Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 666, Dad Loves You Again

Chapter 666, Dad loves you again

"This is the school where my father taught before the school, and it is also the school where I once attended." Xu Changshan looked at the words [Guangtan Middle School] in front of him with a complicated expression.

This integrated middle school and high school, Xu Changshan himself once studied in this school, and his feelings for this school are not uncomplicated—even if he didn't drop out, Xu Changshan felt that he might not even be able to pass the college entrance examination based on his grades.

In his alma mater, Xu Changshan endured so much that he couldn't take it anymore and dropped out of school instead of continuing his studies.

"Actually, you are still not sure whether your father really committed murder. After all, for ordinary people, seeing is not as good as seeing. After all, you should believe what you see with your own eyes. Who knows, people who are usually gentle and gentle will No way." Li Yun continued to walk in the school. The people in the school seemed to be unable to see the two of them. An adult with a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right walked with a Taoist priest. He was afraid that he would be stopped by the big security guard at the door. .

Regarding Li Yun's question, Xu Changshan didn't deny it, nor did he affirm it. He just changed the subject and said, "Is this place fake? How do you feel?"

Xu Changshan murmured, touching the wall, the sense of reality told him that everything here is real.

Since it's real it's absolutely impossible
"I clearly remember that this place has been remodeled. After the incident happened ten years ago...but why is this place exactly the same as before? Is this impossible?"

Li Yun smiled without saying a word.

This is ten years ago, and it is the characteristic of the Kunlun mirror, which can periodically take people back and forth between [the past] and [the present] at singular points that do not know the principle.

The time of the shuttle is uncertain by the Kunlun mirror, or even he himself does not understand when he will take who he will travel through.

Obviously, what is in front of you is the school ten years ago, before the renovation——

"At the beginning of human beings, nature is good. Sex is similar, but desire is far away."

The voices of the primary school department and the junior high school department recited.

The school is very quiet, but also very loud, there is no messy sound, only the sound of students studying hard, and the voice of youthful heart.

"This...is not the current school. It was the school you...brought me here"

Xu Changshan misses it a bit, even though he is a scumbag, he still misses that time, the heavy rain that he missed in those years, the love that he missed in those years, like hugging her, the courage that he missed.

At this time, Xu Changshan blindly followed Li Yun in the school, approaching a certain classroom step by step in the corridor.

When approaching, Xu Changshan became timid and stopped, unable to go out no matter what.

"How?" Li Yun turned around and asked.

"Don't dare."

"Don't dare to face your father?"


Xu Changshan did not deny that even though his father had passed away for many years, his mood still did not change much.

Terrified of the man who is stern and has no tenderness whatsoever.

The so-called rebellion is just a means to cover up one's fear.

"Don't be afraid, sometimes you need to see it with your own eyes to be sure of something."

After hesitating for a while, Xu Changshan finally stepped out.

In the classroom, that familiar yet unfamiliar face came into view.

Fang Zheng's big face is upright and a bit harsh, and the hanging eyebrows passed down in the same vein make people feel scared instinctively. He is a very traditional head teacher image, and he looks like he can work as a part-time dean.

I feel so nostalgic
Just when Xu Changshan felt a little nostalgic, Xu Changqing on the podium suddenly shouted: "Listen carefully in class, don't talk!"

call out--

A piece of chalk directly hit the student in the last row
This student has dyed yellow hair. At first glance, he looks like a unique [boss] person in the class. Under normal circumstances, he is the kind who will never obey discipline.

Touching his forehead, his face was ferocious, and sure enough, the disobedient boss stood up immediately.

"How dare you throw me away? You are courting death!"

"How about I just leave you?" Xu Changqing said coldly.

"Believe it or not!" The yellow-haired man immediately stood up and stared at Xu Changqing aggressively.

Xu Changqing looked straight at this thorny head without any fear.

Teaching director + class teacher + fierce angry eyes with a Chinese character face.
At the beginning, the yellow hair was quite fierce.
After a while, Huang Mao's eyes dodged a little.
In the end, Huang Mao was defeated, and he was ashamed to stare.

