Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 711, Sage Mode

Chapter 711, Sage Mode

"The exorcism ceremony in some places is probably to eliminate the resentment, let the resentment be assimilated by emotion, and lose the resentment, it will no longer be called a resentment." The system said: "The existence of such a collection of resentment , There will be no chance of reincarnation when you die, and you can actually have the courage to commit suicide, admiration, I thought it would be a symbolic resistance."

"He just got what he didn't get before, and he left contentedly. This result is not bad." Li Yun withdrew the Zhanxin Sword, his dream was shattered, and he was ejected from Qiu Yuling's dream.

Everything returned to the original state, the corpse was still the corpse, Qiu Yuling was still Qiu Yuling, the fetus in the womb no longer moved, and fell asleep, waiting for the next birth, unaware that he was just wandering crazily on the verge of dying .

At this time, Qiu Yuling's eyes were closed tightly, and she was sleeping in the hall, with tears running across her eyes.

she cried.

Cry for not being able to save the poor child.

Neither Bai Chen nor Li Yun woke her up, but asked Bai Chen to put a protective barrier on her, so that no one would disturb her until she woke up.

Qiu Yuling needs a sweet dream to soothe her soul
"I found this in the room." Bai Chen took out a scale-like thing from his crotch.

Red like fire, like blood.

Under normal circumstances, it is considered to be a treasure of heaven and earth, but there is no energy source escaping from it, and it is no different from ordinary waste.

"This is the [possession] of the baby's wraith, relying on him to persevere until now."

It was harder than steel, and the sword slashed with all its strength, without leaving a single scratch on it.

"Damn it, why did you think of cutting with a sword in the first place?" Bai Chen felt that Li Yun's first reaction was full of flaws, normal people wouldn't think so, okay?

Li Yun shook his head, put away the sword, picked up the red scales and said.

"I just don't know why, but I want to try to chop with a sword. Should it be an instinctive reaction?"

Li Yun also felt that his reaction was very strange.

Just like encountering mosquitoes in summer, most people's subconscious reaction is to slap them, and Li Yun himself is no exception.

Fuck him, God has the virtue of being good at life, all things are equal, mosquitoes must die——

The same is true for this scale.

Li Yun subconsciously thought of summoning Bai Chen, and slashed the thing with his knife.

It feels like this thing has to be killed.

The instinct to slay demons?
Li Yun was in a daze, where did he get the instinct to slay demons and eliminate demons, the [demons] he encountered seemed to be no real bad guys
Thinking of this, I came to my senses and switched to chopping with the Heart Sword. If I used Bai Chen to chop, I guess the scale would have to be sacrificed with honor.
"It's time to play your profound posture. What is this thing, what is its name, and where does it come from?"

"It should be the scales of some kind of monster. As for what kind of monster it is, I also have a feeling." Bai Chen knocked his head, looked at the scales and said, "Me too. I have seen this thing before, but I forgot. No, it's not that I forgot, someone made me forget, my memory is missing. No. It's not. It's not missing, it's a memory that didn't exist in the first place. What the hell am I thinking?"

Bai Chen felt a little confused in his head, as if he had forgotten something.

He seemed to remember something again.

Skull pain.

A long-lost memory.
Blurred and clear.

"No, it's impossible"




"Turning the negative emotions of the body into monsters and cutting them is the way of the Pandaren."

Ada stood under the waterfall with one foot, his eyes closed, and he felt Xiongsheng.

Liu Yanli on the side watched Ada's martial arts training process while catching fish.

After observing for an hour, Liu Yanli finally couldn't take it anymore, and complained: "Damn, you do such a thing in one day? It's too awesome. Don't you feel bored?"

"Understanding the principles of nature in peace and tranquility is the martial art of pandaren." After a moment of awe, Ada said cutely: "This is what the master said."

"I don't know what it means to be naughty." Liu Yanli really felt confused.

Ah Da grinned, walked out of the waterfall, came to Liu Yanli's side, and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Come, let you see and see."

In an instant, Liu Yanli felt her head was clear.

A small black fish was expelled from the body.

