The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 384 The Mysterious Oiran Qing Yun

Chapter 384 The Mysterious Oiran Qing Yun

Watching the train start slowly, although the speed was only about [-] kilometers per hour, it was enough to make Li Tai ecstatic.

"The research and development of the train has basically been considered a success. The rest is improvement. I believe that one day, this train will be able to travel thousands of miles a day." Li Tai said to Gao Ping.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely work hard according to this goal, and one day our train will travel to every corner of the Tang Dynasty." Gao Ping said solemnly.

"The next thing is to build the railway. You, Mr. Jing, are in charge of this. First, we will lay the railway in Mozhou City, and then we will lay the railway to Chang'an." Li Tai said to Jing Wanjun.

"As long as the Shen family can provide enough rails, old man, I can definitely complete the lord's confession in a short time." Jing Wanjun said solemnly.

"Mr. Jing can rest assured, now with the help of this charcoal, the speed of refining rails will be even faster. At that time, I will guarantee that you, Mr. Jing, will have inexhaustible rails." Shen Yunfei said Said to Jing Wanjun with a smile.


If there is anything that passes the fastest, it is time.In the blink of an eye, several months have passed, and the railway in Mozhou City has been erected.

Even the construction of the railway to Chang'an City has already started.It is estimated that it will be completed in a few months. The railway from Mozhou City to Chang'an City will be erected.

At the same time, the trains and buses in Mexico City also started operating normally.Although it cannot be compared with the subway of later generations, it has greatly improved the travel speed of the people.

This also made the reputation of the entire Mozhou City even louder.Many people came to Mozhou City because of their reputation, and after they came, they were no longer willing to leave.

Now the population accommodated by Mozhou City has reached saturation.If you want to continue to accommodate the excessive population, there are only two ways.

The first is to expand the area of ​​Mozhou City, but this may not be appropriate.After all, if the area of ​​a state county is too large, it may fall into the power of others.

So Li Tai chose the second method, which is to build a new high-rise building in Mozhou City.With the help of cement and steel, it is not difficult to build high-rise buildings.

Therefore, there is another construction boom in the city of Mozhou today.Six-story buildings appeared in Mozhou City.

The construction of these six-story buildings was planned by Li Tai according to the layout of the community in later generations.However, there are also shortcomings, that is, getting into the water is easy to solve, but getting into the water is difficult.

After all, in the absence of a water pump to supply water, I want to rely on free fall to send water to the roof of the building.Still an unrealistic thing.

However, Li Tai has also arranged for Gao Ping to use a steam engine to make a water pump.After all, in history, the earliest application of the steam engine was the water pump used by the miners.

These buildings built by Li Tai are not real residential buildings for later generations.If you use an accurate definition, it should be called Tongzilou.Li Tai named it Molou.

However, the construction concept is similar to that of Tongzilou, but the interior is divided, not every room is only a dozen square meters.It's definitely the right size for everything.

At present, the ink buildings built by Li Tai have made the people of Mozhou City extremely happy.They are scrambling to buy one after another, and the supply is even a little short of demand.


Li Tai has not been idle during this time, while focusing on the construction of Mozhou City.And the training of Wei Wang's imperial army.

He had to devote his mind to dealing with that oiran Qingyun.Not long ago, Li Tai finally succeeded in showing Qing Yun's feet.

Not long ago, Li Tai showed Qing Yun's feet in order to show her off.A blind date was specially prepared for him.And the blind date is none other than Cheng Tieniu.

This Cheng Tieniu looks big and thick, exactly the same as Cheng Yaojin.How many women are willing to marry such an ugly man?

This is why Li Tai chose Cheng Tieniu.In order to let Cheng Tieniu cooperate with him, Li Tai did not give Cheng Tieniu less benefits.

When the two were on a blind date, Li Tai decided on the spot to facilitate their good deeds.This time Qing Yun was not calm.

At that time, she stated to Li Tai that she was not in the mood to talk about marriage yet.And also gave a very weird reason.

That is, she can't get married yet, she must guarantee her virginity.Only in this way can you practice the exercises at home to great success.

He also promised Li Tai that after she has practiced the family's martial arts to a great degree, she will definitely obey Li Tai's arrangement and find a reliable person to marry.

At that time, Li Tai asked her what kind of kung fu the family practiced.But what Li Tai didn't expect was that Qing Yun actually showed her family's skills in front of Li Tai.

And told Li Tai that he hadn't practiced to a great degree.If it is practiced to a great degree, its power will be even greater.

And the reason why I came to Mozhou City with Li Tai is also to have a good environment for myself to practice family skills.

Although this explanation is very reasonable, Li Tai mentioned it to her again.Why didn't you be strict with yourself when you were in Yangzhou.

The answer Qing Yun gave was that she didn't want others to know that she had a family tradition of cultivation.Because that would cause a lot of trouble for myself.

Although the explanations given by Qing Yun are very reasonable.But it didn't dispel Li Tai's suspicion.Instead, Li Tai became more interested in her.

Li Tai thought over and over again, which family's inheritance it is.Such a restriction is necessary.Of course, the Wei family's armor-piercing technique has similar restrictions.

But what is certain is that this Qing Yun is definitely not from the Wei family.So who is this mysterious Qing Yun?

This question has always troubled Li Tai, but no matter how Li Tai asked.Qing Yun kept her mouth shut, and finally said it directly to Li Tai.If you don't believe her, she can leave Mozhou City at any time.


"My lord, according to your account, I have paid special attention to Qing Yun during this period, but judging from his every move, there is nothing strange about it." Han Zhi said to Li Tai.

Now Han Zhi is in the city of Mozhou, and his position is equivalent to that of the chief of the police station in later generations.Responsible for the criminal investigation work in the entire city of Mozhou.

And Li Tai's arrangement made Han Zhi very happy.Because in this way, he can apply all his legalist learning to practical use.

"Although this king arranged a blind date for her last time and let her tell some secrets. But so far, it is still impossible to gain insight into her real purpose." Li Tai said to Han Zhi.

"However, judging from her current performance, it seems that she has no evil intentions towards the lord." Han Zhi said to Li Tai.

"Although she has not done anything wrong with the lord now. But I can't guarantee that she will not do anything in the future. Such an unstable factor, I don't think she should be allowed to stay in Mozhou City." Xu Liang said.

"We can't let her leave now, we have to keep her in Mozhou City. We can better monitor her every move." Li Tai shook his head and said.

"King Wei is right. It's better to keep her in the open than to hide her. There are no absolute secrets in the world. Sooner or later, she will show her feet." Mo Tiannan said to Li Tai in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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