Alien professional player

Chapter 495 Defense against the Pope

Chapter 495 Defense against the Pope
With the bloodthirsty long sword under his feet, Lin Chen shot in the direction of the alien alliance like a lightning bolt in the air.

Although the gap between the Bloodthirsty Long Sword and Zhentian Kuangjian is too great, but the Bloodthirsty Long Sword has all the attributes of sword fairy skills +1, which is very suitable for Lin Chen to use as a means of transportation. .

Exercising the skill of Yujian Feixian, Lin Chen stopped and walked, but quickly arrived at the alien race alliance, and then activated the stealth skill on the ghost mask, Lin Chen secretly moved towards the alien race alliance go in.

Although there are many strong people above the fifth rank of the Sanctuary in the alien alliance, Lin Chen is now at the fourth rank of the sanctuary. He mixed in.

Entering the alien alliance, Lin Chen came to the territory of the elves, and soon found Ti Fara. Seeing Lin Chen sneaking in front of him, Ti Fara hurriedly closed her door, and then Instruct the guards outside that no one can trespass.

"Lin Chen, why are you here? Because the dragon yuan was stolen, the current dragon clan is all trying to arrest you." After closing the door, Tifara said to Lin Chen, and at the same time she was a little surprised Looking at Lin Chen, "Is the Dragon Yuan in your hand? If it is, return it to the Dragon Emperor, otherwise, the anger of the Dragon Clan will cause you a lot of trouble on the mainland."

"The dragon yuan is indeed in my hands, but I promised Lake to use the dragon yuan to save a person." Regarding Tifara, Lin Chen was very relieved, and said the matter directly, about his promise to Lake Things have been said carefully.

"Hey, you just have too much loyalty." Ti Farah shook her head and sighed when she heard that Lake finally sacrificed his life for Lin Chen and others to have a chance to escape.

In order to repay Lake, Lin Chen used Long Yuan to save people. Ti Farah can't say anything about it. After all, Ti Farah saw Lin Chen's character clearly when he was hiding in the Book of Kings.

Although Lin Chen is not an indecisive person, he can even be ruthless when necessary, but he values ​​loyalty too much, he is a person who doesn't like to take advantage of others.

Otherwise, he would find a way to return the favor. Of course, it was precisely because of this that Lin Chen was able to make so many people follow him wholeheartedly, and it also made Ti Farah willing to make friends with him.

"Actually, I came to see you today because of two things." After Lin Chen and Tifara confessed about Lake, they got to the point and said, "The first thing is that the Nine Sovereigns of the Mainland The third Caesar, he has a son, I want you to help me find his whereabouts".

"Oh? Are you going to start dealing with Caesar?", hearing Lin Chen's words, Ti Fara frowned slightly.

Obviously, Tifra, who is hiding in the Book of Kings, is also very aware of the hatred between Lin Chen and Caesar. Now that Lin Chen is looking for Caesar's son, he is naturally preparing to take revenge.

"No! I have already avenged Caesar! I have cut off his hands and feet! It's just that I need to pry something out of his mouth, so I have to get him to speak with something of weight. " Shaking his head, Lin Chen said frankly.

"Oh? Your movements are faster than I imagined!" After hearing Lin Chen's words, Tifara said in surprise.

Knowing Lin Chen's character so well, Tifara naturally knew that Lin Chen would definitely seek revenge from Caesar, but he didn't expect that Lin Chen's action was so fast that he had already done it.

"Well, this troubles you. Caesar's son is Rosmo, a necromancer. I believe that with your ability, it shouldn't be a big problem to find him." Nodding, Lin Chen begged.

"There is no problem with this. I have already checked the whereabouts of that Rosmer for you. He is now in the territory of the Nanxuan Empire." Rosmo's whereabouts were revealed, which made Lin Chen stunned.

Smiling, Tifara looked at Lin Chen and said, "I knew for a long time that you would definitely do something to Caesar, and Caesar's situation naturally needs to be investigated for you, so Caesar's son will help you by the way." You found out."

"Thank you!", moved for a while, Lin Chen didn't say much, but thanked him earnestly. Although from the perspective of Tiffala's identity and ability, it is not too difficult to check only one person, but he can put his own affairs In my heart, I have already helped myself to find out about Caesar's situation. Lin Chen was very moved.

"Okay, okay, do we still have to be so polite between us? Tell me, what is the second thing?" Seeing Lin Chen's moved appearance, she sincerely thanked her, Ti Farah was secretly satisfied in her heart, but her mouth was He said very indifferently, and asked Lin Chen another matter while speaking.

"Well, the second thing is the main reason why I came to you all the way. It's about the Supreme Church." Hearing Ti Farah's words and mentioning the second thing, Lin Chen's face became more serious.