It seems true and false, as real as it is illusory.

Ah Da casually photographed these little black fishes, and Liu Yanli felt that her mood improved a lot.

Quiet, peaceful, suddenly surprised: "What's going on?"

"Anger, hatred, despair, doubt, pride, tyranny, fear, these elements make up the negative emotions of living beings, and these are your negative emotions." Ada smiled slightly: "At the same time, unless you defeat them, otherwise, these Negative emotions will come and go.”

"Didn't you kill them just now? Then did I defeat them?" Liu Yanli felt very miraculous, and the sense of despair and anger that had just fallen into a box because of eating chicken all disappeared.

"Victory and defeat are two different concepts. I just eliminated them, but did not defeat them. They will still be born, and I will fight them every day." Ah Da sat down cross-legged, like a master: "You too Same, I defeated your anger and despair, but not you, understand?"

Ah Da who practices martial arts is different from the usual Ah Da
Liu Yanli understood that there are two philosophical concepts of defeating and killing, one is physical and the other is spiritual.

"Well, I don't think I will ever be able to defeat these things. But I feel much better. Is this the legendary sage mode? It's awesome." Liu Yanli felt peaceful and peaceful in her heart, and now she just wanted to eat melons Sleep, and think about Yusheng by the way.

At this time, Li Yun and Bai Chen appeared in front of Ah Da. When Ah Da saw Li Yun, his aura of a master disappeared instantly, and he turned back into that cute giant panda, and began to roll all over the floor.

"It's shameful to show cuteness maliciously." Bai Chen really wanted to complain about Ada's current behavior: "There are some things I need your help with."

"What? Can't the master do it?" Ah Da said with his head tilted.

"No, this is the talent and innate skill of you pandaren."

Bai Chen handed the scales to Ah Da.

When Ada saw the scales, he took a bite and went down.

Li Yun: "."

Bai Chen: "."

"Ah, don't you want me to bite it?" Ah Da rubbed his mouth. The taste of this thing is really bad.

"You don't need to bite, use your martial arts to draw out the [Sha] in the scales." Bai Chen said: "Bring him out, and you will know what the body of this thing is."

Ah Da can draw out Liu Yanli's [sha], which are fishes, representing Liu Yanli's body.

It is impossible to lead Li Yun and Bai Chen, this kind of [inner demon] was cut off during the tribulation.

Ah Da expressed his understanding, his breath sank to his dantian, and dense breath gushed out from his body.

Wrapped around the scales—

Black air gushes out crazily.

It represents the [sha] of the owner of this scale.

"It's doubts."

The black aura gradually condensed into a human form, wearing a short cloth shirt, judging from her graceful figure, she was most likely a girl.

The human form has no face, just a blur.

Ah Da looked at the Shamo in front of him, his anger sank to his dantian, and he punched out as soon as the qigong wave——

Then he was beaten by this figure.

"Ugh, I can't seem to beat her"

"I can tell." Li Yun didn't do anything to the demon, but waited for Bai Chen to identify the type.

At this moment, Bai Shen, with a sluggish face, whispered.

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible. It's actually true."

Bai Chen's words attracted the figure, and when he saw Bai Chen, he seemed to see the murder of his father and enemy, and rushed over with a roar.

The inhuman roar, the roar of a beast, and her appearance are completely two extremes.

Bai Chen was stunned on the spot, and never fought back.

Li Yun felt that there was no need to hesitate, and cut the demon into ashes with a single sword.

Before turning into ashes, they were running towards Bai Chen
"What kind of hatred does she have with you?"

"I think I should know her, but it's impossible." Bai Chen said with a shaken heart, "Before I became a spear, she was already dead and couldn't die anymore."

Bai Chen fell into a state of confusion, with a bewildered expression on his face. Li Yun didn't disturb him from thinking about life, but just picked up the scales on the ground.

After clearing the black evil spirit above, another point of light burst out from inside.

There are bursts of Sanskrit sounds, and a little bit of Buddha's light.

Familiar feeling, familiar taste.

The dying monk I saw in the temple last time.

