Alien professional player

Chapter 433 Lin Chen's Thoughts

Chapter 433 Lin Chen's Thoughts

Hearing that Kelly said that Lin Chen's severed arm could also be connected, Ah Xing and the others next to him breathed a long sigh of relief, especially Xia Lu, who was even more excited, laughing through tears, all hurriedly urged Seeing Kelly act quickly.

"Wait..." Looking at the holy light in Kelly's hand, Lin Chen was about to help him connect his broken arm, but Lin Chen spoke and stopped Kelly, watching everyone staring at him in astonishment Lin Chen stared at Kelly seriously, and asked in a low voice: "Kelly! How long can this arm last before I can connect it?".

Hearing Lin Chen's question, Kelly and others were a little puzzled. Only Ninotdin looked at Lin Chen seriously, as if he could guess what Lin Chen was thinking.

Although Kelly was a little puzzled as to why Lin Chen asked such a question, but at this time, the boss still asked this question, which naturally had his own meaning, so after a rough calculation, Kelly replied to Lin Chen: "If any As far as the arm is concerned, I can connect it to you within two days, and if I use magic to preserve the vitality of the arm, I can connect it to you within a week."

"Well, you don't need magic to save it! You don't need to connect it for now!" Hearing Kelly's words, Lin Chen nodded and said, asking Kelly to hold her severed arm first. Lin Chen didn't use magic to heal, just I simply bandaged it with cloth strips, because after the treatment, the wound will heal, and it will be even more difficult to connect the broken arm.

Here, Lin Chen asked Kelly to put away her severed arm first. Lin Chen simply bandaged his wound and stood up enduring the pain. On the other side, Fire Tiger King, Frost Sky Eagle King and The three elf queens have already blocked Laux, and they also know that they cannot succeed in front of the three ninth-rank powerhouses in the sanctuary, so Laux will not do it in vain.

"Okay, ghost-faced man, you leave with us! Go back to the Supreme Church first! This matter! The Dragon Emperor and the Beast Emperor will also personally intervene! Have you colluded with the Demon Realm? I will give you a complete answer." Satisfactory answer", after making Laux stop, the elf queen turned around and said to Lin Chen.

"Well, thank you Queen", Lin Chen nodded when he heard the Elf Queen's words. Although the Elf Queen backed away when Laux made a move just now, Lin Chen is not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do. The Elf Queen is enough for him. Lin Chen didn't mean to blame him at all.

"Well, let's go." Hearing Lin Chen's agreement, the Elf Queen nodded and said, and then, the four strongmen of the ninth rank of the sanctuary, with the ghost-masked squad, flew towards the outside of the nether purgatory go out.

After leaving the Nether Purgatory, several members of the Ghost Face Squad sat on Yatesi's back, with a few strongmen of the ninth rank of the Sanctuary leading the way, and flew directly in the direction of the Supreme Church. Everyone has the ability to fly, but on the back of Artes, everyone is used to, and also used to an independent world, allowing the people in the team to be alone.

"Boss, you don't want Kelly to help you connect the arm, you want to let them punish Laux in front of the leaders of the three holy places?" Sitting on Yatesi's back, Ninotdin first He opened his mouth and asked Lin Chen, although it was a question, but there was a sense of certainty in his tone.

"Well, yes, you are smart enough to be the military advisor of our team." Hearing Ninotdin's words, Lin Chen smiled and nodded. The wound was involved in the words, which made Xia Lu beside him feel distressed. Support Lin Chen's body.

Xia Lu took care of her carefully, so that Ah Xing and Kaili looked at her and Lin Chen with weird smiles, and Ninotdin next to him also smiled faintly and did not speak. Lin Chen also looked at Xia Lu, feeling a little embarrassed.

To be honest, when she broke her arm just now, Xia Lu rushed over to hug her, and Lin Chen was also surprised, but thinking about it, maybe she was too prominent because she cared too much about herself, so Lin Chen didn't Think about that, but now, looking at Xia Lu's appearance, Lin Chen felt something was wrong.

Ever since they were separated in the Nether Purgatory and then reunited, Lin Chen felt that Xia Lu treated him differently than usual, whether it was words, deeds, or eyes, they were different, especially the eyes, like a The wife is looking at the appearance of a husband.

