Alien professional player

Chapter 376 The Secret of the Undead

Chapter 376 The Secret of the Undead

"Dang!", although the Fumo Sword talisman doubles the damage to the undead, but this attack power is still a bit weak for the six-winged undead. After all, the opponent is the strength of the seventh rank of the sanctuary. In front of him, the six-winged undead directly blocked Lin Chen's attack.

"Rain of bone spurs!" Seeing that Kelly over there can still perform the healing technique, and those monsters and Atres can temporarily withstand the attack, the six-winged undead is obviously impatient, After all, if it takes so long to finish off the opponent by himself, then his face in this battlefield will not be very good in the future.

"Hoohoo!", the six-winged undead whispered, the six bone wings behind him vibrated vigorously, and with the vibration of the bone wings behind it, countless broken bones the size of fingers appeared like a torrential rain , and shot at everyone, the seventh-rank shot of the sanctuary is not so easy to block.

"Ah!", although the existence of the angel chain instantly helped Kelly prop up a magic shield, but the attack of the six-winged skeleton was not so easy to block. Under the attack of those broken bones, Kelly Her magic shield only lasted for a moment before it shattered, and the remaining dozen or so bone fragments hit her body, causing her to be thrown into the air amidst screams, and she fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"Ice Barrier!" At this time, everyone can't help others. They can only rely on their own ability to protect themselves. Xia Lu also knows that her strength is the weakest in the team, and she only needs to protect herself. Even if it didn't pull the team back, Xia Lu hastily planted a layer of ice barrier skills on herself.

The skill of the ice barrier brought Xia Lu an invincible state. Standing in place, a layer of dark blue light appeared and revolved around Xia Lu non-stop. All bone spurs that came to Xia Lu were crushed. Blocked it from falling to the ground, but Ah Xing was so clever that he shrank directly behind Xia Lu's back without any injuries.

Lin Chen also blocked the attack with his bodyguard sword gang, and the purple-haired man, as a force of the fifth rank of the sanctuary, naturally couldn't be killed by a group attack magic of the seventh rank of the sanctuary. Therefore, on Lin Chen's side, apart from Kelly's injury, the others are all fine.

"Aw!!!", however, the monsters and Atres on the other side couldn't help screaming. They were dealing with their own enemies, and now they still have the group attack of the seventh rank of the sanctuary. Sneak attack, how can they stop it?All of them fell down screaming, and it seemed that their injuries were not serious.

"Yatesi!" Lin Chen's face changed greatly when he heard Yatesi's scream. At the same time, the eyes of the man and the woman were full of murderous intent. Lin Chen could see it clearly just now.

It was originally a man and a woman who cooperated with Artes to deal with the fifth-rank undead in the sanctuary, but seeing the bone spurs shot over here, the two of them escaped, so that Artes suffered those bone spurs alone And the attack of the fifth-rank undead in the sanctuary.

Amidst the screams, Yatesi's dragon blood spilled from the air, and his huge body fell directly, hitting the ground fiercely. Lin Chen rushed over in a hurry. With so many people present, the person who first came into contact with Lin Chen , or Artes and Xia Lu, and the one who has been with Lin Chen for the longest time is Artes.

"Phew!" However, that little undead obviously wouldn't let Lin Chen succeed so easily. While Lin Chen was in a turmoil because of Artes' injury, the undead rushed towards Lin Chen in a hurry. Opening his mouth, a purple-black ball of light blasted fiercely towards Lin Chen.

"Bang!" Seeing the huge purple-black light ball smashing towards him, although Lin Chen tried his best to resist it, the shield sword was still shattered. In the violent explosion, Lin Chen's body was directly blown away by the strong explosion. He went out, his body was covered with blood, lying on the ground, trying to struggle to get up, but failed after several attempts.

