I help the great sage raise children

Chapter 883 A Youthful and Passionate Man

Chapter 883 A Youthful and Passionate Man

Because of Zhi Nai's words and Sun Xiaosheng's performance, several people were a little shocked.

Even Naruto, who had previously defeated Lu Qingkui, seemed quiet.

After all, no matter how powerful they are, they are still tolerant.

Although he said he didn't believe it, Zhi Nao had no reason to lie to them.

"Don't worry, if you practice hard, you will definitely be much better than that Kakashi."

Looking at the few people with dignified faces, Sun Feng said with a smile.

Although Kakashi is very talented, Sun Feng feels that he relies too much on Sharingan.

After all, the Hatake family's most powerful swordsmanship is swordsmanship. His father Konoha Baiga's name resounds throughout the ninja world, but Kakashi is famous for copying thousands of ninjutsu called "Copy Ninja" in Sharingan. boundary.

At the age of 12, he was already a Jōnin, but now he is still an elite Jōnin, and he is still addicted to pornographic novels.

Of course, it is likely to be related to his father's suicide and Obito's death.

But Sun Feng also had to admit that Kakashi was indeed a genius.

Without the blood of the Uchiha clan, he was able to develop Sharingan to that level in the end, and finally became the Sixth Hokage.

"Not bad! I'm going to challenge Kakashi-sensei after I go back."

Sure enough, being slightly encouraged by Sun Feng, Naruto was as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and there was only energy in his eyes.

The few people on the side were obviously influenced by Naruto. Although they were not as exaggerated as him, their expressions became firm.

Just as they arrived at the edge of the forest, a group of ninjas approached. The first one was someone familiar to Sun Feng.

The obvious kappa head, and a green leather suit, Konoha's proud blue beast-Maitkai!
A super passionate man who always talks about youth, I am afraid that everyone who has seen Naruto will remember him.

The most important thing is that the armor with all eight doors can be used to hang Daban, although the side effects are exaggerated.

"Super Thick Eyebrow Teacher!"

Naruto obviously also saw the person coming, and shouted excitedly.

"It's Naruto, I've heard about you guys, and you really are a group of young people full of passion and youth."

Seeing Naruto and the others in a mess, Kai was obviously very excited.

Under Sun Feng's eyes with black lines, Kai stretched out his thumb, and a bright light flashed on the tip of his teeth that was vaguely exposed in his mouth.

But Kai, after saying this, stared at Sun Xiaosheng in the distance with a pair of eyes.

"Papa! Who is this green-skinned man?"

Sun Xiaosheng, who was standing in the middle, also saw Kai in the distance, but he was attracted by his green clothes.

The description of Sun Xiaosheng's body is very apt, with those thick eyebrows and that kappa hairstyle, I don't know what Kishimoto thinks.

Sun Feng doubted Kai's outfit very much. Kishimoto's inspiration probably came from Bruce Lee, but he changed the yellow clothes into green, which was a bit embarrassing.

Kai looked at Sun Xiaosheng, and also glanced at Sun Feng beside him.

When Kai looked at Sun Feng and the others, Sun Feng also looked at him with burning eyes.

In addition to Sharingan in Hokage, Sun Feng is only interested in these eight Dunjias.

There are quite a few Taijutsu ninjas in Naruto, but this guy in front of him is definitely the most representative figure, the man who will be called Emperor Kai in the future.

Although the damage caused by opening the Eight Door Dunjia is great, but Sun Feng and the others are not ordinary people.

Not only is he a cultivator, but he has also practiced the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu, Zhengzheng's physical training, and his physical body is completely powerful.

For Sun Feng, the Bamen Dunjia should be regarded as a good magical power.

Sun Feng was getting more and more excited with the body-refining cultivator's Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth, coupled with these eight Dunjias.

And there is another point that makes Sun Feng very puzzled. If the name Bamen Dunjia is not because of Naruto, the first impression of Chinese people must be Taoism.

This guess in his mind made Sun Feng more interested in him.

"Child! I heard that you are very powerful. I, Konoha's hot-blooded blue beast Maitkai, want to challenge you!"

Kai, who was staring at Sun Xiaosheng, jumped in front of Sun Xiaosheng, pointed at him with his big hand, and said boldly.

There was no embarrassment at all because the other party was a three-year-old child.


Not only Naruto's face was shocked, but everyone who followed Kai also looked shocked.

They came with a mission, so they got into a fight with others.

The super thick eyebrow teacher actually wants to challenge Xiaosheng.

"Oh! Seeing that your outfit is good, I reluctantly accept your challenge."

Sun Xiaosheng's eyes lit up, and he waved his hand as a signal.

Sun Xiaosheng would never miss such an opportunity to pretend.

"Come on, accept the challenge of youth!"

Seeing that Sun Xiaosheng agreed, Kai's face was overjoyed, and with a loud cry, he rushed up.

The two people who were about to fight in the arena, the people around had to stay far away.


Seeing Maitekai running towards him, Sun Xiaosheng hooked his fingers with a casual expression on his face.

Kai, who came galloping, narrowed his eyes and slashed down from the sky, but he didn't use his full strength.

There was a heavy sound, Kai Bang kicked down, and was directly supported by Sun Xiaosheng with one hand.

If it weren't for the instantly shattered ground under Sun Xiaosheng, everyone would not be able to see the power of this kick at all.

Kai was also shocked, and immediately spun in the air, and kicked with the other foot, and the fast Naruto and the others couldn't see clearly at all.

Bang bang bang!
Standing aside, they saw figures flying around Sun Xiaosheng, accompanied by repeated roars.

The sound came one after another without a single pause. It was obvious that Kai's attack speed was very fast.


Feeling the berserk vigor in the arena, everyone was shocked except for Sun Feng who had a calm face.

With such a high-intensity gymnastics, Sun Xiaosheng in front of him still didn't need to move.

Kai, whose attack was ineffective, stopped in the distance, and his gaze towards Sun Xiaosheng had already become extremely fanatical.

"Burn it, my youth!"

Kai, who was standing, clenched his fists fiercely, and the Chakra around him instantly became violent.


Looking at Maitkai who had already used the eight-door Dunjia, Sun Feng's eyes instantly became interested.

Sun Xiaosheng also looked at him in surprise, because Kai blinked a lot faster.

"Haha... the speed is not fast enough, I can see through it at a glance!"

Sun Xiaosheng, who stands with his hands behind his back, shows the demeanor of a master.

The shadows of legs in the air continued, and Sun Xiaosheng's body left overlapping shadows of hands.

"Beauty Lotus!"

"Li Lianhua!"

"The big whirlwind of Konoha!"

There was a burst of shouting, accompanied by a powerful collision sound, but Sun Xiaosheng didn't move at all from the beginning to the end.

And from the beginning, Sun Xiaosheng has been on the defensive, not offensive at all.

"It's not fast enough, let the attack be more fierce!"

Sun Xiaosheng, who was blocking with one hand, had a smile on his face.

"As expected of the Eight Door Dunjia!"

Sun Feng, who was standing beside him, was completely attracted by Kai.

It's just the physique of mortals who can achieve such speed and attack. If they are used instead, there will be unexpected effects.

As for the large side effects, it is probably because the strength of the physical body is not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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