"The way the wife looks at her husband?" Thinking of this, Lin Chen was taken aback for a moment, and the eyes of the wife who couldn't see the face in the illusion looked at him when he broke through the sanctuary, that eyes, and now The way Xia Lu looked at her was exactly the same.

"Could it be Xia Lu her?" Thinking of this, Lin Chen was startled secretly, then shook his head. What he experienced was nothing but an illusion. So what if the way my wife looks at me is the same?

In that illusion, he dared to guarantee that such a look in his eyes meant he was interested in him?Besides, it was just a moment of separation, and Xia Lu suddenly fell in love with him?This is too nonsense, right?
"It's not just like that!" Lin Chen secretly buried this idea, shaking his head and said to Ninotdin: "Since I have shown my potential, and there is no one on the mainland who can fight against the emperor and the devil If there are tenth-rank powerhouses in the Emperor's Sanctuary, then my potential will naturally impress them, and they will naturally think that I am the most likely person on the mainland to fight against the God Emperor and Demon Emperor."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen paused slightly, looked at Laux over there, Lin Chen's eyes were cold, and said: "If I make a big fuss at that time, people from the Three Holy Lands will also I have to take into account my feelings and punish Laux, let alone what kind of punishment, in fact, my purpose is not just that."

"Oh? What other purpose do you have?" Hearing that the ghost-faced man had other purposes besides this, Ninotdin's eyes widened in surprise. Obviously, even with Ninotdin's wisdom, he actually It didn't occur to him that the ghost-masked man had other purposes.

"What? Do you want to guess? Guess boldly." Seeing Ninotdin's appearance, Lin Chen asked.

"It seems that you plan to test me." Hearing that Lin Chen didn't answer, but asked himself instead, Ninotdin naturally wouldn't admit defeat, and after lowering his head for a while, he raised his head hesitantly Looking at Lin Chen, he said: "According to your personality, if you don't connect your broken arm, it shouldn't be because you want to use the hands of the Three Holy Lands to punish Laux."

"Well, let's continue." Hearing Ninotdin's analysis, Lin Chen nodded and continued to ask. He sat up straight while speaking, and did not lean on Xia Lu any more. This really made Lin Chen feel a little uncomfortable. Awkward.

Seeing Lin Chen sitting up straight, a look of disappointment flashed in Xia Lu's eyes, she lowered her head and said nothing, just looked at the wound on Lin Chen's broken arm, feeling very distressed.

"Based on what I know about you, you're not the kind of person who would use other people's hands if you have a grudge, so either you won't deal with Laux, or if you want to deal with it, you will do it yourself."

Speaking of this, Ninotdin looked at Lin Chen tentatively with some hesitation on his face, "If I'm not wrong, you deliberately broke your hand this time and didn't connect it, just to have a reason to ask Lauk If you find fault with Si, as for the people from the Three Great Sacred Grounds punishing him, you are just doing it by the way."

"Haha! That's right! You really deserve to be the military adviser of our team! You can guess this too." Hearing Ninotdin's analysis, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing and said that when he laughed, something involved his own The wound, brows could not help but wrinkle, after all, the pain of a broken arm was heart-wrenching, not to mention that Lin Chen still endured it, and did not let Kelly treat it, but simply wrapped it with some cloth strips.

Hearing that he guessed right, Ninotdin frowned even more, and said, "I just don't understand why you did this? Although your strength is good, if you want to take revenge yourself , but it is too difficult, after all, Laux is the strength of the ninth rank of the sanctuary."

Indeed, according to Ninotin's wisdom, Ninotin actually guessed this point long ago, but why is Ninotin just hesitant and not sure?It's because Ninotdin couldn't believe that Lin Chen would do this. After all, the strength gap between the two is too big, and it is not so easy to bridge.

"Let me tell you! The mainland powerhouses are gathered! Although it is said to be the three holy places! But after all, they are all for dealing with the two worlds of gods and demons! My potential is endless! But Laux is still a strong man of the ninth rank of the sanctuary It is also very important to the mainland! If there is no certain reason! The three holy places would not want to see me and Laucus fight to the death, so I want to have my arm broken! Or let me have enough Reason to deal with Laux! As for the gap in strength between us... ".