"Don't kill him yet!" Just as the undead of the puppy next to him was about to jump over and bite Lin Chen's neck off, the six-winged undead of the seventh rank of the sanctuary over there said, the movement was really not slow during the speech, and the lightning Like a shot, he picked up the spear, shaking his hand and shooting more than a dozen sharp beams, making it difficult for the purple-haired man to parry, and pierced his shoulder with a scream.

"We... let's run away quickly...", the matter has developed to this point, even Lin Chen and the purple-haired man have fallen, and the battle at this time has become a one-sided situation. In the end, even the three monsters and Ah Xing were injured, and everyone was lying on the ground unable to move.

"Run away!" On the other side, a man and a woman who had retreated a long time ago saw that Lin Chen and the others had been wounded and had no fighting strength. The two were terrified and turned around to run for their lives. , Although they also know that even if they can escape this time, they will not live long in this ancient battlefield, but it is good to live a few more minutes.

"Roar...", it's just that Lin Chen and the others were injured, will these undead let them go?Naturally, it is impossible. While roaring, the cat-like and dog-like undead of the fifth rank in the sanctuary, using its terrifying speed, directly caught up with a man and a woman. Quickly wounded them all and dragged them back.

"Aren't we going to kill them!?" He dragged back the two people who wanted to escape with serious injuries, and threw them with Lin Chen and the others. At this time, the fifth-rank undead in the sanctuary said to the six-winged undead, sanctuary There is still a big gap between the strength of the fifth-rank and seventh-rank. Therefore, this puppy does not dare to question the words of the six-winged undead, but he is very puzzled in his heart.

Regarding the level five undead who seriously injured everyone and threw them here, the six-winged undead actually knew that it had misunderstood. In fact, it just spoke up by itself, just wanting to save the life of this masked guy alone, that’s all. I don't care about the life and death of other people, but since it's already like this, it doesn't matter, anyway, all of them are just one last blow away.

"Hmph! If we lose, we lose! If you want to kill, you have to do as you please! But if you want to insult us! Don't think about it!", lying on the ground, although Lin Chen was already unable to move, because just now Lin Chen was seriously injured by the explosion of the fifth-rank monster attack, but Lin Chen's eyes were very firm, staring at the six-winged undead seriously and shouted angrily.

"I'm actually keeping you! I don't have any special ideas! It's just that I promised you before! Let you die in peace!" Hearing Lin Chen's words, holding a blood-red spear in his hand, the six-winged undead pendulum He waved his hand and said, "Don't you want to know why we can know your whereabouts? That's because of this...".

While speaking, the six-winged undead raised his hand, and a pale worm climbed up from his white hand bones. This little worm looked the same color as the dead bones on the ground. It's hard to tell.

"This is a bone worm! It likes to hide in the bones on the ground, and none of you can see it. However, these 10,000+ bone worms are scattered throughout the ancient battlefield. We know everything you say and do, and it is precisely because of this, Only then can we identify the direction in this ancient battlefield and pursue yours."

"So that's how it is, so it's like this..." Hearing the words of the six-winged undead, Lin Chen suddenly nodded. He didn't expect that among the bones all over the floor, there would be such small bugs hiding in the bones. It is hard to find.

Moreover, using the power of these little bugs to monitor, identify the direction, and listen to the sound is indeed invisible, and it is no wonder that these undead can catch up with themselves every time.

"It turned out to be this! I said why I can be discovered as soon as I appear! It turned out to be because of this reason." The stone monkey lying on the ground suddenly realized at this time that he just knew that the undead behind them had great powers. You can find yourself when you appear, but you never know how they know it.

"I thought you undead could see through the smoke, so you could spot us. I didn't expect that you couldn't..." Hearing the words of the six-winged undead, Lin Chen said, with a sense of sarcasm in his tone.

"No matter what! You already know what you should know! You can go to hell!" Hearing Lin Chen's ridicule, the six-winged undead did not get angry, but said lightly, while speaking, raised the blood-red spear in his hand Standing up, the sharp tip of the gun was aimed at Lin Chen.

