Chapter 49
Ever since Bai Xue walked into the grove alone, the hearts of many people with ulterior motives began to stir.

But when they saw the wild wolves trailing in, they were immediately poured cold water, and they could only be jealous.

But what surprised them was that the wild wolf came out within a few minutes, with a bit of unwillingness on his face. This scene made them think about it.

However, it didn't take long for Bai Xue to pull Nie Yun out. The three shining yellow soul rings on her body made many people's jaws almost drop, followed by deep fear.

These are all people who have slandered Bai Xue and also flirted with Bai Xue in their hearts.

Only now did they understand why the wild wolf had such an unwilling expression.

This is what you can see but not eat.

And they still kicked the iron board. They felt a little regretful at this moment, regretting that they had offended Bai Xue.

But what is more resentful in their hearts is that you said that you, a soul master, insisted on dressing up as a village woman, and you were squeezed in a carriage with a bunch of ordinary people. Isn't that a lie?
But what reassured them a little was that the culprit, the wild wolf, didn't seem to be punished. Maybe the beautiful soul master wouldn't care too much about ordinary people like them.

Bai Xue took Nie Yun back into the carriage, Bai Xue continued to rest, while Nie Yun was practicing, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the panicked wild wolf had calmed down, and suddenly felt something was wrong in his heart.

That is the supreme Soul Lord, his majesty cannot be offended, and his behavior has already killed the other party, how could the other party let him go so easily?
And Baixue only released her soul ring, not even her martial soul, which made the wild wolf more suspicious.

The opponent wouldn't just be an auxiliary or healing soul master with no attack power, right?
If this is the case, then Bai Xue's previous behavior was just a pretentious act.

The wild wolf frowned tightly. If his guess was true, it would be troublesome. The other party might find someone to take revenge afterwards.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and he finally decided that he must find an opportunity to test Bai Xue's depth tomorrow.

If it is really as he guessed, he will get back the bad breath twice as much.


The darkness receded slowly, and the light returned to the earth.

The whole convoy started to get busy early in the morning, some started a fire to cook, some ate dry food directly, and prepared to continue on the road after breakfast.

The wild wolf looked towards Bai Xue frequently, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Nie Yun noticed this scene keenly. He was calm on the surface, but secretly vigilant in his heart.

"Could it be that this wild wolf still doesn't give up and wants to do something wrong?"

Time passed by, and just as everyone was getting ready to go on the road, intermittent horrified and frantic cries came from the grove.

The voice was hysterical, and everyone's expression changed slightly.

The wild wolf frowned slightly and said, "Let's go in and have a look."

"Captain Wild Wolf, this is not good," Yuan Kun immediately objected. He didn't want to cause more trouble, so it was important to go on the road.

Yelang said to himself: "Director Yuan, don't worry, with our Yelang mercenary group here, no one dares to act wild, not even the bandits from Shenying Mountain!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, before he entered, a person jumped out of the grove.

This man was wearing the clothes of the robbers of Shenying Mountain, and he seemed to have lost his mind. He kept screaming and howling, and his whole spirit had collapsed.

"Boss, I have seen this person before. He was one of the robbers from Shenying Mountain who came here yesterday." A member of the mercenary group said.

The wild wolf nodded slightly, and everyone present recognized the mad robber.

What made them wonder was, how could this robber be crazy?
The wild wolf strode out and came to the man in a few steps. He stretched out his big hand and lifted the man up at once.

"What happened? Tell me!" The wolf's voice was so loud that the man was stunned for a moment and stopped roaring.

But then he seemed to remember something terrible, with a frightened and distorted expression on his face, screaming: "Dead, dead, all dead!"

The wild wolf's expression changed, and he shouted loudly: "Who is dead, tell me clearly!"

"They're all dead, the big head, the second head, the third head, they're all dead, hahaha..."

The wild wolf threw the desperately struggling robber to the ground with a dignified expression.

This bandit's state can never be faked, which means that what he said is true. Several heads of Shenying Mountain are dead, and even the people of Shenying Mountain are dead.

Everyone present was shocked, even a little scared.

"How did they die?" Wild Wolf asked again, but the man had gone completely mad and wasn't spitting out anything useful.

The wild wolf was silent, and a terrible thought flashed in his mind, "Could it be that woman named Bai Xue did it?"

He looked at Baixue, but Baixue's face was expressionless, and he couldn't see anything.

"Director Yuan, I think, I need to find out what happened, it may be related to our safety." Wild Wolf said.

Yuan Kun nodded in agreement. After all, if Shenying Mountain was destroyed, their team would be very dangerous.

In the end, the wild wolf set off with ten members of the mercenary group and went to Shenying Mountain to inquire about the situation.

The members of the Yuantong caravan and the 53 accompanying people stayed behind, as well as ten members of the mercenary regiment.

They looked at the robber who had gone mad, and it was hard to imagine what he had experienced that could make him go crazy with fear.

Time passed minute by minute, and it took a full half an hour for the wolf to come back with his men.

At this time, his face was a little pale, not very good-looking, and his subordinates were even more embarrassed, supporting each other, a little collapsed.

A few people couldn't help but vomited suddenly, which immediately caused others to vomit again. Even the wild wolf almost couldn't help it.

His throat rolled, and he swallowed hard what was already in his mouth, as if remembering something, his face turned even paler.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this strange scene.

"Captain Wild Wolf, what did you see, and how did this happen?" Yuan Kun couldn't help asking.

As he spoke, the few people who had just stopped vomiting couldn't help vomiting again.

The wild wolf suppressed his eruption once again, forcing himself not to think about the scene he saw on Shenying Mountain.

"Shut up for me, whoever dares to ask again, don't blame me for turning my face!"

Yuan Kun's face was livid, and he was very ugly. As the boss, he was repeatedly refuted by the wild wolf, and now the wild wolf scolded him directly.

However, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

The wild wolf glanced at Bai Xue, with endless fear in his eyes.

Thinking of the pieces of meat, limbs and arms all over the ground on Shenying Mountain, as well as the heads of those heads, his heart couldn't help trembling violently.

There are still many ice cubes left in the hall, which have not completely melted, which proves that the slaughterer is an ice attribute soul master.

In the grove last night, although Baixue didn't release her martial soul, through the aura she exuded, the wild wolf already knew that she was an ice attribute soul master.

Reminiscent of the deadly behavior of the head of the Shenying Mountain yesterday afternoon, the murderer of this massacre is ready to be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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