The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 278 Transcendents and Transmigrators

Chapter 278 Transcendents and Transmigrators

"To be honest, I'm quite envious of you, Yang Di." Suddenly, the man sitting in front of the screen said slowly.

"Oh?" The man named Yang Di was a little surprised.

"I was assigned to the department of observing transcendents. Although I am a high-ranking official in name and only need to observe one person, but..." the man paused.

"The pressure is actually greater than mine, right?" Yang Di said with a smile.

In fact, everyone knows that observing the transcendent is a status symbol, which means that you are already considered an upper-middle observer in the government of the main god, but the pressure behind this is huge.

Because the observation records of each transcendent will be made into a file and scored according to the wonderfulness of the file.

The higher the score, not only the more benefits the transcender himself will get, but also the observers will be rewarded together, and may even be transferred to the main god to do things.

On the contrary, if the score of the Transcendent file is too low, the Transcendent himself will not be affected, but the Observer will be demoted...

"It seems that your current situation is not optimistic~" Yang Di looked at the big screen with a worried tone.

Of course Xiaopeng knew it in his heart... Now that he was directly named by his good friend, he felt a little inexplicably relieved.

"Yeah... After this period of observation, if this goes on like this, let alone getting excellent marks, it will be difficult to even pass..." Xiaopeng said helplessly, adjusted his glasses by the way, and continued to observe.

"I said...the transcendent himself can't think of any wonderful deeds. As an observer, you should be able to guide me?" Yang Di suggested on a whim.

"Hmm... Although it is stipulated that the final practice should not be interfered with... I have also greatly reduced the task announcement...but..." Xiaopeng obviously hesitated.

Seeing the situation, Yang Di smiled wryly and shook his head.

I know Xiaopeng's thoughts better than anyone else. This person is too cautious and dare not go beyond the above rules and regulations, for fear of doing something wrong. Maybe it is because of this that he was selected as the observer of the transcendent.

Xiaopeng and Yang Di are both graduates of the Master God Space Observer Academy.

The two had just graduated and received their first observation job. What Xiaopeng received was the observation of "The Transcendent" Ren Yi, while Yang Di was just an ordinary "Traveler" observation.

Although the two sound similar, they are actually quite different.

Adventurers in the Lord God's Dimension are divided into two categories, Transcenders and Travelers.

More than 90.00% of them are traversers, mostly in their respective worlds, through their own efforts to achieve some kind of breakthrough or obtain some kind of opportunity, and thus come to the space of the main god, but another kind... Transcendents.

This is a part of the people who are favored by the main god. They don't need to exercise or take risks. It is precisely because they are favored by the main god that they can directly come to the main god's space, which is the so-called... the protagonist of Long Aotian.

It's very much like the protagonist in the time-traveling novel, the beginning is random, from the beginning to the end, there are various benefits and opportunities.

Although the main god's space stipulates that everyone has to experience three worlds before coming to the main god's space, but due to the different identities of the two.

The experience world experienced by the traversers is called real experience, because they do not have special systems and special abilities like the transcendents, they only have a general version of the simple system for accepting tasks and exchanging weapons.

The types of weapons that can be exchanged in the mall are also very rare, most of them are ordinary goods, such as knives, guns and sticks.

As for the transcendent, it is different. Not only is it equipped with a highly intelligent system, but each system is tailor-made for it.

Most of the experience world of the transcendent is just a formality, and generally they will not be arranged in a world that is too dangerous, so most of the experience of the transcendent is passed through like a vacation.

But unlike the traverser, the observation records of the transcendent will be made into archives and placed in the library of the main god to be viewed by the residents of the main god's space.

If you perform well in the final experience, you will not only enjoy the gift of the main god, but also gain a wave of popularity in the main god's space.

The observers of the transcendent are not interested in popularity, mainly for the gift of the Lord God.

According to the rules formulated by the main god, among the transcendents, if the comprehensive score reaches 80 points (out of 100), it will be judged as an excellent performance, or a gift from the main god.

"How is it? Have you decided?" Yang Di calmed down, looked at Xiao Peng who was still struggling, and asked.

"Well... for promotion, I've risked everything!" Xiaopeng seemed to have finally made up his mind, and decided to personally issue tasks to guide Renyi.

"That's right~ This is the Xiaopeng I know." Yang Di laughed when he saw the situation.

The two had been classmates before. As a descendant of the Transcendent, Yang Di had excellent talents in all aspects, so he could be directly assigned to the government to work as an observer after graduation.

As for my friend Xiaopeng, although his talent is not very good, it is this hard work that led to him being able to join Yang Di in the observer department after graduation.

It's a pity... I was assigned as an ordinary time travel observer, and I may not be able to be promoted in a short time.Yang Di thought a little depressed.

However, as long as Xiaopeng can be promoted, as his good friend, I can take over his position logically. As long as I sit in a position beyond the observer, I am not far from being promoted!
"Of course, the premise is that you must get an excellent performance for this observation mission..." Yang Di said in Xiaopeng's ear.

"Huh? What?" Xiaopeng, who had been thinking about how to issue the task, was a little dazed and looked at Yang Di in confusion.

"It's okay... I'll go to the bathroom." Yang Di smiled and shook his head, and walked towards the toilet next to him.

"Well... let's announce a final mission that is not easy to complete, and then... design a few branch lines, Xiongbing Company... It seems that I have to make up after get off work." Xiaopeng planned with great interest.

At this time, Yang Di's shout came from the bathroom.

"Xiao Peng, there is no paper in the toilet, can you bring me some?" Yang Di called through the door.

"Out of paper? Oh~ I seem to have run out last time." Xiao Peng said to himself, looking at the roll of toilet paper beside him.

Suddenly, an idea appeared in Xiaopeng's mind.

"Hey! Xiaopeng, have you found the paper? My legs are almost numb." Yang Di shouted again in distress.

"I don't think you need paper." Xiao Peng replied with a dark smile.

"What do you mean?" Yang Di frowned in confusion.

What is Xiaopeng up to... Although he did like to play pranks when he was in school, but he has been working for several years, this kind of mischievous it still there?
"Do you know... why the toilet is called the toilet?"


(End of this chapter)

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