Chapter 13 Thief
Walking into the town, Lin Chen and Xia Lu walked directly towards the hotel in the town. After fleeing for so long at noon, they rode horses all afternoon again. At this time, Lin Chen and Xia Lu Both were mentally exhausted.

Xia Lu, in particular, was not only mentally exhausted, but also physically exhausted. After ordering some food and eating hastily, the two of them went back to their rooms to rest.

"If I enter the Sunset Forest tomorrow, I hope I can collect some practical materials." Thinking of entering the Sunset Forest tomorrow, Lin Chen murmured in his heart.

As long as you give yourself the materials you want, you can definitely refine a batch of offensive potions like Unstable Potion. It will be no problem facing people below level 50. Even if you meet people at level 60, I believe you will run away. My hope is that the matter of the medicine can't be too publicized.

"It seems that the matter of refining a batch of equipment for myself is also the most important thing..." Thinking about the potion should not be too public, so as not to be missed, so Lin Chen naturally thought of the equipment, but the identity of the foundry It is also very sensitive, it seems that I have to be more careful, not to refine too powerful equipment, lest it be missed by others.

"Hey, this world is really troublesome, too much ability is also a troublesome thing..." Thinking of the sensitive identities of foundry masters and pharmacists in this world, my supreme-level foundry master and pharmacist had to hide their strength , Lin Chen secretly sighed.

There is no way to do this. Before you have no strength to protect yourself, too strong ability will cause disasters. You don’t need to have any personal experience with these things. Just traveling through the 5000-year history of China left a deep impression on people. Lessons.

While lying on the bed thinking about his way forward, Lin Chen slowly fell into a deep sleep lying on the bed. After all, too many things happened today, and Lin Chen also felt very tired.

In the middle of a deep sleep, I don't know how long I have been asleep. Suddenly, Lin Chen felt someone flipping through his clothes, which made Lin Chen wake up vigilantly, and opened his eyes.

It was already late at night, and a bright moonlight shone in from outside the window. With the help of the moonlight outside the window, Lin Chen could see a boy about [-] or [-] years old, looking for things on his body with his head down, although his movements were very light , but it made Lin Chen feel it.

"Thief!?" Seeing this overly focused young man, Lin Chen reacted instantly, but he didn't directly poke him, just smiled secretly, still pretending to be asleep, with a slit in his eyes , Watching this young man's theft.

I have only been in this world for a day, so it can be said that I am penniless. Even if I buy horses and live in a hotel, it costs Xia Lu money, but there are still people who come to steal my things. Where will I put it on my body in the package?

"Alas..." After searching carefully, the fruitless young man let out a low and disappointed sigh, then opened the window quietly, and went out like a monkey. Seeing the young man's nimble movements , Lin Chen was slightly taken aback, then sat up with some interest, and followed.

Lin Chen, who had already been woken up, did not feel sleepy at this time. Besides, the flexible movements of the young man just now seemed to be a well-trained person in this world, but his clothes were very shabby, which made Lin Chen very curious.

Quietly followed out from the window, the boy in front tiptoed on the roof for a while, after spotting a room, turned over and went down again, came to the window and drew a dagger, the boy stabbed through the gap of the window Go in and open the window quietly.

Lin Chen, who followed quietly, opened up the other party's profile before the other party entered another room, and looked it up. It turned out to be a Lv16 trainee assassin. Lin Chen was slightly taken aback, and the assassin also stole things. ?

"Where did the bastard come from!? Get out!" Just when Lin Chen was secretly surprised, there was a sudden explosion in the room, and then the window was smashed in an instant, and the boy who sneaked in was directly blown out. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he landed and ran wildly.

"Hmph! Little bastard dares to steal my things!?" Looking at the young man who ran out quickly, a strong man at the window snorted coldly. Seeing the information of this strong man, Lin Chen secretly felt for that young man. It's a pity that this man is actually an intermediate swordsman, and he should be really unlucky, stealing things actually steals the title of an intermediate professional title.

Following the injured boy, Lin Chen followed to a dilapidated house in the corner of the town. The dilapidated house looked like it had been around for many years. dilapidated.

"It's really hard..." Seeing this dilapidated house, Lin Chen secretly sighed, and shook his head helplessly. Although there are countless poor people in the world, and he cannot help them, But since you have encountered it, let's help yourself.

Take out a bottle of epic flame potion from your package, which can add 200 points of fire attribute damage to weapons in a short period of time. If you sell it, it should be enough to sell for a lot of money. With this small bottle of potion, Lin Chen walked to the door of this small house and was about to put it at the door, but at this moment, there was a voice from inside.

"Jack, what's the matter? Is today's work going well? If it weren't for the blind mother dragging you down, you wouldn't have suffered with me." A weak female voice rang out in the house, and said with self-blame .

"Mom! What are you talking about!? I'm working very well! I picked up three silver coins on the road today! It's enough to buy you medicine for a few days, and we will be able to cure your eyes." With the weak After the female voice, a slightly immature male voice sounded, presumably it was the boy who spoke just now.

Hearing this, Lin Chen paused when he wanted to put down the potion, quietly pushed open the old wooden door, and looked inside through a crack in the door.

Under the dim oil lamp inside, a woman about forty years old looked unusually old, her face was full of vicissitudes, and her eyes were tied with a black cloth, obviously she couldn't see anything, and the young man was sitting beside her. on the bed.

"It's all my fault, I can't afford the potion of light! Otherwise, your eyes will be cured..." The young man said with his head down, looking sad.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about your mother's eyes, as long as you can live well, I've been blind for three years, and I'm used to it. Bright Potion is a second-tier potion, and it can sell for 2000 gold coins. Things, not to mention us, even some noble masters may not be able to afford it." The woman seemed to feel the sadness of the young man, and the woman hurriedly said comfortingly.

"Bright Potion? This kind of thing can also be sold for 2000 gold coins? Are gold coins worthless in this world?" Hearing what the old woman said, Lin Chen was slightly taken aback, and wondered secretly.

Lin Chen knew about the potion of light. It was a potion that drove away vision disturbances. It could only be regarded as a second-tier potion. In this world, it could sell for 2000 gold coins?Are gold coins worthless?Or is it because the price of the medicine is too high?
But when he thought about the horses he bought today, each one cost 30 silver coins, and the hotel room cost 20 silver coins for one night, Lin Chen immediately understood that it wasn't that the gold coins in this world were worthless, but that the price of medicines was too scary.

"If it's the potion of light, I can help you find a copy, do you want it?" Although secretly surprised at the high price of potions in this world, Lin Chen pushed open the dilapidated wooden door and left with a creak. go in.

"It's you!?" Seeing Lin Chen walking in, the boy's face changed drastically and he screamed.

But then he realized Lin Chen's words. Although he was afraid that Lin Chen might beat him like that middle-level swordsman, the young man's eyes brightened when he heard the potion of light, "Brother, can you buy me a copy?" Potion of light? As long as you can help me buy a potion of light, I will listen to you in the future! I can do anything for you!!! ".

"Ding, trigger the one-star mission 'Finding the Potion of Light', reward experience 2000 points, accept/reject."

"Mission? Is this the way to trigger the mission?" Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Lin Chen's eyes widened slightly, and he understood for a while, how to accept the mission.

(End of this chapter)

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