After a while, Huang Mao sat down, and said sullenly: "What do you care about, what is there to care about, can you take care of me playing with my own? The previous teachers didn't care about mine."

"The former teacher didn't care about you, I don't know, but in my class, I just care! Whether you have good grades or poor grades, you must follow my requirements, no matter what the result is, it doesn't matter." Xu Changqing looked pale Looking at Huang Mao solemnly and mightily, he said, "No matter what the result is, I will never let you fall behind during the process. Just give up."

"Even my parents don't care about me, can you still control us? Does it make sense?" The yellow-haired boy said again, but his face was already a little shaken.

Xu Changshan knew this kind of wavering. Not many people would take care of those who were abandoned by the class or the head teacher, and not many people wanted to take care of them.

Letting them fend for themselves is basically what most people do, including parents.
At this time, Xu Changqing on the podium slapped the table, which startled everyone in the class.

Even Huang Mao was stunned by this reshoot by Xu Changqing.

"I have a child who is a little bit older than you." Xu Changqing said calmly, "He is just like you. He wears strange clothes, dyes his hair, and his words do not respect others, let alone me as a father."

"But I love him very much."

The students were in an uproar, never expecting that the head teacher with a fierce face would say such a thing.

"Perhaps you think that if I look like this, I will hate such students. In fact, I want them to understand one thing. The important thing is the process, not the result. Even if you lose in the end, it is an honorable defeat. Work hard. You are the same, and so are my children." Xu Changqing looked at Huang Mao, and everyone present said: "Today is the second day of school, and I will watch you grow up the same way I look at my own children. Urge you to grow. Witness your future, and you too, pick up the book quickly, now, it's not too late."

After finishing speaking, Xu Changqing continued to give lectures, and the yellow hair in the back row didn't make trouble, but silently picked up the book.

He started to attend the class, this bastard character who had been ignored by the teacher before the class was assigned began to attend the class.

At this time, Xu Changshan remembered who this person was. During the high school entrance examination, this person did not have the best grades, but he was the one who improved the fastest. He was used by the school as a typical speech on stage.
From the bottom of the grade to the upper middle of the grade, it's just because of some words.

Xu Changshan was crying.

I really cried, the first time I heard my father say he loves his children.
"thank you"

Unlike Xu Changshan, Li Yun set his eyes on another place.

It was sitting in the corner, a thin girl with hair covering her whole face.
"Do you want to tell him personally?" Li Yun said.

"No. I'm satisfied to see him in real life again, why should I ask for more, besides, after so many years, he definitely doesn't know me anymore." Xu Changshan wiped away his tears and smiled sincerely out.

Haven't smiled like this for many years
The time became unstable, and the time nodes of the Kunlun Mirror's random opening began to disappear.

The boundaries of space and time began to blur again.

Jingle bells—the sound of the end of get out of class rang.

After dragging the classroom for 5 minutes, Xu Changqing finally left the classroom and walked towards his office.

There were no other teachers to say hello along the way, and almost all the teachers didn't like him very much because of his overly rigid personality.
But Xu Changqing didn't care.

Li Yun lifted Xu Changshan's invisibility.

Beyond time and space, the two father and son finally meet.

Xu Changqing was a little dazed, looking at the green dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right in front of him, he was not a young man who looked like a stubble.

"You are."

"I" Xu Changshan didn't know why he was suddenly seen again, or because he met his long-gone father.

Facing his father who hadn't spoken for a long time, Xu Changshan blocked his mouth and couldn't speak at all
Suddenly, Xu Changshan thought of something, and wanted to tell the news that Xu Changqing would be framed in the future.

But just as he was about to say it, his mouth was blocked by something unknown.

It was very congested, the whole throat seemed to be choked, and the mouth was gagged, and the feeling of suffocation lingered in Xu Changshan's heart instantly.

Unable to speak.

"What's wrong with you? Do you want to take you to the infirmary?" Xu Changqing couldn't help asking when he saw Xu Changshan's distress.

