The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 745 Formation of a Top Family (1 more)

Chapter 745 Formation of a Top Family (Part [-])
At this time, there is very little Tang Yuan left in the hands of those nobles from the aristocratic families.There is no way to pose an essential threat to Li Tai.So those noble families are all downcast now.

And at this moment, another policy that completely dumbfounded them was implemented.That is, Li Tai directly promulgated a decree that gold and silver are not allowed to be used as currency within the territory of Yan.Even Kaiyuan Tongbao has certain restrictions, and it cannot be used everywhere.

But now in the hands of those nobles from aristocratic families, all they have is a huge amount of gold.Even Kaiyuan Tongbao has already been exchanged for Tang Yuan.So it left them at a loss as to what to do for a while.

Is it really necessary to use the gold in my hands to exchange for Tang Yuan again?They didn't want to do this anyway, because it would mean that they completely bowed to Li Tai.

But what can we do if we don't do it now?There is no way to trade without exchanging Tang yuan, so it is impossible for their family to be self-sufficient.

But this was just the beginning, the second decree that made them even more desperate was promulgated again.That is, all gold transactions must be reported to Yan State's financial reporting through the state government.

And gold is absolutely not allowed to flow out of Yan, otherwise it will be punished with death.Those with a huge amount may sit together.Those who insist on resisting the law will implicate the whole family.

Everyone naturally knew that Li Tai was a master of what he said and what he would do.As long as Li Tai said something, he never said it.

So they naturally believed that if they chose to violate this law, what awaited them would definitely be the cold steel knife in Li Tai's hand.


What Li Tai didn't expect was that the people in the country of Yan would support Li Tai's decision very much.All their transactions choose to use Tang Yuan, and if the other party refuses to accept Tang Yuan, they will refuse to buy the transaction.

Those people who once exchanged Tang yuan for gold, now come to the bank again in shame.Exchange the gold in your hand into Tang Yuan.But this time the exchange does not need to go to Youzhou, because banks in all state capitals can exchange.

But now those nobles from aristocratic families are not only facing no money in their hands.There is also pressure from the outside world, that is, the Central Plains family who secretly paid for them.

It can be said that they now hold tens of thousands of gold in their arms, but live a life of poverty.They cannot buy even a spoonful of salt.

Compared with this, they are even more irresistible to the pressure of the outside world.So they finally chose to take the risk, that is, the whole family moved out of the territory of Yan State, and took all the gold away.

Then use the gold in their hands to repay the debts of those aristocratic families.Of course, the gold in their hands is naturally inexhaustible.At that time, there will be gold left, enough for them to live and work in the Central Plains in peace and contentment again.

But how could Li Tai give them such an opportunity, so he was the first noble family whose whole family planned to escape from the Yan Kingdom.Unfortunately, it fell into Li Tai's hands.

Not only was the gold in their hands confiscated by Li Tai, but it was returned to the state.They also executed their whole family at Caishikou on the grounds of violating the gold sales law.

Before the blood on Li Tai's butcher's knife was drained, other people took the risk again.But there is no difference in their outcome.In the end, the whole family went to Huangquan together.

In this way, no one dares to violate this law again.He could only obediently stay in the country of Yan.Since they chose to stay, they must survive.

And how to survive is to exchange the gold in their hands into Tang Yuan again.In order to maintain all the expenses of his family.

However, this does not allow them to live as before, because those aristocratic families in the Central Plains will not stop there.So let their situation become that dire situation.


And just when they were in a dilemma, Lu Wanda came forward and called all the Patriarchs together.Invite them to a sumptuous banquet in person.

At the banquet, Lu Wanda raised the wine glass in his hand and said with a big smile: "Everyone must not be having a good time, I wonder how you plan to continue living?"

Hearing Lu Wanda speak, someone sighed and said: "One wrong step, one wrong step, now we have not only offended His Royal Highness King Yan, but also offended the aristocratic families in the Central Plains."

"His Royal Highness King Yan managed to let the past go, and also allowed us to exchange Tang Yuan in the bank. Maybe we can continue to live in Yan Kingdom."

"However, the aristocratic families in the Central Plains are not as magnanimous as His Royal Highness Yan. Now they have sent people to us many times to collect our debts. If we cannot repay these debts, I am afraid that we... Sigh!"

What the Patriarch said was the voice of everyone now.Because they are under the same pressure, they will even be tortured to the point of going crazy.

Seeing everyone sighing and shaking their heads, Lu Wanda said with a smile: "I invite everyone here today, not on my own initiative, but by the order of His Royal Highness King Yan."

"His Royal Highness Yan said, as long as you can change your mind and follow His Highness Yan's request. His Royal Highness Yan will come forward to solve the problems of the aristocratic families in the Central Plains."

