Alien professional player

Chapter 272 Fallen Angel John

Chapter 272 Fallen Angel John
In the city of Lucifer, in a relatively remote square, Lin Chen sat cross-legged, with the Heaven-shattering Berserk across his legs, meditating and cultivating, the battle energy in his body continued to circulate, increasing little by little, and at the same time, gained Reminders from experience kept ringing in Lin Chen's mind...

Although during meditation, the increase in fighting energy is only a little bit, and the speed of increasing fighting energy is also very slow, but it is undeniable that Lin Chen can feel, can clearly feel that his fighting energy is increasing, and, with the state of meditation Next, my spirit and body are also improved under the tempering of fighting qi.

"Ninodin, you have a heart, you actually brought me such a few bottles of good wine, and only you as a human can easily get them." On the other side of the square, a first-grade abyss alien in the sanctuary, Walking side by side with Ninotdin, at the same time, the abyssal alien said with a smile.

"Hehe, you are Lord Doni's only grandson. If I become a heterogeneous species in the future, we both have to take care of each other, right? After all, Lord Doni is a veritable leader in our infection of heterogeneous species." With a smile, Ni Nuoding said with some compliments in his mouth.

Doni is the third expert in the entire city of Lucifer, and at the same time, he is also the strongest existence among the infected aliens. Therefore, for the sake of his own future, Ninotdin came to establish a good relationship with Doni's grandson first. Things are also within reason.

"The only grandson..." Hearing Ninotin's words, the first-rank abyss alien species in the sanctuary was shocked and did not speak, but there was some unyielding anger in his expression. Obviously, as the grandson of Doni, The man who was also his younger brother was killed by the prince, how could he not be angry?
Looking at the pain and anger and hatred in the eyes of this abyss alien, Ninotdin secretly smiled in his heart, but said with apology on his face: "I'm sorry, young master, I said something wrong."

"Where, Ninotdin, you don't need to apologize to me, you didn't say anything wrong." Hearing Ninotdin's apology, the young master smiled, waved his hand and said: "You are born with a dark physique, even John My lord also treats you differently, if in the future you successfully become an abyss alien, you will be the pillar for me to be infected with alien species in the future, and maybe I will ask you in the future."

"Haha, in the future, there is no need to say who will ask for help. Anyway, we are all infected with different species, and we will definitely support each other in the future." Hearing the words of the young master, Ninotdin also looked very useful, and smiled. Said that for a while, the relationship between the two became much closer.

Because the other party is Doni's eldest grandson, and now he is the only grandson, so Ninotin wants to have a good relationship with him. Naturally, Ninotin has a dark physique, and even John treats him differently. In the future, it will definitely be John My lord is a celebrity in front of me, so this eldest grandson also wants to have a good relationship with Ninotdin.

Isn't it that simple?As the saying goes, a slap can't make a sound. Both Ninotdin and the eldest grandson want to have a good relationship with each other. In the past, this time was like a life-threatening friendship.

"Huh? Wait, there's a human being there." Just when Ninotin and the elder and young master were congenial, suddenly, Ninotin raised his hand, stopped the elder and young master next to him, and said in a low voice, listen When it came to Ninotin, the young master followed his line of sight and saw Lin Chen sitting cross-legged over there.

Seeing Lin Chen, the elder and young master's face changed, and he exclaimed in a low voice: "It's him? Is it that human? He's here!?".

"What? The young master knows him?" Ninotdin asked in a low voice with a look of surprise when he heard the young master next to him.

"This human being is the one who assassinated the first-rank alien species in the sanctuary that has been causing trouble recently." With a vigilant look on his face, the young master said in a low voice, "this man recently assassinated dozens of first-rank sanctuary members of our family. Moreover, we are specifically selected to infect us with alien species, because I am also the strength of the first rank in the sanctuary, so my grandfather gave me some information about him, and told me to be careful about this person."

"It's him? Are all the infected aliens searching for him now?" Ninotdin was startled when he heard what the young master said, then nodded heavily, and said in a low voice: "Stay here and watch He, don’t be found out, I’ll go back and inform Lord Doni, and let him send some experts over to round up this human being who deliberately assassinated us and infected with alien species.”

"Well, you go and come back quickly." Hearing what Ninoting said, the elder and young master nodded heavily, and said in a low voice, standing by and watching Lin Chen, then Ninotdin turned around and rushed to rescue the soldiers. After all, Lin Chen's troubles these days have infected people of different races with panic, so naturally he wants to get rid of him and hurry up.

After leaving the elder and young master, Ninotdin turned around and ran towards the place where the infected mutants gathered. After running for a few minutes, he found the servant of the previous prince on the other side.

"Ninodin, what do you want from me?" After waiting for a while, when Ninotdin came back, the prince's attendant greeted him with a smile and asked, firstly, Ninotdin's identity, and secondly, The last time Ninotdin was generous, he took several magic crystals, so this servant would rather wait here for more than ten minutes without complaining.

"Last time, because I asked you to say ugly things in front of the prince, the prince was furious in the end, and when he got angry, he said..." Seeing this follower, Ninotdin said with apologetic expression on his face.

"Don't say it, don't say it." Hearing Ninotdin's words, the attendant waved his hands hastily, looked around vigilantly, and said in a low voice nervously: "We didn't expect what happened that time, but the prince The mistake has already been made, and it cannot be changed. Don’t mention this matter again, otherwise, if the matter is revealed, if it is said that I instigated the prince to do something, my life will be in jeopardy.”

"Well, okay, okay, I won't talk about what happened last time." Hearing what the servant said and seeing his frightened appearance, Ninotdin nodded in a very reasonable way, and said in a low voice: "Anyway, what happened last time? I do feel a little guilty about what happened, and I also involved you in this unclean right and wrong, so this time, I came to you to give you some compensation."

