Invincible Dragon Egg Cultivation System

Chapter 292 The God of Killing Comes to the World!

Chapter 292 The God of Killing Comes to the World!
Although thousands of people go to me!
Even if there are tens of millions of people in front of me, they can't stop me, let alone you chickens and dogs!

When Chen Tian said a word, Zhang Huaijin was also shocked. Hearing such passionate words, his heart also felt full of fighting spirit. Seeing Chen Tian's momentum, Ye Jiuhan and Wang Li didn't say much at the moment. Help solve those originators, and prepare to share some pressure with Chen Tian later.

With a wave of Chen Tian's hand, countless dragons roared in all directions, the sound was so powerful that the dragon's chant echoed throughout the entire Zenith Mountain Range for several miles.

The villagers in several surrounding villages all came out of their houses at this time, and looked at the black clouds in the sky, their hearts were shocked.

Feeling the tremor just now, many old people also came out with crutches, looked towards the direction of Tianding Mountain, listened to the dragon chant, and prostrated themselves tremblingly and worshiped.

"Grandpa, what are you doing!"

A boy next to him said.

"Don't talk, hurry up and kneel!" The old man bowed his hands, "This is, the mountain god has shown his power!"

Hearing his grandfather's words, the boy's legs were trembling at the same time. He thought it was an earthquake just now, but now there are dragon chants again. Could it be that the mountain god has shown his power as his grandfather said?

He also crawled down, and the next moment, a gust of wind blew up from above his head.

Many villagers looked up at the same time and thought about the sky.

Take a deep breath!
what is this!
I saw a huge phantom flying in the sky, the young man looked up into the sky, his body trembled, in the reflection of his eyes, a demon dragon with wings was flying high, heading towards Tianding Mountain .

On the head of the magic dragon, there is another young man sitting on it.

At this time on Tianding Mountain, Chen Tian didn't know that his actions had caused such a commotion. At this moment, he stepped on the dragon's head, looked at the six profound practitioners in front of him, swung the black dragon scythe in his hand, and moved towards a red-clothed The bishop struck, and then the eight dragons came out, strangling the six people.

Boom boom boom!
For a moment, Genesis Qi surged, and the entire Yunding Mountain was like a fight between gods and dragons, and the mountain began to shake.

One after another of source energy came out across, leaving many deep marks on the top of Yunding Mountain, even the height of Yunding Mountain was constantly decreasing.

At this moment, Chen Tian was like a god of killing, with one against six, he did not lose the slightest bit of wind. From time to time, he cut off the black dragon scythe in his hand, and returned back stained with the blood of the enemy.

Even the six profound practitioners did not expect that Chen Tian would still have such strength after using the Zhan Tian Jue. Their expressions have changed now. Even if this young man is compared to Yun Liancheng, he is probably comparable to him!

next moment.

The origin qi condensed in the hands of the six people, forming a huge light ball of origin qi, which blasted towards Chen Tian. When Chen Tian waved his hand, Mo Yan came in a long dragon and collided with the origin balloon.

There was an explosion, and a mushroom cloud rose to the sky. Chen Tian stepped back and floated in the air, with the murderous intent in his eyes undiminished.

The smoke from the center of the explosion dissipated, and everyone's eyes widened. They saw that a huge pit had formed there, and the deepest part was as much as 50 meters!
The collision of the two is so terrifying!
At this time, the six profound practitioners saw that Chen Tian was unharmed, touched the black ash on his face, and prepared to kill him again, their eyes widened in the next moment, and they hurriedly hid to the side.

Boom boom boom!
Several explosions sounded, and deep pits were blasted out of their original standing ground. They looked into the sky with dark eyes.

"Hey, you old bastards are becoming more and more shameless, one out of six, thanks to your thinking."

On the phantom of the magic dragon, Lucifer looked at the six people in the distance in front of him, lightly adjusted the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and then showed a sneer.


Shaka in the temple of Apollo immediately recognized the strong man in the temple of demons, and he was furious at the moment, "Are you also here to share?"

Looking at Lucifer's leisurely appearance, another strong man from the Temple of Apollo yelled loudly: "If you want a piece of the pie, you can deal with Chen Tian with us!"

Lucifer stood up and waved his hands lightly, "Don't get me wrong, my uncle's purpose is not so vulgar. My uncle just wants to trample Chen Tian under his feet."

"Of course, I'm not borrowing your strength, so I have to kill you old bastards first."

Lucifer licked his lips, Doomsday was condensed in his hands, and then he swept Doomsday in front of him, and three bloody horses rushed towards the six people.

A few people dodged in a hurry, then looked at Lucifer, and gritted their fangs!
Lucifer stepped down from the dragon, flew towards the crowd, and then looked at Chen Tian, ​​"Today, I will help you first, and we will fight again after cleaning up these old things!"

Then Lucifer rushed towards the two strong men from the Temple of Apollo. At the same time, with a wave of Chen Tian's hand, the thunder dragon descended from the sky and slashed down on the four of them!


With a loud explosion, the purple thunder swayed away, and the whole space was illuminated for an instant. Chen Tian went up with his sickle, swayed his body, and then came to Yoshida Masaichi.

When the scythe fell, Yoshida Zhengyi's eyes widened suddenly, this!
He raised the demon sword Muramasa with both hands, trying to resist Chen Tian's strength, but he was knocked away in an instant, and was firmly embedded in the ground.

Afterwards, Chen Tian backhanded his scythe and went towards a cardinal. The cardinal didn't expect Chen Tian to attack him suddenly, and Chen Tian appeared in front of him while resisting.

One punch, breaking the sound barrier!
Chen Tian rushed out with a punch, directly piercing the entire chest of the cardinal, and rushed out from the back.


The cardinal spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at his chest in disbelief, feeling the pain on it, the corners of his mouth began to twitch, this... how is it possible!

Chen Tian pulled out his hand, and the weakened cardinal fell down and fell heavily on the ground.

A strong man in the Profound Realm has just fallen!

In an instant, the hearts of the eight profound practitioners who invaded China felt chilly. This was the first time they felt the aura of death since they entered the profound realm, and it was still in a young man who was less than twenty years old.

Chen Tian stood up in the air, shaking off the blood in his hand.

"This is the first one!"

Then Chen Tian went towards the remaining three profound practitioners.

A few minutes later, Chen Tian slashed down with his scythe again, splitting the knights of the round table in half, blood spilled, and a breath of death permeated the air.

"the second!"

In just a few minutes, Chen Tian had already beheaded two experts in the profound realm. You must know that this was still a situation of one against four. Chen Tian's strength!
On the other side, Zhang Huaijin and the other two leaders of the Heavenly Punishment were also terrified. They did not expect that Chen Tian had become so powerful!
At this time, Chen Tian seemed to be killing gods at that time. Gods blocked and killed gods and Buddhas. He turned around and cut Yoshida Masaichi another hundred meters. The latter's tiger's mouth burst, and the hand holding Muramasa began to tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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