In the end, Xu Changshan calmed down, with a complicated expression, knowing what he was going through now, it is impossible to tell the whole thing.

Time began to distort, and Xu Changshan, a layman, knew that his magical journey might be coming to an end
Is there anything else we can do before it's over
"Father Teacher Xu, I have to tell you something." Xu Changshan took a deep breath and said seriously: "Your son has never hated you. He has always loved you very much from before to now. I love you and trust you so much.”

After Xu Changshan finished speaking, he turned and left, quickly disappeared into the corner, only Xu Changqing who was holding the textbook was left standing there blankly.

After a long time, Xu Changqing smiled happily, and walked back to the office with a lighter pace.

Since then, there has been such a legend circulating on campus
On this day, the [Iron-faced Tiger] in the school laughed from the bottom of his heart for the first time.
"Grass Nima!"

"you're disgusting."

"Come to play truth or dare, the loser will play tricks on her."

The girl with bangs covering her entire forehead silently reads a book in the classroom, thus becoming the object of jokes by the boys around her.

If it is said that gangsters can repent, but this phenomenon can't be stopped, there will always be some people who bully someone in the class.

Everywhere -

And this girl faced the bullying of the boys around her, and her coping methods were very ordinary. Sometimes she smiled, and sometimes she replied that she should not keep making fun of herself.

It's just that the joke is still on her.

"Campus bullying is everywhere." Li Yun sighed softly.

"The law of the jungle is the nature of living beings. In the social group structure, the lowest structure is always the object of resistance and the object of other people's release of pressure. This situation has no choice but to bear it." The system said lightly. .

This girl is the same, silently bearing the pressure from [joking], some jokes are even too much, but this girl still doesn't have any intention of resisting, or she will be labeled as "can't make a joke" after resisting label, instantly reduced to the situation of being excluded.

Being excluded is more terrifying than being bullied, at least someone will be able to notice your existence when you are bullied.

"By the way, what is your house doing?"

"My family is in business"

"What about your family?"

"By the way, Wenqian's house seems to be"

"Wen Qian"

"I don't know either. It seems to be selling pork and setting up a street stall. I saw her and her father set up a stall last time. Her body smelled like pork."

"Hey, how disgusting~ pigs are so cute, how can they kill pigs?"

Discussions sounded one after another, not loudly, but they could reach Wen Qian's ears, and Wen Qian pretended not to care, so she couldn't hear these voices, but her trembling hands and simple math problems that she did wrong had already betrayed him. mood.

Wen Qian was very disturbed, she was afraid.

Fear of being excluded.

Fear of being despised.

Fear of losing even the state of being bullied.

All I want is to be noticed
At this moment, the shadow of a blue and white Taoist appeared in front of Wen Qian, and only she could see it.

His eyes were neither happy nor sad, and his temperament was deep, like a fairy god in charge of the law descending to earth, as if standing there, he was the only one in the whole world.


Soon, the figure of the Taoist disappeared completely, turning into a light smoke and drifting away, bringing nothing and taking nothing away.

Only Wen Qian was left with a confused face and trembling hands.

She knew she wasn't delusional, and she knew she wasn't hallucinating.

The one in front of him was indeed a fairy in a blue and white Taoist robe, who suddenly appeared in front of him, and then disappeared suddenly.

Jingling, the class bell rang, and Xu Changqing, a Chinese teacher, came into the classroom with light steps and a smile on his face, as if he had experienced something happy.

After the teacher arrived, the students all returned to their seats, listening to the class obediently, like obedient babies.

After experiencing Huangmao's incident, everyone's evaluation of Xu Changqing has risen by N grades.

"Ahem, today I'm going to tell you some extracurricular knowledge. It's about a poem by Li Bai. I think it's very good. I can share it with you."

"Baiyujing in the sky, twelfth floor and five cities. Immortals caress my top, tie my hair and receive longevity."

"The fairy caresses my head, and my hair will be immortal," Wen Qian murmured.

I just saw it myself.
Is it really a fairy?
(End of this chapter)

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