Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 528 The Spread of the Virus (Part 4)

Chapter 528 The Spread of the Virus (Fourth Change)

Underworld headquarters.

Shachen said to He Yingqiu, the new Tibetan agent: "In the future, there will be a virus that spreads through the eyes. Humans, ghosts, and zombies are not immune to this virus. People who are infected with the virus will lose their emotions and become walking dead. Notice."

He Yingqiu's face was serious, "Uncle Master, don't worry, I will tell the god of death to take precautions, what should I do in Yangjian?"


Before he finished speaking, he saw the underworld surging, and a domineering coercion seeped in from the yang world.

"This is……"

"Human King Fuxi has unlocked the seal. As requested, the underworld is on guard. I'll go back to Yangjian to have a look." The sand and dust disappeared, and with his current cultivation, it was easier to enter and leave the underworld than to enter his own home.


in the parking lot.

The divine light shot out from the human king's eyes, and he slammed on the Virgin of Yaochi. The Virgin of Yaochi groaned and slid back more than ten meters away.

"The way for you to break the seal is for this woman to say that she doesn't love you."

The light in the King's eyes dissipated, he opened the car door and took out Linlin, who was unconscious, and said to the Madonna of Yaochi, "I gave up my identity as King, sealed my power, and planned to spend the rest of my life here. I don't want to be with you." You start a war, you want to be aggressive, you ask Linlin if she loves me, you are asking the wrong person, you should ask me if I still love you, Our Lady of Yaochi."

"Don't say it, I don't want to hear it." The Holy Mother of Yaochi covered her ears with a disturbed expression.

"Listen clearly, I don't love you anymore, and King Fuxi no longer loves the Virgin of Yaochi. When I wake up, there will only be hatred between us. If you want to fight, I will fight you to the end."

Renwang hugged Linlin and passed by the Virgin of Yaochi, who stood in the parking lot in a daze.

Lei Gang and Wanyan Bupo recovered their mobility and left, but she didn't respond. After a long time, the light in her eyes gathered, and a strange feeling came to her heart.


She looked up sharply, there was no one there, and the Holy Mother of Yaochi was thoughtful, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.


In a narrow alley.

The gentle and beautiful Chang'e restrained the shock on her face, and her eyes were complicated, "You have already decided to be an ordinary person, why do you want to break the seal? What happened?"

Chang'e couldn't understand the reason, looked around, and found beggars sitting on both sides of the alley, hesitated slightly, chose one side and walked over.

At this time, Chang'e uttered a cry of pain, her vision was in a trance for a while, she leaned weakly against the wall, and sat down slowly.

She felt itchy in her neck, a strange feeling came from her teeth, something grew out, and a strong desire surged in her heart strangely.

"Pretty girl, what's wrong with you?"

A man with dirty clothes and greasy hair came over and knelt down to touch Chang'e's face.

When the man approached, the longing in Chang'e's heart grew stronger, two sharp zombie teeth came out from her lips, and bit the man's neck with one bite.

"Do not."

Chang'e came to her senses and pushed the man away. The man clutched his neck, his dirty face turned pale, got up and ran.As he ran, his movements became stiff, and his eyes turned completely black.

"Smelly beggar, you don't have eyes when you walk." A young man in bright clothes scolded.

The man looked up at him, their eyes met, and a black light flew into the young man's eyes.

The aggressive young man also became numb and stiff, wandering around like a walking corpse, and anyone who had looked at him was infected with the virus.

"How could this happen?" Chang'e murmured to herself in panic, "I can suck human blood, and I turned into a zombie."

"Bihai Qingtian has a heart every night, Chang'e, you must have been waiting for this day for a long time." Destiny in white stood in front of Chang'e with a smile.

Chang'e was taken aback, and said loudly: "It was you, you turned me into a zombie, why did you do that?"

"Of course I'm helping you. Think about it, the Holy Mother of Yaochi is the most powerful goddess. How can you take revenge if you don't become a zombie?" Fate asked.

"You don't need to turn into a zombie for revenge. I just want to seek revenge from the Holy Mother of Yaochi, and I don't want to hurt others. Hurry up and turn me back." Chang'e urged.

Fate shook his head, "This is a gift given to you by fate, and there is no reason to take it back. Chang'e, human blood is the source of your power. Let go of your hands and feet to suck it, and your power will become stronger and stronger, so great that even gods can... To the extent that you can’t do anything about it, isn’t revenge easy?”

"No, you lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you, you don't think you are full of strength now." Destiny looked at Chang'e obsessively and said.

"You are fate, I know you, anyone who cooperates with fate will end badly, change me back quickly, I don't want revenge." Chang'e rushed towards fate.

Destiny appeared a few meters away in an instant, and said, "Your strength is not strong enough to take revenge at all. You need more blood. If you don't have the heart, fate will help you."

"don't want……"

Chang'e opened her mouth and yelled loudly, like a demon losing her mind, she jumped at the passers-by nearby, and bit everyone she saw.

Chang'e woke up when the siren of the police car sounded. Looking at the corpse on the ground, she panicked and ran away in a panic.

Accidentally knocked over someone, it was a very weak young man, wearing a pair of glasses, the white shirt was stained, some parts were soaked, the hem of the clothes was pinned in the trousers, and the other side was hanging outside, with a look of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." Chang'e turned her head and said, and continued to run forward.

The young man is Ma Xiaohu. He is 24 years old and has just started working. He is a customer service officer.

Ma Xiaohu is too bad today, his wallet was stolen by a thief, and he has no money on him. When he walked back, he was poured with a basin of water upstairs, and his clothes were almost dry, and he was caught by a tricycle again. The clothes were pulled to the ground, staring at the eyes, and people bumped into them while walking on the spacious road.

He felt that his life was gloomy, but the good temper he was born with made him always greet him with a smile.

When he saw Chang'e for the first time, he was stunned. He found that Chang'e was shining and wearing a gorgeous dress. She was simply the princess he had dreamed of.


"Stop." A group of policemen rushed over, and Ma Xiaohu, who had just stood up, was knocked to the ground again.

"A group of evil guys are trying to kidnap the princess, Ma Xiaohu, you are a brave knight and should protect the princess."

Ma Xiaohu plucked up his courage and chased after them.


"It's careless."

Shachen stood on the roof of the building, and a huge amount of divine sense gushed out, giving a panoramic view of those infected with the virus.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of people have been infected with the virus. The virus spreads at such a terrifying speed that as long as they look at each other, they will be infected.


(End of this chapter)

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