"You're too polite, what's the compensation? Aren't you out of touch?" Hearing Ninotdin's words, the attendant's eyes lit up. It was obviously the generous image of Ninotdin who shot a few magic crystals last time that made this He was completely elated, but he waved his hands in his mouth and said with a delayed smile.

"I'm just a little bit of compensation." Looking at this servant, Ninotdin smiled and asked in a low voice: "Recently there has been a lot of ups and downs, that assassinated many humans infected with different species, should you You know?"

"Of course, it's a good kill, let them be defiant all day long." Hearing Ninotdin's words, the servant nodded and said in a very relieved way. : "Ninodin, I'm not talking about you, you will become an infected alien in the future, you must be very popular."

Waving his hands and not entangled in this topic, Ninotdin just asked in a low voice: "Okay, don't mention this matter again, I just asked you, the battle between the original and infected aliens some time ago, although It subsided, but the rift between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger, tell me, what is Master John thinking at this time?".

"Lord John?" Hearing Ninotdin's question, the attendant pondered for a moment, and then said, "What's the point? Naturally, Sir John is thinking about how to mend the relationship between the two parties. In fact, for me Say, those infected with different species...".

Seeing that the attendant was about to say bad things about being infected with the alien species after he finished talking, Ninotdin didn't wait for him to finish, but interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and continued to ask in a low voice: "At this time, the human being who was assassinated by the alien species was causing panic. If you found out the whereabouts of that human being and secretly ran to tell Lord John, and then Lord John sent a strong man from the original alien species to deal with that human being, what do you say? Didn’t it greatly help the relationship between the original alien species and the infected alien species, will Master John reward you?”.

"That's needless to say? If you can help Lord John solve this urgent need, rewards must be indispensable." Hearing Ninotdin's words, the servant's eyes lit up, and he said happily. , but, as long as I can get the reward from Master John, then it's nothing.

"That's it. The compensation I'm giving you today is the whereabouts of that human being. That human being is in the square not far to the west. He seems to have stayed there for a while. You should go and tell Lord John immediately. The big prize is waiting for you." I'm watching you," Ninotdin said with a smile, seeing the servant's appearance.

"Really? That's good! Thank you very much!" Hearing Ninotdin's words, the servant's eyes lit up, and he said with great joy, at the same time clamoring to go over to make sure.

"What are you going to confirm? Go and report to Lord John first, it will be bad if that human leaves later, can you still not trust me?" Seeing that the servant still needs to confirm, Ninotdin stopped Get off him and speak.

"That's right." Hearing Ninotdin's words, the servant nodded. Indeed, if the human left later, it would be a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket. Moreover, there is no reason for Ninotdin to deceive Myself, thinking of this, the servant nodded, turned around hastily, and ran towards Lord John's palace.

"Wait." Seeing the servant leaving, Ninotdin stopped him and said, "Just say that you discovered the trace of the human being by accident. Don't say that I told you. It's a reward. Since I decided to give you as compensation, I don't want it."

"Well, thank you very much." Hearing Ninotdin's words, the servant nodded gratefully and said, turned around and ran towards John's palace quickly, sneering secretly in his heart: "Still mentioning you? Is my head Kicked by a dragon? Naturally, I alone took the reward, and you still think I'm as stupid as you, Ninotdin?".

"Hey, greedy man, you are the most important pawn in my plan. This is the last time you played a role. You can go with peace of mind." Looking at the prince's follower, he happily ran towards John's palace Ninotdin secretly sneered in his heart.

The poor servant was not only sold by Ninotdin, but also happily thought that he had taken advantage of it, but he didn't know that going to John's palace this time was his desperate trip...

"Okay, that guy is dead, and there shouldn't be any problems with the plan. Let's talk about the heterogeneous infection..." Looking at the back of the servant leaving happily, Ninotdin murmured, Then, walk to the vicinity of the infected alien species, and lie down on the top of a relic building next to it.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, guessing that the servant should have arrived at John's palace, Ninotdin raised his legs and walked into the gathering place of the infected alien species, found Doni, and put himself and the young master there. Bian Square accidentally discovered Lin Chen's news and reported it.

Hearing the news from Ninotdin, the human beings who have been in a panic these days have been discovered. Doni naturally didn't waste time, and found three confidantes of the fourth rank of the Sanctuary from the infected alien species, and set off with Ninotdin , to surround and kill Lin Chen.

With three infected aliens of the fourth grade in the Sanctuary, Ninotdin and the others quickly rushed towards the square. Soon, the four cautiously approached the square and joined the young master. However, the long The young master raised his hand to prevent everyone from passing together, with a serious expression on his face.

"Master? What's the matter? Why don't you go over?", being stopped by the young master, the three abyss aliens of the fourth rank in the sanctuary all looked at each other, and asked the young master in a low voice with some confusion.

"I just watched that human being there, but I saw someone appear not long ago, found that human being, and now they are still there." With a serious look on his face, the elder and young master said.

"Oh? Someone found that human? Is it a human looking for him? Or an abyss alien?" Hearing what the young master said, one of the fourth-rank abyss aliens in the sanctuary asked.

"Whatever it is, if it's a human being, let's solve it together. If it's an abyss alien, we'll arrest it together and hand it over to Mr. Doni for trial. If it's a primitive alien, it's best to charge him with colluding with humans. Is it that simple?" At this time, another fourth-rank Sanctuary alien with a rough personality said impatiently.

"It's not a human being! It's not an abyss alien." With a dignified expression on his face, the elder and young master said in a deep voice. His words made everyone look at each other, isn't it human?Not an abyss alien?what is that?Except for humans and abyssal aliens here.anything else?

"It's a fallen angel—Lord John."

(End of this chapter)

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