Speaking of this, Lin Chen paused slightly, but didn't say it out. He just bought a trick at Ninotdin and said, "You will know when the time comes."

Hearing that Lin Chen was a joke, everyone naturally didn't ask any more questions, but Lin Chen endured the pain in his arm and flew towards the Supreme Church, and Ah Xing, because he left the Nether Purgatory, so Putting on the Holy Light Armor, although his strength has been suppressed to the point where he is only the first rank of Sanctuary, at least he can still walk in the sun.

Although the silver armor is a bit broken, it can absorb the surrounding sunlight to increase the defense of the armor itself. This is not bad. The Fire Tiger King and the Elf Queen each performed some small secrets and notified the Warcraft tribe and the Alien Alliance. After telling the things here, everyone is flying with all their strength.

About a few hours later, Lin Chen and the others lifted their bodies, flew to an altitude of [-] meters, and landed on the square of the Supreme Church. The other three elders of the Supreme Church came out under the leadership of Archbishop Ben Ben to greet everyone.

"It's okay! Everyone is fine!" Seeing everyone who fell down, there were not a few of them, and all of them were there. The undergraduate said with a long sigh of relief. Naturally, it is best that there are no casualties.

However, when Ben Ke saw that Lin Chen's left arm was broken, his face changed suddenly. He hurriedly walked in front of Lin Chen, his hands trembling slightly, and picked up Lin Chen's apparently broken arm.

"Ghost...ghost-masked" Looking at Lin Chen's broken left arm, the undergraduate's face was full of pain and regret. It is very clear, just like this, the impact of breaking an arm on the refining of pharmaceuticals, the undergraduate is naturally very clear, just such a supreme pharmacist, almost ruined.

"Ghost-faced man, do you know that the preciousness of your hands has been ruined by Mo Luoxing..." Looking at Lin Chen's broken arm, Ben Ke first looked at Lin Chen in pain, and then said something in his mouth. He couldn't help but said angrily, the supreme pharmacist, only he and the ghost-masked man have achieved it throughout the ages, but he didn't expect that after this battle, the ghost-masked man's arm was broken. How can this not make the undergraduate feel sorry?

Seeing the appearance of the undergraduate, the Fire Tiger King, the Frost Sky Eagle King and the elders of the Supreme Church all looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't understand what happened to the undergraduate. , To be so hurt, this made the elders of Huo Hu Wang Ji Wu Shang Church not understand what was going on.

Because the matter of the supreme pharmacist was too involved, only the pope and the archbishop knew about it in the supreme church, and even these elders did not tell.

"Bachelor! We meet again." Upon hearing this, Fire Tiger King spoke first, and said hello to Benke.

"Hehe, Fire Tiger King, I haven't seen you for thousands of years, but you still have the same demeanor." After all, they are all strongmen of the ninth rank of the sanctuary, and there is no distinction between each other's status, so it is natural that they are friends of the same generation, although because of Lin Chen's arm was broken, and the undergraduate was in a bad mood, but the Fire Tiger King was one of the beast kings of the Warcraft tribe after all, and the undergraduate did not dare to neglect.

"Actually, the ghost-faced man's arm was not severed by Mo Luoxing, but by Elder Laucus of your Supreme Church." After greeting Ben Ke, the Fire Tiger King said , pointing to Laux next to him.

Although the existence of the three holy places is to deal with the two worlds of gods and demons and resist the invasion of the two worlds of gods and demons, there is still friction between them, and seeing that the undergraduate attaches so much importance to the ghost-masked man, so the Fire Tiger King He couldn't help but opened his mouth, and picked up the matter. His original intention was to see the archbishop of the Supreme Church and Elder Laucus pinching each other, which can be regarded as adding insult to injury.

"What!?", although he also knew what the Fire Tiger King meant, just to watch the show next to him, but after hearing what the Fire Tiger King said, the undergraduate couldn't help but screamed in surprise, and looked at Lin Chen's broken words. Arm, looked at Laux again, dare not imagine, besides himself, the only supreme pharmacist, an arm, was shot off by Laux like this?

(End of this chapter)

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