Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 647 Of course I chose to forgive him... no wonder

Chapter 647, of course I chose to forgive him. No wonder

In the dim dark Internet cafe, there was the sound of keyboard tapping one after another. Three 17-year-old high school teenagers skipped class as usual, playing games to their heart's content in the private room.

"Damn, you cheat, you cheat your teammates every time, can you be a little bit more stupid." Zhou Hongze threw the cigarette butt on Xie Dawei's head, although Xie Dawei looked very angry, but There is no refutation, this time it is indeed that I am too foolish.

"I, my pot, my pot, I'm a little tired from playing the machine all night"

"Didn't you feel tired playing with women all night a few days ago?" Zhou Hongze sneered.

The three of them are used to the feeling of not going back to school for two days. Anyway, their parents don't care about themselves.

In their view, the biggest punishment in this world is being beaten and scolded by their parents, but as long as they don't go home, they won't be beaten and scolded, and they can escape punishment, which is very simple logic.

While continuing to type, Wu Xianzhang looked at the screen cursingly.

"The other side is still trolling us, some kind of letters will be hacked." Wu Xianzhang was so violent that he typed on the public frequency on the spot, and the other side also insulted him to the fullest. Talking about trolls, these little guys made Wu Xianzhang smash this black Internet cafe on the spot keyboard.

With a clacking sound, the Internet cafe brothers around here didn't want to have anything to do with this irritable child, and they all hurriedly got off the plane and left, for fear that the keyboard would hit their heads.

"Cao Nima, what are you doing!" The owner of the black Internet cafe was not happy when he heard that the keyboard was smashed, so he took a broom to catch the little bastard on the spot.

"Small it, smash it, who the hell are you!"

Wu Xianzhang was also unambiguous, he just punched the boss of the black Internet cafe on the spot, and the owner of the black Internet cafe was stunned. In the end, the more he punched, the more angry he became, and the anger of being sprayed by the sprayer behind the keyboard was all on the boss of the black Internet cafe.

In the end, a bright knife was pulled out. Thanks to the timely response of the boss, he jumped like a rabbit and ran out of his Internet cafe.


The knife pierced the wall, creating a crack. Wu Xianzhang was serious just now, and really wanted to stab the knife on the owner of the Internet cafe.

Seeing the owner of the black Internet cafe who ran away, Wu Xianzhang smiled happily. He didn't catch up and laughed: "Haha, look at that coward, he runs like a rabbit, what an idiot. Weak, really too weak."

Xie Dawei and Zhou Hongze were bored playing games, so they stood up, went to the counter of the Internet cafe owner, and took out all the banknotes inside, large and small, so that they could go to the next place to spend money.

Everyone in the Internet cafe scattered like birds and beasts, running faster than the journalists in the district. For a while, the entire black Internet cafe became as empty as the police had been.

After finishing these things, the three of them had a sense of accomplishment, which was as addictive as tobacco.

These days, all three are like a dream.

Things that I didn't dare to do before are all done now, things that were taboo before, things that were banned before
Some things are really more exciting than fighting
For example, stabbing a knife into the flesh and blood.

The three of them walked on the street majestically, among them Xie Dawei couldn't help but said.

"Brother, we haven't had it for three days. What do you think, should we find a new target? The money is not enough for us to play for a few days, how about... let's do a big one?"

"Yeah, we had a big meal before, and I can't forget it now." Wu Xianzhang couldn't help it, he had already reacted, the bloody and refreshing pleasure made him unable to stop, and made him sink.

So what if he knew it would land him in jail or some other, more horrific reprisal?In their view, people should live in the present moment, and every second of being happy now is a second.

After hearing the words of his two brothers, the string of rationality in Zhou Hongze's heart broke instantly. He originally wanted to keep a low profile for a while, but now it seems...
"Let's go. Let's do it once. It doesn't matter, right, it doesn't matter." Zhou Hongze immediately blushed when he thought of the landlord's fat aunt's daughter, that elementary school girl.

Like the other two, he can't control himself now, and urgently needs a target object to vent his desire.

