Chapter 417
Although it is already March in Yangchun, the night near the Liaohe River is still bitingly cold.

The people in the village have already closed their doors.After all, in such a cold day, no one wants to drop by.

But on such a quiet night, a Shura from hell appeared.Wherever they went, there was no armor left, and the killing methods were cruel and bloody.

Just overnight, most of the villages around Liaodong City were slaughtered.Even Liaodong City was devastated.

For some reason, thousands of golden eagles flew from the sky.Started to attack Liaodong City frantically.

This naturally alarmed the guard of Liaodong City, whose name was Pu Bubu.With a mace in hand, there is also unstoppable courage.

But when he looked at the lightning-fast golden eagles in the sky, he could only sigh and sigh that he had no countermeasures.

He also once asked the archers to shoot arrows into the air, hoping to shoot down the golden eagle.But as soon as they raised their bows and arrows, the golden eagles would immediately go to the heights.

Then the golden eagle returns again and will drop stones from the sky.This made the defenders of Liaodong City exhausted.

After finally surviving until dawn, Pu Bu went to the top of the city to check.I found that although the loss yesterday was not large, it also caused a lot of trouble.

"Have you figured out where those golden eagles came from last night?" Pu Bubu asked a lieutenant.

"General, what happened in Liaodong City last night was just a scene. Outside Liaodong City, the surrounding villages were all slaughtered, and the tragic death of all the people is unbearable to look at." The deputy general said to Pu Bubu.

"It seems that someone must have sneaked across the Liaohe River. Why didn't the guard of the Liaohe River find out? Could it be that he also betrayed the Tang Dynasty?" Pu Bubu said angrily.

"Just last night, the defenders of the Liao River and all the soldiers were sunk in the Liao River. Now the entire bank of the Liao River has been lost." The deputy general Pu Bu said.

"It seems that the Tang army must have come, but judging from the information sent back, the main force of the Tang army should be in Dengzhou, ready to come across the sea. Why did it appear on the bank of the Liao River?" Pu Bu said puzzled.

"There is no movement in the surrounding Datang state capital, and there is no sign of an army. It can be said that no one has seen the arrival of the Tang army." The deputy general said to Pu Bubu in a low voice.

"Could it be that the gods killed them, could it be that the evil spirits in hell dragged them to hell. They were secretly picked up by others, and they didn't know what happened until they died." Pu couldn't be angry. Said.

"The general is right. There should be a small group of Tang troops who secretly crossed the Liaohe River. But why did they slaughter the people?" the deputy general asked puzzled.

"Because their purpose is not to capture Liaodong City. It is to create chaos and buy time for their emperor." Liaodong City guard Pu Bubu said after thinking for a while.

"I didn't expect Tang Jun to be so insidious and cunning. But if they are not wiped out, I'm afraid the surrounding people will be slaughtered by them." The deputy general said to Pu Bubu.

"Notice, order the troops stationed outside to gather together with Liaodong City. And gather all the people and send troops to protect them." Pu Bubu said after thinking for a while.

Following General Pu Bubu's order, the entire area around Liaodong City became busy.The people were forced to gather together, and all the soldiers scattered in various places also gathered towards Liaodong City.

In addition, Liaodong City also took strong air defense measures, and huge animal skins were made into tents.In order to prevent the golden eagle's air attack.

At the same time, Li Tai on the other side of the Liao River also received a report.Xu Liang smiled and said to Li Tai: "My lord, last night was really a brilliant victory."

"The guards on the bank of the Liao River are all guarding the army. They all died last night at the hands of the Gale White Tiger Army in Yuchi Baolin."

"Several surrounding villages and fortresses were also raided by other brothers. Sun Qiang also successfully commanded the Condor Army to harass Liaodong City."

After hearing Xu Liang's words, Li Tai nodded in satisfaction.Then he asked, "I don't know how the defenders of Liaodong City responded."

"I didn't expect that the defender of Liaodong City was quite scheming, and he didn't send troops to investigate. Instead, he chose to gather the people and gather a large army into Liaodong City." Xu Liang said to Li Tai.

"I didn't expect that the guard of Liaodong City was still a little smart. He didn't give us a chance to defeat each of us." Li Tai said with a smile.

"My lord, Sun Qiang sent a message. He asked the lord for orders. We are going to let the beast battalion attack, the concentrated residence of the Goguryeo people." Xu Liang said to Li Tai.

Although Li Tai has delegated the command of Mengshouying to Sun Qiang.However, Sun Qiang still reported to Li Tai about the attack on the concentration point of the Goguryeo people.

After all, this is not a simple sneak attack, because the temporary residence of the Goguryeo people is heavily guarded.If it is not done well, there will be casualties in the Beast Camp.

"I'm afraid this will cause casualties to the Beast Battalion. But this is also the most deterrent." Li Tai said to himself.

"My lord, I think I can give it a try. Any human has a natural sense of fear of tigers. Whenever they see tigers, they will ignore their own advantages. In the end, they will become the tiger's food." Xu Liang said to him. Li Tai said.

"In that case, tell Sun Qiang to get ready. I will cross the Liaohe River in the next few days and go to see the tiger cannibalism in person." Li Tai nodded and said.


After Pu Bubu made all the preparations, he did not expect that everything would return to the original state.The entire land of Liaodong became very quiet.As if nothing happened.

The defensive measures he had taken were also useless.Because of the Divine Condor Army, they never visited Liaodong City again.

But it didn't make Pu Bu take it lightly.He felt that this silence was definitely a precursor to a big war.That's why Pu Bubu sent a lot of troops to the temporary residence for safety reasons.

Moreover, he also reported the matter of Liaodong City to Generalissimo Gai Suwen.In case there is a loss in Liaodong City, Gai Suwen is caught off guard.

Pu Bubu unexpectedly added [-] troops to the temporary settlement at one time.Therefore, there are as many as [-] defenders guarding the temporary settlements of the Goguryeo people.It has reached [-]% of the defenders of Liaodong City.

This Liaodong City is an important place on the border with the Tang Dynasty, so Gai Suwen, Generalissimo of King Gao Jianzhuang, gathered more than [-] troops here.The fear is that Li Shimin will advance by land and water.

I didn't expect that it would actually come in handy now.If Liaodong City didn't have so many defenders, it was really possible that Li Tai would have directly taken it down.

(End of this chapter)

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