Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 254 Beacon (Part 3)

Chapter 254 Beacon (third update)

The system rewards five times the energy points, which is 9000. In addition to the remaining 7000 before, Dust still has more than [-] energy points.

"System, upgrade Palm Thunder!"

Deducting [-] energy points, the Supernatural Palm Lightning will be upgraded from level six to level seven, level four will turn into a thunder python, and level seven will turn into a dragon.

After the explosion, it can injure the early-stage mages of the night tour, which is a bit useless for Sand Chen, who already has the strength of the early-stage night tour.

Moreover, his mana has just been able to cast the seventh-level palm thunder, and continuing to upgrade is a waste of energy points, and it will not increase his strength at all.

"More than 1 energy points are not enough to upgrade the Nine-Character Mantra Dragon Summoning Technique (pseudo)." Upgrading the supernatural powers such as palm thunder is not cost-effective, and Shachen is aiming at the Dragon Soul Method, who would have thought that more than 1 energy points would not be enough to upgrade.

"As expected of the Ma Family Shenlong, it has a big appetite!" Sha Chen exclaimed, "System, upgrade the Samadhi True Fire Curse!"

Samadhi True Fire is the key to growing Chaos Divine Fire, and Chaos Divine Fire is the key to condensing Chaos Sword Qi and breaking the seal of Seven Star Yanyue Knife.

Up to the seventh level, the true fire of samadhi is more powerful, and it can also quickly grow the divine fire of chaos. As long as the divine fire of chaos breaks the seal of the sword, and the dust can refine and master it, the mage in the middle of the night tour can also fight.

"Upgrade the Five Elements escape method..."

After upgrading three supernatural powers in a row, there are only more than 3000 energy points left. The Maoshan 24 method has no value for upgrading, and it is not enough to upgrade other supernatural powers.

In the days that followed, Shachen took Ren Tingting, Luo Sang, Ma Danna, and Chen Biao to the Outer Heaven to practice, killing monsters and refining them to replenish energy points.


At 1931:9 on the night of September 18, 10, the Liutiaohu detachment of the South Manchurian Railway Garrison of the Japanese Kwantung Army blew up a section of the railway track at Liutiaohu in the northern suburb of Shenyang on the South Manchurian Railway as planned, and falsely blamed it on the Chinese army. The army bombarded the Beida Camp, and aggressively attacked Shenyang, which shocked the "September 20th" Incident at home and abroad.

"Don't resist, don't move, put the gun in the warehouse, stand up to die, everyone will be benevolent, and sacrifice for the country."

On the 19th, Zhang Xueliang, the commander of the Northeast Army, said in a conversation with a reporter from Ta Kung Pao: "I have already ordered our soldiers not to resist the provocations of the Japanese soldiers. Therefore, our army ordered the Northeast Camp to confiscate the firearms and store them in the warehouse. Last night, the Japanese army paid 300 When people invade our camp and shoot at each other, our army is unarmed and has no resistance."

One order of non-resistance, hundreds of thousands of Northeast soldiers stood and were massacred by the Japanese invaders, hundreds of thousands of Northeast soldiers left their homes and withdrew from the Northeast, and the Japanese army began to occupy the Northeast for 14 years.

Since then, in the 14 years since then, wars have been fought everywhere in China, and the bones have been piled up, and the long war of resistance against Japan has begun.

When the news reached Gantian Town, Shu Ning's Guangming Daily rushed to print it overnight. The next day, the villagers of Gantian Town knew that the devil had invaded China.

"The newspaper said that the Northeast Army has tens of thousands of people, and there are only so few little devils. They will definitely beat the little Japanese to piss off their ass."

"The Northeast is so far away from Gantian Town, with the Northeast Army standing in front, what are we afraid of?"

"That's right, the sky is falling and the tall one is standing up."

Gantian Township is located in the south, in a remote location, with little news. When the villagers read the news in the newspaper, they were almost optimistic.

Little did they know that in just one year, the entire Northeast fell.

"A bunch of soft eggs!"

Song Zilong patted the table angrily, indignant at the so-called non-resistance policy, wishing he were in the Northeast, raised his machine gun and fucked his mother.

"Director Song, let's not talk about these bad things, congratulations on being promoted to the director of the Gantian Town Police Department." Shachen laughed.

Song Xueliang is old and in poor health, and is no longer qualified for the post of chief of the police department, so he works hard to push Song Zilong to the position.

It's just that the timing wasn't right. Song Zilong was in a bad mood when he encountered this kind of thing just after he was promoted, so he came to find Shachen to relieve his boredom.

"Wars are raging in the Northeast, how can there be any joy, Dust, how long do you think the Northeast Army can last? Can you drive Little Japan out of China?"

Shachen smiled wryly, "Just read the newspaper."

"Achen, you are a cultivator. It is said that with great power comes great responsibility. You are Chinese, so you can't stop this?" Song Zilong asked.

"This is a war, a war involving tens of thousands of people. Personal power is very limited. Besides, I am not strong enough to wipe out thousands of troops."

One is that the strength is not enough, and the other is that the ascetics are restrained by the three disasters, so they cannot kill a lot. If there are too many people killed, they will be entangled in karma, and the three disasters will undoubtedly kill them.

What Shachen can do is to order Maoshan disciples to travel the world, kill demons and eliminate demons, not to give demons a chance to stir up trouble, donate money to support the war of resistance, what else?
Assassinate the Emperor?

There are also masters in the Japanese spiritual world, the most famous in the zombie contract are Li Takano Mana Monk, Crow, Yuming Thirteen, Peacock and so on.

Among them, Yuming Thirteen is the big villain in the first part of Zombie. He buried the moon before all ages and wanted to become the king of the three realms. Shachen doesn't think he will be Yuming Thirteen's opponent now.

As he practiced the Dragon Soul Technique, he felt the power of the dragon more and more, but such a powerful dragon could kill the second-generation zombies, Shachen felt a little cold in his heart, and the night tour mage seemed to be weak in the zombie contract.

"Zangyue's water is really deep!" Shachen sighed softly.

"Master Mao is right. All things in the world are responsible for their duties. You ascetics kill demons and demons, and we humans protect our homes and our country. Dust, I want to resign as the chief of the police department and join the army to serve the country." Song Zilong said solemnly.

Shachen looked sideways, "Don't act impulsively because your head is hot. Your father came late. With a son like you, it's fine if you don't marry a wife. What if your father dies in the army?"

"Loyalty and filial piety have been difficult since ancient times, my dad will understand..."


"Ah Chen, stop talking. I've made up my mind. I'm bothering you today. I'm leaving." Song Zilong put on his hat and strode away from Shafu.

"How can the motherland watered by the blood of countless benevolent men and martyrs not bloom bright flowers? The rise of China is not accidental, but inevitable, because China has a soul."

Song Zilong is very stubborn, from the fact that he fell in love with E Yao and wanted to be with her at all costs, E Yao has been dead for so many years, and Song Zilong is single and unmarried, it can be seen that the decision he made would not be able to pull back ten bulls.

Sha Chen doesn't know what his future fate will be, because the Zombie Dao Chang didn't mention it in the original play, he may become a national hero, he may die in battle, or he may become another person and start a new life.

Who can tell what will happen in the future?

On the day Song Zilong left, he didn't go to see him off because Aunt Ma, who had been away from Gantian Town for several years, came back.

She threw Ma Danna and Ma Danfeng to the dust and walked away for several years. Although news came from time to time, as time went by, most people almost forgot about this person.

When Sha Chen saw Aunt Ma for the third time, he barely recognized her.

 The last one will be updated a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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