Looking around, it has almost entered the night. Although it can't be said that there are many women at night, there are also many women walking along the street at this time.

The three scattered, looked around, and soon found a target, a little girl who was wearing a factory uniform to get off work, she looked about 18 years old and just came of age.

After talking on the phone and notifying each other, they followed the little girl who just got off work, and the three of them were in charge of three directions to see if she had anyone with her.

Passing through a secluded alley, I followed in front of a rental house.
The lights in the rental house are dim, and the owner did not turn on the lights in order to save electricity.

An uncle also wearing a factory uniform opened the door: "Daughter, you are home, how is your work today?"

"It's so-so, it's okay, I finished a little more today, and the supervisor rewarded me with a roasted duck rice, it's delicious." The little girl waved the roasted duck rice in her hand as if showing off.

"Mom must be very happy to hear that you are so competitive... I will also burn a copy for her tonight, hehehe."

The spiritual seat of the little girl's mother is not far from the gate.
Looking at this happy scene, Zhou Hongze and others felt strong jealousy in their hearts for some reason.

Why. Why can she be happy.
Obviously we are so unlucky
There is no happy family, only parents who beat and scold at every turn.
How on earth can she have these
All three of them took out the small knives pinned to their waists, and aggressively moved towards the happy couple.

"Kill the man and keep the woman. I'll have to fuck her for three days and three nights."

Just as the three of them were advancing, a Dao number was chanted.

"Heavenly Rescue Immeasurable Suffering."

"Everything is happening, Qi."

For the three of them, time seemed to be frozen, and everything around them began to blur.

The surrounding space began to gradually distort.

"Woo what's going on?" Zhou Hongze felt his head in a trance for a while, and after recovering, he found himself in an empty place, which was very strange and cold.

After standing up, he found that this was a large abandoned factory building. He used to like to come to this kind of place to invite fights and abuse girls. No adults would disturb them, and no one dared to come.

Xie Dawei and Wu Xianzhang were lying beside him, Zhou Hongze kicked them awake without saying a word.

After waking up, Xie Dawei shook his head dizzily, and said, "Strange. Where is this place? Why am I here? Who caught me?"

"Why did you arrest us? What are you trying to do? Besides, we weren't tied up. Could it be for a prank?" Wu Xianzhang looked around, only to feel that the force was empty, and the gate was not far from here. It would be useless to go out directly. Not much effort.

Zhou Hongze shook his head and said, "Maybe the owner of the Internet cafe was the one who made us feel ashamed, but he followed us up and attacked us and threw us here for such a shameless thing. He didn't dare to challenge us one-on-one. He must call someone to do it." This kind of dirty thing."

The other two made sense after thinking about it. They must have been tied up by the owner of the Internet cafe, Wu Xianzhang licked his lips and said fiercely.

"That bastard is finished. I'll go back and let his family know why the flowers are so red." Wu Xianzhang reached out and took out his trouser belt. With the small knife on his body, Wu Xianzhang had nothing to be afraid of. up.

Xie Dawei and Zhou Hongze also touched their waistbands, and found that the knives were all there, and they were all swollen.

"Haha, even if the police come, I'm not afraid. I'm still afraid that the owner of the Internet cafe is that woman. It's a pity. I was going to have a big meal tonight, but I didn't make it and was thrown into the barren mountains." Zhou Hongze complained, thinking To take the younger brothers out of the factory, and then go to find new targets.

A few people patted the dirt on their bodies and continued walking, not to mention how depressed they were when they were caught.

After walking for almost half a minute, I still haven't walked out of the gate, as if I was only one step away forever.

"Brother, why do you feel something is wrong?" Wu Xianzhang said suspiciously.

Xie Dawei next to him was in a cold sweat. It had to be said that the situation in front of him was a bit weird for him. There was an endless road, and the cold air around him made the hairs all over his body stand on end.

Only Zhou Hongze thought it was no big deal, and said with a sneer, "It doesn't matter if he is a ghost or some kind of trick, as long as someone dares to hack him."

