Alien professional player

Chapter 1130 The final test

Chapter 1130 The final test

The Qiankun Ding was originally the artifact that Lin Chen had followed for the longest time. After all, even the Divine Scourge Sword was made by Lin Chen using the Qiankun Ding.

And later, in order to further reach the Nascent Soul Realm, Lin Chen took the Qiankun Cauldron into his soul for continuous nurturing, and cultivated it into his natal magic weapon.

What is a natal magic weapon?That is the thing that complements and connects with Lin Chen's soul. With the help of the natal magic weapon, the Qiankun Cauldron, it will be of great help to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

Otherwise, why did Lin Chen take the Qiankun Cauldron as his natal magic weapon back then?Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the heaven and earth cauldron of the natal magic weapon moved.

And it seems that it is on the side of demonizing Lin Chen. With Lin Chen's enchantment, Lin Chen's soul is naturally demonized, and the Qiankun cauldron that is warmed in the soul has also become a magic weapon. The attributes are related, and the Qiankun Ding of this magic weapon is particularly handy in the eyes of the demonized Lin Chen.

"Successful! Haha!".

Looking at his black flying sword, he launched a strong counterattack against Shannian Lin Chen's white flying swords. Looking at Shannian Lin Chen's appearance, it was impossible to block his attack. Lin Chen was overjoyed.

Have you finally succeeded?As long as you successfully cut off the good thoughts and remove the biggest obstacle to the Nascent Soul Realm, then you can successfully reach the Nascent Soul Realm.

Yuanying, this is the symbolic realm on the journey of sword immortality. Only when you reach this point can you truly enter the hall, otherwise, you will not even succeed in cultivating Yuanying, and you will be ashamed to say that you are a cultivator.

"You lost, go with peace of mind!", although the two thousand white flying swords have a great advantage over the black flying swords in terms of quantity, sometimes, the quantity is not enough to measure everything .

The black flying sword is like a fierce tiger, invincible. Under the attack of those black flying swords, Shannian Lin Chen's white flying sword was quickly wiped out.

Although hundreds of black flying swords were also lost, the remaining more than 300 black flying swords burning with black domineering flames completely surrounded the kind-hearted Lin Chen.

Looking at Lin Chen, who already looked like a polished commander, the demonized Lin Chen's face was full of joy, and he raised one hand high, and then swung down fiercely, hundreds of flying swords , towards Shannian Lin Chen fiercely inserted in the past.

"Failed! Still failed...".

Seeing hundreds of flaming black flying swords shooting towards him viciously, the kind-hearted Lin Chen's eyes became more regretful, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Obviously, the matter has come to this point, and he is already desperate. At this point, Shannian Lin Chen still has a look of regret on his face, which makes Demon Emperor Lin Chen slightly startled. The previous words can be understood as he It's a pity that I can't successfully conclude the Nascent Soul, but what about now?What is he regretting?
The kind-hearted Lin Chen closed his eyes, and the demonized Lin Chen secretly wondered. Hundreds of black flying swords shot towards the kind-hearted Lin Chen. As for the Qiankun cauldron?But it was suspended beside the demonized Lin Chen, constantly spitting out black and domineering flames, waiting to move.

In this scene, it is obviously impossible for Shannian Lin Chen to turn over. It seems that everything is over. He has succeeded in demonizing Lin Chen, and successfully beheaded Shannian, so he can form a Nascent Soul.

"Om...", but when he saw Shannian Lin Chen was about to be beheaded, all of the black flying swords that shot fiercely at Shannian Lin Chen all screamed.

He stopped at the place where Shannian Linchen was very close. From a distance, Shannian Linchen looked like a hedgehog, surrounded by hundreds of flying swords, but these swords were only floating In front of Shannian Lin Chen, he had no intention of attacking.

"What's going on? Is it the Divine Scourge Sword!?".

Seeing that victory is in sight, the fruit of victory is close at hand, good thoughts are about to be cut off by him, and when he is about to successfully clear the biggest obstacle in his impact on the Nascent Soul Realm, the skill of his ten thousand swords returning to the sect Actually stopped.

Through the connection of mind and spirit, the demonized Lin Chen can feel that it is the Divine Scourge Sword that is resisting him, and it is resisting himself to kill the kind-hearted Lin Chen. This is the first time in history that the Scourge Divine Sword has resisted him. Demonized Lin Chen was stunned.

Even if he was possessed back then, the Divine Scourge Sword never intended to resist him, why today?When he was about to clear the biggest obstacle in the Nascent Soul Realm, why did the Scourge Excalibur want to resist him instead?what is this?Could it be that the Divine Sword of Scourge does not want to succeed by itself?
Will God's Scourge prevent him from forming a Nascent Soul?It's impossible just to think about it, if I don't succeed today, then I will die, this point is very clear to the Divine Scourge.

And the Divine Scourge Sword is his exclusive weapon. Once he dies today, it can almost be said to be buried with him. Therefore, the Divine Scourge Sword will prevent him from successfully forming a Nascent Soul. could happen.

After all, it was just now that it helped him successfully transform the last devilish qi into magic sword qi, so that he was qualified to attack the Nascent Soul Realm.

However, since it is absolutely impossible for the Divine Scourge Sword to betray him, and it is impossible to stop him from forming a Nascent Soul, then why does he resist himself?What about Lin Chen who wouldn't let himself kill Shan Nian?

Could it be?After beheading Lin Chen who had good thoughts, would it be impossible for him to successfully attack the Nascent Soul Realm?Obviously, this is the only possibility for the truth, otherwise, it would be impossible for the Divine Scourge Sword to resist itself.

Thinking of this, Demon Hua Lin Chen took away Wan Jian Guizong's skill, and the black Scourge Sword flew back into Demon Hua Lin Chen's hands. This time, the trouble became even bigger.

After a lot of hard work, even with the help of the Qiankun Ding, I defeated the kind-hearted self, but now I can't kill him. If I kill him, I won't be able to succeed?So what are you going to do?How can he successfully attack the Nascent Soul Realm by himself?

The demonized Lin Chen is really thinking about it now, and he can't think of what he should do, which is right.

Although Lin Chen had already been mentally prepared for the difficulty of hitting the Nascent Soul Realm, but now, Lin Chen is really confused. No matter how difficult the difficulty is, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he is not afraid of it, but he always has to face it. Tell yourself a correct way, right?
I pushed the door open, and what I saw was my own kindness, that's good, I just killed him, but is this wrong?So what exactly is right?

(End of this chapter)

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