Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 319 Before the Storm (Part 8)

Chapter 319 Before the Storm (Eighth)

Junsheng Garage.

This is a well-known abandoned vehicle recycling station in Hong Kong. After the sand and dust left, the grass-roots layman used a compass to survey the public and found it.

"Big Dipper Cave." The grass dweller looked excited, "With the Big Dipper Cave, two days later it will be Sanpori, and the power of time and space contained in the Moonlight Mirror will be able to open the gate of heaven. As long as I go back to the past, I will not die .”

It's not that the layman in thatched cottage is not afraid of death, there is no one in the world who is not afraid of death, he has planned everything, even God is helping him, this is unexpected by Shachen.

"Senior Caolu, I found your two apprentices." Zhong Bang walked over and said.

"Where are they, take me there quickly." The Caolu layman was overjoyed, Zhong Bang grabbed him and performed the five-element escape method, and he came to a church in an instant.


"Xiaohui, Shangfeng, master has finally found you." The three master and apprentice hugged each other, and the scene was touching.

Zhong Bang walked away empathetically, giving them some space between the teacher and the apprentice, and glanced at the cross in the church.

"It's strange. Before leaving, Senior Brother Sha Chen repeatedly told me to pay attention to the cross in the church. The ghost king of Dongying may be hiding in it. There is not even a trace of ghost in the cross." Zhong Bang walked around in the church without finding any clues.

On the other side, the skinny Xiaohui burst into tears and complained loudly: "Master, the people in the Lord's House are too disgusting. Not only did they bully us, they didn't even give us food. This place is much better."

"So you ate my pigeons?" asked the grass dweller.

The tall and burly God of Golden Armor let Ma Shangfeng dishevel his hair. He was originally moved, but his expression froze instantly when he heard these words. He roasted the carrier pigeon.

After a while, Zhong Bang led them out of the church, and the whereabouts of Dongying Ghost King became a mystery.Shachen thought that he would come back soon after going to the underworld, but the result was beyond his expectation.

The plot slipped into unknown orbits.


Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Reminded by the dust, Ma Xiaoling hurried to Jiajia Building, secretly investigated the source of the Yin Qi in Jiajia Building, and finally pointed to Luo Kaiping's mother, Ping Ma.

Just like in the original drama, Kuang Tianyou and Qiu Shu became good friends, Qiu Shu did not retire, and his son Xiao Bo grew up, so when Zhang Meiqian died in a strange way, he found Qiu Shu and asked Xiao Bo to help him.

The two groups met unexpectedly.

"Hong Kong police...Xiao Bo?"

"Xiao Ling, why are you here?" Xiao Bo is in his twenties, with a handsome face, quick eyes, a sense of wit, and a good level of cultivation.

Ma Xiaoling looked at Kuang Tianyou and Xiaobo, "You are also here to check Luo Kaiping, and so am I, let's go together."

"With Xiaoling here, my "thumping" heart suddenly stabilized." Xiao Bo said with a smile.

Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes, "Stop coming, how powerful your Maoshan faction is, you still need me, Ma Xiaoling, to calm down your petite heart? Please, uncle, won't he come?"

"The old man is in charge of hundreds of Maoshan Gymnasiums. He is so busy all day long that he can't get away at all." Xiao Bo shrugged and complained.

Ma Xiaoling curled her lips, "You have hundreds of gymnasiums, my mourning hall is about to close down, please, go back and tell Uncle Qiu, leave me something to eat, I'm about to starve to death."

"Hey, what a sour tone."

"Beat you."

Kuang Tianyou couldn't stand it anymore, "I also ask you two, we are here to catch ghosts, not to reminisce about the old days."

"It's not a ghost, I just found out after reading it, Hong Kong police, I haven't settled with you yet, don't tell me if such a big thing happened, if Zhenzhen gets hurt because of this, I won't let you go." Ma Xiaoling fierce Baba said.

"Investigate the case first, shall we?" Kuang Tianyou pushed his glasses and said speechlessly.

"Hmph, get out of the way."

Ma Xiaoling pushed Kuang Tianyou away, raised her hand and knocked on the door of Luo Kaiping's house.Xiao Bo shrugged to Kuang Tianyou, and Kuang Tianyou spread his hands, looking helpless.

"Come on, hey, Miss Ma, Mr. Kuang." Luo Kaiping opened the door and saw the acquaintance outside, with a gentle smile on his face.

If Shachen was here, he would definitely exclaim, Luo Kaiping looks exactly like Lei Gang.

Luo Kaiping is kind and honest, so he is often taken advantage of by others, and the price of the clothes he makes is lower than others. He is very filial, and he will give everything for Ping Ma, and he will not hesitate to turn people into demons.

Maybe it's to make up for the bad debts of the previous life.

"Brother Ping, I heard from Zhenzhen that the clothes you make are cheap and beautiful. I also want to ask you to make a coat. You can give me a little discount." Ma Xiaoling said with a smile.

Kuang Tianyou stared at Luo Kaiping's blackened hand, and asked, "Brother Ping, your hand?"

Luo Kaiping quickly covered it with his sleeve, and said with a forced smile, "It doesn't matter, we are acquaintances, we will definitely get a discount, Mr. Kuang, sir, please sit down for a while, and I will measure Miss Ma."

"Thank you, Brother Ping."


Xiao Bo nodded, and while Luo Kaiping was taking Ma Xiaoling's measurements, he quietly moved towards Ping's mother's bedroom.

Gently sliding the door open, a gloomy, pale and terrifying face like a ghost came into view, Xiao Bo was so frightened that his whole body turned cold.

Mama Ping struck Xiaobo's chest like lightning, and the door closed automatically, and then Mama Ping's harsh voice came.

"Ah Ping, you brought someone back. The air in the house is smelly. Let them go. They are not welcome in our house."

"Mom, it's Miss Ma, Mr. Kuang."

"Let them go..."

Luo Kaiping apologized, "Mr. Kuang, Ms. Ma, my mother is not in a good mood, please bear with me, or come back another day."

"Xiaoling, God Bless, let's go." Xiao Bo's face was pale, Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou took the opportunity to leave, just after leaving Luo Kaiping's house, Xiao Bo vomited blood.


"Mama Ping has a problem, go back and find the old man."


"As expected of the Ksitigarbha King with boundless mana, who can predict the past and present lives, you planned my 50-year reincarnation, right?" Sha Chen asked as calmly as possible.


"You also changed the fate between Tingting and me?"

"Yes and no."

"say clearly."

Ksitigarbha looked miserable, "I will tell you the cause and effect of your coming here. It all starts with a prophecy. Have you heard of Damus' last prophecy?"

"Dams was a Frenchman 400 years ago. His predictions were as accurate as those of Liu Bowen in China. Whether it was the French Revolution, the First World War, the Sino-Japanese War, or the disintegration of the Soviet Union, they all predicted it. The last prophecy of the end times."

"In July 1999, a catastrophe fell from the sky, and King Angulin was resurrected, and the God of War was rampant in front and back." Shachen re-watched the Zombie Trilogy in Karma, and remembered the plot very clearly.

"The Bible records that when the angel blows the fifth trumpet, it will be the end of the world, two-thirds of the human race will die, and one-third of the human race will become monsters." Ksitigarbha said.

Wait, the Bible?
 Two more chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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