Just as Hong Ze finished speaking this week, bursts of voices came from beside him.
【I hate.】

【Return my life.】

The pale-skinned woman crawled out from the depths of the factory building, like a vengeful evil spirit crawling out of the abyss, full of terror.

Wu Xianzhang, who was strong outside but weak in the middle, was already scared to pee, and could only wave the small knife in his hand with trembling mouth in order to protect himself, and Xie Dawei next to him was not much better.

Only Zhou Hongze remained calm, looking at his former teacher in front of him.

"Hmph, I'm not afraid of you when I'm alive, but I'm still afraid of you when I'm dead? Go to hell~!" Zhou Hongze looked at the woman who was approaching gradually, and had a bold idea in his heart.

The small knife swung around, and the woman was cut into two clouds of smoke, as if she had never appeared before.

"Haha, I'm just pretending, you two are so scared." Zhou Hongzhang looked at his two younger brothers triumphantly.

Xie Dawei and Wu Xianzhang were still very scared, while Xie Dawei pointed at Zhou Hongze tremblingly and said, "Boss. Boss two. Two."

Zhou Hongze froze for a moment, turned around, and saw the two halves of mist wriggling slowly, and turned into two identical people, walking slowly towards him, still chanting the [Pain] 】【Suffering】【Hatred】.

Without further ado, Zhou Hongze went down again.

Divide into four
Four into eight.

No matter how many times it is cut off, more shadows will be born
These shadows include not only teachers, but also students who were beaten up by them, girls who were raped by them, and even disabled veterans who lived in alleys for them to beat and scold for fun
"Please, forgive us, we are just delusional." Xie Dawei immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, and Wu Xianzhang next to him also followed suit.

"Tell me! Who is playing tricks, you come out to me! It's a kind of one-on-one! This kind of woman, if you show me out ten thousand times, I will kill her first! Playing tricks, there is a kind of one-on-one !"

Zhou Hongze waved the knife in his hand, and his irritable voice echoed in the empty factory building.

Unlike Wu Xianzhang and Xie Dawei's false confession, Zhou Hongze didn't even bother to make a formal regret.

At this time, the surrounding fog began to dissipate, and the four phantoms had disappeared.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, Pindao thought you were just fascinated by ghosts for a while, but Pindao was completely wrong. It is just the most fundamental malice of human nature. There is no possibility of communication and no language. This is the purest villain. "

Misty voices echoed in the workshop, and as soon as they heard someone's voice, Xie Dawei and Wu Xianzhang immediately got courageous, stood up and shouted: "Fuck, dare to scare me, you come out to single out from the bottom of your heart! Come on! You There is a seed! I will not tear you apart!"

The air suddenly twisted, and a figure in a blue and white Taoist robe walked out of it. Li Yun looked at the three children who were obviously underage indifferently.

Yes, it is a child, still wearing a high school uniform, with strangely dyed hair, fierce eyes, no human emotions in it, only the most primitive desires and murderous desires, he is the top bear child and The dangerous product of the combination of small gangsters, a person who is stupid, bad, and desperate.
"Grass" Wu Xianzhang was so irritable that he slashed at Li Yun with a knife without saying a word.


A knife was slashed on the metal, and the black chain of the evil mirror shot out from behind Li Yun, and directly wrapped around the three people. The black breath eroded into their bodies, and the memories belonging to them were forcibly analyzed by Li Yun. Rough spiritual power was toying with their bodies, forcibly extracting their memories.

These three boys are also poor people. Li Yun can see that the reason why the three people's personalities are like this is caused by their parents. They grew up in an environment of violence, alcohol, tobacco, and domestic violence. As a matter of course, the three of them were educated to be the same person.

Alcoholism, bullying, fights, and more nasty acts of violence were presented to them.

"Why...why do you want me to recall these things?" Zhou Hongze curled up on the ground, trying not to think about these things. He looked like a poor guy, and the two people next to him were similar.

The pain that has long been forgotten in the depths of memory.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun sighed softly with pity on his face: "Poor people must have something to hate."

"Well, it's strange—"

(End of this chapter)

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