"Most of the magic power has recovered..." At this time, among the injured crowd, Kelly murmured in her heart, and at the same time threw the magic stone that had become a waste product on the ground and stood up.

The consumption of magic power was terrible, and it was very difficult to even perform a healing technique, but when the six-winged undead spoke, Kelly secretly used the magic stone that Lin Chen had left for her, and replenished the magic power secretly.

"Hand of Healing!" Everyone was seriously injured and thrown here. If you heal everyone at this time, you will naturally use the Hand of Healing for group healing. With a wave of the magic wand in your hand, a holy object with a healing effect falls from the sky. It fell directly beside Lin Chen and the others, and an invisible healing ripple spread out, quickly healing the injuries in Lin Chen and the others.

"What!? You dare to resist? You want to die!" Seeing Kelly standing up first, the six-winged undead of the seventh rank in the sanctuary said in a cold voice. Chen and others rushed over.

"Endless Blade!" At this time, Lin Chen's Infinity Blade skill was displayed, and the sky-shattering mad sword in his hand was thrown in the air, splitting quickly, and almost instantly, it became more than 2000 swords hanging in the air. Each sword exudes the attack power of a king-level swordsman. There are more than 2000 swords. Although it is not as good as tens of thousands, it is only to deal with a few undead, and it is not too difficult.

"What!?" Seeing more than 2000 long swords hanging in the air, the six-winged undead were shocked, and the soul fire in their eyes had almost shrunk to the size of a needle point. At this time, there was only time to copy more than 2000 swords Sword, Lin Chen began to activate the skill of Wan Jian Guizong.

To activate Wanjian Guizong, you only need to have less than [-] swords to activate it. It doesn't have to be the skill of Infinity Blade. The reason why Lin Chen used Infinity Blade first last time Below the skill attack, it is to save grudge.

Because there are too many undead, one move of Infinity Blade can kill thousands of undead, so it can't just be wasted like this?But now it's just dealing with seven of them. Naturally, there is no need to use the Infinity Blade to attack first, because even if they are used, those scattered swords will not be able to harm the undead above the third rank of the sanctuary.

"This skill! Can it still be used!?" Seeing Lin Chen directly controlling more than 2000 swords suspended in the air, the purple-haired man and the others all stared at Lin Chen with wide-eyed eyes, although it was only more than 2000. Ten thousand long swords are no match, but doesn't it mean that they can't be used again within half a month?

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect! Kill!", controlling his own sword, Lin Chen stared at these undead with killing intent in his eyes, and said in a cold voice, more than 2000 swords, under Lin Chen's control Next, these pieces turned into a few auger bits, and drilled towards the seven undead respectively. Of course, the six-winged undead of the seventh rank in the sanctuary received more generous "entertainment".

"No..." Hundreds of swords exuding the attack power of a first-rank sword master in the sanctuary, like a drill bit like a tornado, spun at high speed and hit the five third- and fourth-rank undead in the sanctuary, making them terrified. cried out.

Although the attack of the first rank of the sanctuary is nothing more than scratching an itch for them, but, as the saying goes, dripping water wears away a stone, and if the number reaches a certain limit, it can become the ability to change the quality.

An attack of the first rank of the sanctuary may not be a big deal, but hundreds, thousands of times?Can these skeleton racks hold up?The answer is naturally no, let alone them, even the six-winged undead, under the attack of a thousand swords, can't stop them. A thousand toothpicks are a lot, let alone a sword.

The high-speed rotating sword bombarded the body of the six-winged undead like a drill. The dense attacks could hardly feel the interval. Under the attack of the six-winged undead, cracks appeared in the bones of the six-winged undead. Then, the cracks continued to deepen and lengthen, and finally broke directly...

"Bang bang bang bang...", the continuous sound of attacks was like dozens of firecrackers being ignited at the same time. The sound of the collision, and the crisp sound when the bones shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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