"The Pope told me before that there is a divine weapon in the God-Moron, an artifact-level alchemy furnace. I want to know the specific situation, the situation of the God-Moron, and..." Speaking of this, the expression on his face was bright. The serious Lin Chen paused slightly, and then said: "There is also the Pope."

"God Demon Tomb? Artifact? The Pope?" Hearing Lin Chen's words, Tifara frowned tightly. Obviously, Lin Chen's news surprised him too, after all, it was about the artifact. Well, even Tiffala can't take this matter seriously.

After pondering for a while, Tifara raised his hand and laid a barrier to ensure safety. Finally, he looked at Lin Chen seriously and said, "Actually, there are only three artifacts in this world. I believe you should have heard of them. It is the Throne of Gods, the Armor of the Stars and the Blade of the Void. There is absolutely no way that there will be a fourth artifact, let alone an alchemy furnace of the artifact level. Wouldn't believe it anyway, but...'.

Speaking of this, Ti Farah looked at Lin Chen seriously, and said: "But you also have an artifact on your body, an artifact that is not included in these three artifacts, which makes me understand, maybe apart from the three artifacts In addition, there is the possibility of other artifacts, and besides, the pope would not be able to deceive you with this matter, so the possibility of existence of artifacts in the God-Motomb is more than [-]%."

"Well, what then?" After hearing Tifra's analysis, Lin Chen nodded, and then asked, in fact, the reason why Lin Chen risked to come to the alien alliance was naturally not only for the matter of Caesar's son, but mainly because he wanted to know The view of the Supreme Church on the matter of the God Modron.

"Then? That's the God-Motomb!" After hearing Lin Chen's words, Tifara said, "The God-Motomb is the place where the last battle broke out when the God-Moron invaded. Countless gods were buried there. The powerhouses of the two races of demons are therefore called the God-Moron, and there are not only extremely powerful undead, but also terrifying undead souls that interfere with the will."

"Although the Pope told you that you can go and have a look when you are at the fifth rank of the sanctuary, it is indeed reasonable, but with your combat power at the fifth rank of the sanctuary, I believe that you will have a narrow escape after entering. Only when you reach the sixth rank of the sanctuary can you It's relatively safe."

"Understood! So the Pope actually has his own thoughts in his heart. Maybe he wants me to go in and experience it, or he wants me to subdue the divine weapon-level refining medicine when I am exhausted or at the end of my strength. Furnace?" Lin Chen said with a serious expression after hearing what Tifala said and knowing the danger of the God-Moron.

"Well, your vigilance is correct." Hearing Lin Chen's words, Ti Fara nodded seriously, and said, "The Demon's Tomb is very dangerous, and the Pope asked you to enter with only the strength of the fifth rank of the sanctuary. It is suspected that he deliberately wants you to take over the artifact in a state of exhaustion."

As for why Lin Chen was allowed to subdue the spirit weapon at the end of his strength, and what the Pope’s thoughts were, there is no need to poke it out, but what Ti Fara said is right, Lin Chen’s vigilance is correct, after all, it is about Divine weapon, who can guarantee that the Pope can hold back his greed in front of the divine weapon?
Not to mention the Pope, I believe that even the Demon Emperor and the God Emperor, who have already obtained the artifact, cannot hold back in front of the artifact. After all, everyone knows what the artifact means.

An artifact means that it has surpassed the existence of the ninth rank of the sanctuary, and it also means that there are not many people in this world who can really threaten themselves.

"Okay, I understand, I'm going to find Rosmo now..." After knowing everything he wanted to know, Lin Chen had no intention of staying here any longer, so he got up and left. The Nanxuan Empire went to find Caesar's son Rosmo, and Lin Chen also secretly kept an eye on the Pope regarding the matter of the Demon Tomb.

Cautiously left the Alien Alliance without attracting the attention of the Dragon Clan, Lin Chen stepped on the bloodthirsty long sword again, unfolded his skill of controlling the sword and flying fairy, and shot back in the direction of A Xing and the others. Along the way, the forest farm secretly exclamation.

Ti Farah is really worthy of deep friendship, and he has already found out the whereabouts of Caesar's son for him, otherwise, he would have to stay in the alien alliance for a while, waiting for him to find out the whereabouts of Caesar's son Rosmo.

"The Pope? If I can't subdue that artifact by then, that's okay. If you really dare to do it, don't blame me, Lin Chen, for being cruel. What about the peak of the ninth rank of the sanctuary? Xiao Xiami I can still eat big whales!" During the flight, thinking of the Pope's possible conspiracy, Lin Chen's heart also secretly turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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