Indra, seen in the dry village.

It's like two kinds of Buddha power mixed together.
Li Yun remembered that Indra's blow seemed to smash something.
"Could it be that the blow was directed at the owner of the scale? If you want to say that, it is very likely that there is something in the dry village that we have forgotten."

Maybe Indra's strike back then had already accomplished his goal.

It may not be completed, or only half completed, lying quietly on the ground
The dry village is beautiful, and life is happy and harmonious.

Since the availability of water, life in the village has improved, at least life can be guaranteed.

Life is guaranteed, which is the greatest gift for the people in the dry village.

That thunder strike not only created a lake, but the water tendrils spread out, moistening the land with water, and some young shoots of plants were slowly growing out of the land.

ten years.

20 years.

In less than a hundred years, this place will become as lush and beautiful as the forest on the other side.

"Thank you water god."

"Um, this probably isn't the water god."

Li Yun has a strong desire to complain, the stone statue with three eyes, holding a three-pointed knife, a chain mail, and a big cloak in front of him doesn't look like a water god or something.
"Haha, I know, I know, to outsiders, this is the stone statue of God Erlang, but to us, this is the god who brought precious water." The old village head said with a smile, and put a few fragrant The steamed fish was enshrined in front of the stage.

With a steady stream of water, ponds can be dug, and farming can be done. Everyone is full of hope and longing for the future.

"The so-called different standpoints, do you see different things?" Li Yun nodded, receiving the wish from the stone statue.

Very thick, very mellow, from the heart, without any complicated wishes
After worshiping the water god every day, the old village chief warmly entertained Li Yun and Bai Chen. This meal included not only big pancakes, but also rice noodles, fish, and braised pork.

For them now, these are still luxuries, but they are no longer unattainable things, and they can afford them on every big day.

Li Yun deeply felt what [Power] could change.

It was just a single strike of power, which completely changed the tragic fate of the people in this village.


"Yes, this is the beauty of power." Bai Chen has recovered from his trance, and said lazily: "The wicked can learn from it to do whatever they want, ordinary people can understand how to protect themselves wisely, and good people can understand I am for everyone, and a sage can understand self-sacrifice for others."

"Of course, there are some people, even if they have power, they still can't help themselves. Whether they do good or evil, they are at the mercy of others and cannot follow their own will."

"Are you talking about yourself?"

"Probably, my former self swung the long blade for unknown reasons, and summoned the torrent for unknown reasons." Bai Chen said lightly.

After the villagers' meals were served, Bai Chen instantly disappeared from his melancholy state and started stuffing food into his mouth.

"True Nima fragrance."

After drinking and eating, Fa Xiang poured out from behind, and Xia was beside him at the same time.

"Excuse me."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little effort." Xia smiled slightly: "You have also helped me a lot, everyone is helping each other."

"I helped you too?" Li Yun was quite surprised, as if he hadn't helped Xia with anything.

Bai Chen at the side whispered in Li Yun's ear: "Sister Zhong doesn't have any other hobbies, she just likes to hang it on the door and be a big clock quietly, and her mind is easily satisfied. For her, she will be happier, the bigger, thicker, and stronger the thing to knock, the better, as long as it meets the basic functions of a [bell], it’s fine.”

Li Yun: "."

This sister Xia's hobby is quite unique, as expected of Zhong, Li Yun can't understand it at all.
Xia's spirit and dharma merged into this piece of land, and began to spread gradually, like branches and leaves blooming.

The bell with the strongest power found out the singularity in this land in an instant.

"There is a place where my spiritual consciousness can't penetrate, it's probably there, there is something."

"Thank you, I will definitely find a thick and strong bell to hit you next time." Li Yun expressed his thanks sincerely, but felt that something was wrong when he said it.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Yo Ho Ho Ho, thank you in advance." Xia looked forward with joy.

Xia returned to the dharma of the boarding house and disappeared.

Li Yun received the information from Xia, and his position was impartial.

It is just under the spring pond.

Back then, Indra wanted to bombard the place.

(End of this chapter)

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