Alien professional player

Chapter 329 The Meaning of Supreme Level

Chapter 329 The Meaning of Supreme Level
"What!?", Lin Chen's eyes widened at Lake's words, Phantom Monarch?Lin Chen?ghost face?Lin Xi?What did he mean by saying this?Obviously, this Lake really came for him, and he was very familiar with him, otherwise, he wouldn't have used the titles of Phantom Monarch and Lin Chen.

"I don't understand what you said." Although he was surprised, Lin Chen naturally wouldn't believe it easily, so Lin Chen just shook his head, pretending that he didn't understand Lake.

"Alright, since you pretend not to know, then I don't know what you want to know." Seeing Lin Chen pretending to be crazy, Lake was not in a hurry, but said slowly.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand, picked up the wooden stick with three fish on it, and turned the fish over so as not to be burnt. With that skillful technique, one could tell that he was a master of grilling. It can be seen that he said just now that he can’t grill. Fish, this is definitely deceiving.

"..." Looking at this Lake's appearance, Lin Chen really wanted to beat him up, but it was a pity that his own strength was not as good as others. After a moment of silence, Lin Chen continued to ask: "Before this, I Do you think you should also tell me your identity? Why do you know me so well?".

After turning over, Reike put down the fish in his hand, and continued to grill the fish under the flames. At the same time, he smiled and turned to look at Lin Chen, "You are wrong, the order is not like this, first You tell me how to call you, then I will tell you about the Silver Thunder, and finally, I will tell you my identity."

"At the end? What if you don't say it at the end?" Looking at Lake seriously, Lin Chen asked.

"You have no choice, you have to take a gamble, and I will tell you the gamble." Shrugging his shoulders, Reike said, as if he was not in a hurry at all.

After a moment of silence, Lin Chen thought for a while, then nodded, and said, "Well, if that's the case, then I don't care what you call me."

"Hehe..." Hearing Lin Chen's words, Lake's face was slightly startled, and then he laughed. Obviously, Lin Chen's meaning was very obvious, even if he was called the Phantom Lord or Lin Chen, he didn't care. , This is to acquiesce that he is Lin Chen, and he is the identity of the phantom monarch.

"Sure enough, it's the artifact on your body that gives you the ability to resurrect." With such an appearance, Lake said with such an expression on his face. At the same time, he looked at Lin Chen with some doubts, and said: "Then I'm very strange, since you have supreme skills and artifacts, why do you ask me such a simple question?".

"It's your turn to answer." Lin Chen didn't answer what Lake said, but asked him to tell him the answer. He had already admitted his identity, and now it was Lake's turn to explain why his block prediction would fail up.

"Extreme level skills, do you know what kind of existence it is?", instead of answering Lin Chen's question in a hurry, Lake asked Lin Chen instead. Lin Chen didn't answer his words, but just watched He waited for his own explanation.

"Okay, okay, it looks like you really don't know anything anymore." Stared at by Lin Chen, Lake looked defeated by Lin Chen, and spread his hands and said: "Law, you should understand ? That is the rule between heaven and earth, and everything in the world operates according to the law."

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, and seeing Lin Chen listening carefully, Lake continued: "The supreme level skills involve the existence of laws, that is to say, unchangeable existences, just like you Being able to block my attacks continuously before should belong to the supreme level skills, this skill should be related to the law of being able to block attacks of any strength?".

"En", Lin Chen nodded calmly when he heard what Lake said. Indeed, the words of parrying and predicting are indeed similar to what Lake said. He can arbitrarily lower the opponent's attack several times. Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed the existence of laws.

"En", Lake was not surprised by Lin Chen's acknowledgment, after all, he knew it a long time ago, "That's it, your skill that can block my attack is a supreme skill that involves laws, so I don't want to ignore it just now. No matter how powerful I attack you, you should be able to stop it, so I use the supreme-level skills to break your attack."

"Extreme-level skills involve the existence of laws. Ordinary attacks cannot be broken unless the laws are used to fight against the laws. My ability is much stronger than yours, and I have some understanding of the laws. So, you Supreme-level skills, I can use my own supreme-level skills to crack them."

"It turned out to be like this..." Hearing what Lake said, Lin Chen finally realized what the problem was. In fact, just thinking about it, Lin Chen could understand it.

That's right, I've seen a lot of powerful skills, like Kelly also has a path of light, if this kind of invincible skill is absolutely invincible, then why is she still practicing desperately?It's better to collect some of these skills, isn't it invincible?

The realization suddenly dawned in his heart, and at the same time, Lin Chen also understood, and the sense of crisis in his heart became stronger. Indeed, Lin Chen originally thought that even if his own strength was weaker in the future, he could still use some of his BUG skills to overcome it for a while. Now, through Lake's explanation, coupled with the failure of his ability to block and predict, Lin Chen finally understands that what can really bring him protection is strength, not just some BUG skills.

"You are very lucky to have a lot of supreme skills, so that you can create the title of Phantom Monarch, and the most important thing is that before that, you didn't encounter anyone using supreme skills to deal with you, but From now on, you have to be more careful."

"Although there are not many supreme-level skills, there are definitely many. Just relying on some supreme-level skills will never make a big climate. You must be able to comprehend the law and integrate the power of the law with your own power. It's really come in."

"The power of the law is integrated with his own power?" Lin Chen was a little surprised by what Lake said. He seemed to understand some of it, but not all of it.

"You have to pay attention in the future. The power of the eighth rank of the sanctuary has already begun to use the power of the law. If you encounter it, there is no chance of winning. They must have a way to break your supreme level skills. As for the ninth rank of the sanctuary Goods? They have integrated the power of the law with their own power, and they are all supreme-level skills in every gesture. At that time, all your supreme-level skills will be invalid, unless... ".