Hearing Lu Wanda's words, everyone present was overjoyed.So they all expressed their willingness to accept Li Tai's conditions, even if they let them go bankrupt, they would never complain.

"His Royal Highness Yan didn't let you go bankrupt. It's just that His Royal Highness Yan asked you to exchange all the gold into Tang Yuan. He also promised not to disobey the New Deal implemented by His Royal Highness Yan."

"At the same time, the servants in your family should also be reduced and given back to them. Of course, this is just a suggestion from His Highness King Yan, and it is not mandatory to be His Highness King Yan."

"If you have time, you can visit the inner mansion of King Yan's Mansion and see how many servants there are in the huge King Yan's Mansion. It can be said that there are not too many servants at all except for the necessary staff."

"Even around the concubines, there is only one personal maid for each of them. There are only three or two servants around His Royal Highness." Lu Wanda said to everyone with a smile.

Hearing that Li Tai was so frugal, everyone was naturally extremely shocked.But they would never think that Lu Wanda was lying to him.Because there is no need for this at all.

So in the end everyone agreed, and everything was done according to Li Tai's request.Even the servants at home, they are willing to cut down.

It can be said that now they have completely lost the slightest bit of temper.Maybe this is the so-called, cocooning yourself to make your own way.


All the dignitaries in Yan's family surrendered to Li Tai.This also means that the implementation of Tang Yuan has officially succeeded.From now on, in Yan State, Tang Yuan will be the only transaction currency.

But then Li Tai will be busy, after all, those dignitaries from aristocratic families caused trouble, and Li Tai needs to wipe their buttocks for them.

Why Li Tai would do this is because Li Tai has his own ideas.Li Tai, who has the thinking of later generations, of course knows what is the key to the formation of a capitalist society.That is the monopoly of the industry.

In order to prevent the industry from being monopolized by certain families, Li Tai must cultivate more small and medium-sized families.Although they are alone, they cannot compete with those large families.

But it can shake their monopoly position, which will be of great help to Li Tai's future governance of Yan.

But this ass is really not easy to wipe, Li Tai looked at the roster in his hand.He couldn't help but sighed and said: "These Central Plains scholars are really rich. They actually spent so much money just to make trouble for this king."

"Father, in order to protect the safety of the people on the border, when he used troops against foreign nations, he didn't see how much money they gave. It seems that they are really the moths of the world. Sooner or later, the king will make them pay the price."

"My lord is right. These aristocratic families are the moths of the world. So I want to ask my lord, are we really going to wipe the buttocks of those ungrateful people?" Cheng Tieniu asked Li Tai.

At this time, not only Cheng Tieniu was unwilling, but probably not many people present were willing.They all felt that they should take this opportunity to completely uproot these aristocratic families.

Even if they are not all pushed to Caishikou and beheaded, they should take the opportunity to clear them all out of the country of Yan.And it's definitely the kind of purge that leaves the house alone.

Li Tai also naturally knew what everyone was thinking, so he smiled and said to everyone: "Do you know why there are five surnames and seven sects?"

"My lord, my Fanyang Lu family is also one of the five surnames and seven clans, so I naturally know why we have become the top family in this world. The reason is monopoly."

"The five surnames and seven sects monopolize not only a certain business. There are also middle and high-level officials in the court, most of whom are also from the five surnames and seven sects. It is precisely because the five surnames and seven sects have a certain right to speak in the court that they let Our five surnames and seven clans have become the top families in the world."

"Lu Wanda is right. It is precisely because of the monopoly that today's five surnames and seven clans are formed. Although the decree implemented by this king has already greatly restricted, there are top-level families with five surnames and seven clans in the territory of Yan."

"It can even be said that there will never be any family that monopolizes the affairs of officials in the court. But this king cannot avoid it. They monopolize a certain business."

"That's why there will be business families in the end. And these business families will eventually become an unstoppable trend. At that time, they will become another way of existence for the five surnames and seven clans." Li Tai said.

Li Tai is not alarmist, because this is a blood lesson for future generations.Even if it is a certain superpower in later generations, on the surface it is the president who governs the country.In fact, the president does not necessarily have the final say.

Because the president is being manipulated by the consortium behind him.Even the president of a country with one person under one man and over ten thousand people is nothing more than a puppet of these consortiums.

So Li Tai absolutely didn't want or want such a thing to happen.Although Li Tai can't guarantee that he can really do it, to avoid the formation of a business family.There is no guarantee that there will be a consortium family in the end.

But Li Tai will definitely do his best to avoid such things from happening.After all, in his motherland in later generations, he successfully avoided such a thing from happening.

That is, any consortium family or business family.It is impossible for them to interfere in the country's military and political affairs, and even the country may completely eradicate them at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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