girl and the people in the village buried the former youth under the sycamore tree that has not yet grown up.

The sycamore tree has grown into a big tree, and the little girl has also become an old girl. Compared with the youth, the old girl has lived longer and can still bring her children and grandchildren under the big tree with a stick.

The children and grandchildren piled stones under the sycamore tree, prayed quietly, and placed their wishes on the trees. Later, more and more people followed the example of this family, placing their wishes on the stones and placing them on the sycamore tree. under the wood.

Later, everyone had sustenance to this sycamore tree, and more and more people began to worship this sycamore tree, respect him, and respect this tree planted by the previous generation.

The old girl died, and the young man and the young girl continued to take care of the sycamore tree.

Everyone respects sycamore, but there is only one child who does not respect sycamore. No matter what the adults say, he will run to the tree, drill holes, climb branches, and pick branches. To sycamore, he does all kinds of evil.

But this child's love for sycamore wood is also from the heart.

Like the boy who planted this tree, there was a shallow scar on his forehead. At this time, this scar had turned into a birthmark and merged with the bear child.

"The fate is beyond words." Bai Chen couldn't help but said, no matter how he looked at it, he could tell that this brat was a tree-planting kid in his previous life.

The tree planted by playing around has grown into a big tree that can provide shade for future generations.

"Yeah, the fate is wonderful"

Li Yun continued to watch the brat tossing the trees.

The bear child grew up and became an older child, and the older child became an old child, cleaning up fallen leaves for Him every autumn.

Autumn is gone, and old children are gone like fallen leaves——

The new child, accompany this big tree, and accompany him through the four seasons of the year.

Spring goes and autumn comes, year after year.

The settlement became a village, the village became a town, and finally a bustling town.

Only the person who planted him is still by his side
Sweep the fallen leaves for him and take care of him until the end of his life.

Even though the small sycamore tree has been regarded as a sacred tree that protects the earth, the original aspiration of the youth has not changed, no matter how many times, it has not changed.

(End of this chapter)

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