"Unless what?" Hearing this, Lin Chen couldn't help asking, what Lake said was indeed a precious warning to Lin Chen, if it wasn't for the incident of Lake today, Lin Chen Chen believed that even if he met a strong man of the eighth rank of the sanctuary in the future, he would rely on his own skills to go up and do it. Today's Lake has completely taught Lin Chen a lesson.

"Supreme-level skills involve the existence of laws. Only laws can fight against laws. However, divine skills subvert the existence of laws. Only divine skills can have effects on the powerhouses of the ninth rank of the sanctuary, just like you The divine tool in your hand can bring you back from the dead, this is actually a magical skill that subverts the laws of life."

"I understand." Lin Chen nodded seriously with a solemn expression on his face. Indeed, it seems that his rebirth skill should be regarded as a divine skill. The existence of this subversive law is not a divine skill. What is technology?
Thinking of this, Lin Chen's heart became even more dignified. He was reborn, no matter whether it was due to his magical skills or divine weapons, this news must never be revealed. The power of the strong is the magic skill, and I have the magic skill of resurrection in my hand, I believe no matter who it is, it will be very interesting.

Knowing the consequences of the news of his resurrection in his heart, Lin Chen also secretly became serious. At the same time, he looked at Lake with vigilance. It is true that the news of his resurrection cannot be revealed, but this Lake Already know, "Okay, it's step three, who are you? Why are you telling me this?".

"Hehe, you don't need to look at me like this. I already knew about your resurrection. I saw your resurrection with my own eyes. If I wanted to leak this news, would you still be safe?" , Looking at Lin Chen's vigilant eyes, Lake smiled and said.

"You saw me resurrected with your own eyes?" Lin Chen frowned when he heard Lake's words.

"This is about to start from the third step. Let me tell you my identity first." Seeing Lin Chen frowning, Lake felt that he needed to explain, and said, "My name is too long. You can’t remember, you just call me Lake, simply put, I am a member of the dragon royal family, and I am about to reach the strength of the eighth rank of the sanctuary.”

Speaking of this, Lake paused slightly, and then said: "Of course, you can also call me Lord Saint Thunder. You already know about the three holy places. I, Gabriel and Lord Spirit Sword belong to the three holy lands respectively. The agents sent by the Great Holy Land will work together to stabilize the security issues within the mainland.”

"Lord Saint Thunder? The head of the Nine Monarchs?", Lin Chen stared at Lake in surprise. Today, he finally saw the Holy Thunder Monarch, the head of the Nine Monarchs, for the first time. Unexpectedly It's actually a dragon clan, an existence at the peak of the seventh rank of the sanctuary.

"That's right." Seeing Lin Chen's surprised look, Lake nodded, and then said: "A few months ago, I happened to pass by the Eastern Dragon Empire, and I happened to feel some dragon breath. It turned out that it was the time when Artes evolved Jackie Chan, as a member of the dragon royal family, I naturally went to look at it, only to find that it is more and more a terrain that is evolving."

"Although there is a trace of the noble blood of the dragon in the ground dragon, it is almost impossible to evolve into a real dragon. Therefore, seeing this, I am naturally very interested. I hide aside and wait until it successfully evolves. At that time, just follow it secretly, and you can also understand the difference between the dragon clan transformed from an earth-moving dragon and the real dragon clan."

Speaking of this, Lake smiled, looked at Lin Chen and said: "That Yatesi has successfully transformed, I followed him, and I happened to see an interesting scene, that is, I happened to see you resurrected, which also made me I became even more curious, at first I was only curious about Artes, and later I was even more curious about your existence, and at the same time, I also knew that you were the phantom monarch who made a lot of noise before."

"That is to say, you have been following me for the past few months? Even when we entered the city of Lucifer at the end?" Hearing what Lake said, Lin Chen looked at him seriously and asked, unexpectedly, In the past few months, I have actually come here under the surveillance of others.

"Well, yes, in the city of Lucifer, you must have used a magical skill in the battle with Lucifer behind you, right? That should be the most powerful power in your artifact. I can even feel that it belongs to the gods. breath", nodded, and Lake did not deny it, but stared at Lin Chen seriously and asked, his face extremely solemn.

"Are you possessed by the gods?" Hearing what Lake said, Lin Chen naturally knew that he was referring to the possessed by the gods. Thinking of his introduction of the possessed by the gods, it was not just an invincible state.

The first sentence is "All Laws Can't Invade". At first, Lin Chen thought that this so-called "All Laws Can't Invade" meant immunity from all states such as dizziness and paralysis. Now, after talking with Lake, Lin Chen Chen finally understood that the so-called "ten thousand laws are inviolable" should mean that he will not be hurt by the power of other people's laws.

"Okay. You understand everything you need to understand. I already understand what I want to understand. It's time for me to go back." After talking for so long, the fish was cooked, and Lake took the three fish on the skewer to himself. In front of him, he opened his mouth and took a bite, then he opened his mouth and said to Lin Chen.

"Hey, wait, why did you help me?" Seeing that Lake was about to leave, Lin Chen hurriedly asked, indeed, although in action, Lake never helped him solve any enemy.

However, what Lake did was actually helping him. Lin Chen still knew this. At least, Lake let him know about the supreme level skills, and also knew who the strong man he would face in the future would be Whatever it is, I also let myself understand that relying on my own skills does not necessarily mean that there will be no accidents at all.

"Why help you?", Hearing Lin Chen's words, Lake paused slightly, turned to look at Lin Chen, then smiled and waved his hands, saying: "This question is meaningless to say now, You will naturally understand in the future, you should work hard, I see your talent, grow to the realm of the emperor of the sanctuary, just around the corner... ".

(End of this chapter)

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