Chapter 464 Mutation!

Lead the werewolf clan and strangle the vampires!
After saying a word, the archbishop understood that indeed, when the blood moon is full, there is no need to talk about any arrangements, because when the blood moon is full, every werewolf will transform into a werewolf form, gaining ultimate strength and power. Speed, but the price is that low-level werewolves will lose their minds, and when they encounter vampires, they will desperately kill them.

On the contrary, these powerful werewolves like them can't stand alone and will be affected to a certain extent, so the arrangement is futile. The ancestor just asked him to lead the werewolf clan to kill vampires.

The archbishop can already foresee what kind of bloody scene tomorrow night will be. It is probably the biggest melee between vampires and werewolves in history. However, this battle is inevitable and will definitely end with the victory of the werewolves. After tomorrow night, the blood demon, the last hope of the vampire, will be beheaded, and the werewolf family will dominate from now on.

Thinking of this, Rao even a heart like the archbishop became excited, but now is not the time to be happy.

He looked at the four ancestors in front of him, wanted to speak, but hesitated to speak. He wanted to ask the four ancestors if they were sure, but these four ancestors, as the four most powerful members of the werewolf clan, There must be full confidence in killing the Gorefiend.

"Four patriarchs, the younger generation will retire first."

"Go ahead and pick a few good players. After tomorrow, we will have a good day."


Hearing this, the archbishop also smiled, and he had confidence in his heart. Since the four ancestors had already said so, he was relieved.

The atmosphere in the Temple of the Moon God and the Gospel of the Holy Church is solemn, and the atmosphere in the Temple of Heaven and Demons is not much better at this time.

At this time, Chen Tian gently clasped the table with his hand, and then looked at the photo he took on the big screen behind him.

"Are you sure, you have never experienced such a scene. After all, you have been sleeping for so many years, did you forget something in the middle?" Chen Tian asked, still wanting to confirm, the thirteen princes looked at each other, all of them Shaking his head, in history, although vampires and werewolves were natural enemies of each other, the power of the two reached an extremely weird balance.

On non-full moon nights, vampires ruled. At that time, werewolves would find a place to hide. After all, on non-full moon nights, their power was still very weak compared to vampires.

But on the night of the full moon, the situation will be completely reversed, and the werewolves will try their best to strangle the vampires. I hide when I'm weak.

Therefore, there has never been such a large-scale scene of vampires and werewolves fighting against each other before.

This is one of the reasons why they concluded that this mural was a prophecy.

And they have never seen a blood moon.

After confirming, Chen Tian looked at the thirteen princes, "I don't think I've seen werewolves yet, where are they hiding?"

The Eleventh Lord frowned, "Werewolves are a race with very few people, but wolves live in groups, so it is unlikely that they can survive independently. According to our previous observations, before we were sealed , the werewolf tribe has formed a group, which should be the predecessor of the Gospel of the Holy Church."

Holy Gospel!

The words made Chen Tian and the high-level officials of the Demon Palace and Tianpo tighten their eyes. They did not expect that the high-level people of the Holy Church and Gospel turned out to be werewolves.

It's no wonder that the thirteen princes didn't dare to make a move. After all, the Gospel of the Holy Order is a huge hidden power, which may be even worse than the Heavenly Soul. After all, there is probably a stronger power above the Gospel of the Holy Order strength.

I am afraid that relying on the strength of the thirteen princes may not be enough to deal with the Holy Gospel.

Moreover, another question appeared in Chen Tian's mind, "Since you call the blood demon ancestors, are you born of the blood demon?"

"No, no, no." The first prince waved his hand. The thirteen of us evolved into powerful vampires only after drinking the blood of the blood demon ancestor.

"In that case, you don't have any relationship with the blood demon?"

"It can be said like this, but we are connected by blood, so there will be a very strange connection, as if he is our king, it almost feels like this."

The first prince said, his tone was full of respect.

Chen Tian nodded, but he didn't know when the bloody moon would come, so worrying about it was useless.

Afterwards, after Chen Tian discussed with Lucifer, Wang Jue and others for a while, all the people broke up the meeting, and the thirteen kings looked at each other on the way back to the Demon Palace.

"Eleventh, do you feel a little difference in your body, as if your strength has improved." The first prince spread his wings, and immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed out. The situation is also that the wings fluttered and rushed forward, and then the eyes widened suddenly.

Their strength has really increased.

Could it be that he came into contact with something in the gate of hell today?

The thirteen princes returned to the Devil's Palace in doubt, only to find that not only them, but also the vampires at the lower level felt the same way, and their strength had been greatly improved.

Chen Tian returned to the room, started a video with Xiaolongbao, and then told Yun Liancheng to strengthen his defenses. After all, Xu Fu ran into the vast sea, and he was still a ticking time bomb that might explode at any time.

After finishing these things, he also fell asleep, but, early the next morning, his door was knocked, "Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian, ​​please open the door quickly."

Chen Tian got out of bed, opened the door, Lucifer rushed in, walked to the window, and then opened the curtains. The next moment, Chen Tian looked at the situation outside, and his eyes narrowed suddenly.

what's going on!

For a moment, even Chen Tian was shocked. He looked at the scene in front of him and narrowed his eyes. What's going on!

I saw a pink light rising from the window. The sun, which was supposed to be shining with golden light, turned pink. It was different from the pink morning glow, which was very strange.

It was as if the whole world had turned pink.

Chen Tian packed up, walked out, then picked up the phone, and listened to what the Eleventh Prince said, his face darkened a little bit.

According to the Eleventh Lord, all vampires can come out and walk today, even in the daytime, without the slightest abnormality, and their strength has been greatly increased.

For a moment, Eleventh Prince and Chen Tian both thought of one thing.

The blood moon is full!

(End of this chapter)

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