Alien professional player

Chapter 6 Iron Armor Guardian Potion

Chapter 6 Iron Armor Guardian Potion
"Drive!!!" Looking at the bandits who were chasing up from behind, Lin Chen was secretly eager, and at the same time hurriedly urged the horses under his seat.

There is no way, although Lin Chen also rode a horse before crossing, but how can it compare to these natives who come and go on horseback every day?What's more, the group of steeds under Lin Chen's seat also carried her and Xia Lu.

"Hurry up!!!" Looking closer, the bandit leader had a smirk on his face and shouted loudly, two hundred hungry wolves and bandits galloped along the way, causing the ground to tremble violently .

"Scorching flames, continuous attacks, wave after wave, endless, continuous fireball" Sitting on the horseback, watching the bandits getting closer and closer behind her, although it was not enough, but Xia Lu raised her hand. With the exquisite magic wand in his hand, he began to chant magic spells.

"Hoohoo..." After the magic incantation was finished, Xia Lu waved the delicate magic wand in her hand, and then five or six basketball-sized fireballs blasted towards the bandit leader in a row.

"Bang!!!", but seeing the continuous fireballs blasting over, the bandit leader sneered disdainfully. With a swing of the big ax in his hand, he easily blocked these fireballs. After all, he is the bandit leader of Lv46, isn't he Xia Lu, a Lv29 magician, can compare.

"Chase me!!!", easily blocking Xia Lu's continuous fireball, the leader of the bandit yelled with a grin, the distance between the two sides was constantly shortening, and it had already shortened to a distance of about 50 meters.

"Unstable Potion", Lin Chen sneered secretly when he saw the bandits getting closer behind him, and then threw out another bottle of Unstable Potion, directly towards the bandit leader .

"What is this?" Looking at the potion thrown towards him and the off-white potion rippling in the small bottle, the bandit leader was secretly puzzled, but then his hairs stood on end, and he happened to think of the horrible thing just now. After the explosion, the frightened bandit leader instantly activated his fighting spirit shield, and at the same time screamed: "Get out of the way! Danger!!!".

"Huh?" Hearing the bandit leader's words, the bandits were slightly startled. They obviously didn't understand why he suddenly yelled that it was dangerous. However, they understood immediately, and the terrifying explosion appeared again. Amidst the screams, dozens of bandits were blown to pieces in an instant, and the strength of the explosion seriously injured the bandits around them.

"Ah!!!", screaming in his mouth, he is worthy of being the Lv46 bandit leader. Although he was directly exploded by the unstable potion, he is a Lv46 guy after all, and he has activated the skill of fighting spirit protection, so he was not caught. He was killed directly by the explosion, but he was seriously injured, his whole body was covered in blood, his clothes also changed into a beggar's outfit, and his disheveled hair looked very scary.

"Hiss, it's scary!!!" Seeing this horrible explosion, seeing that the face and head were seriously injured and almost disabled, the bandits behind hurriedly grabbed the flatterer in the Mercedes and stopped, epic level The unstable potion is indeed very scary.

"Damn! What are you waiting for!? Ropa! Shoot their horses!" Although he saved his life, the steed under his seat was blown to death. Turning over, he roared loudly at the same time, looking like a mad tiger, with a particularly ferocious expression.

"Yes!!!" Hearing the words of the leader of the bandits, a Lv39 archer among the bandits nodded. Then, he drew his longbow. At the same time, a blue wind appeared, wrapping the mace arrow, and then, It shot out in an instant, and the arrow with the power of the wind element instantly hit the hind legs of Lin Chen's steed.

The horse that was shot in the thigh let out a scream, and couldn't hold on any longer and fell down. Fortunately, Lin Chen reached out his hand quickly, hugged Xia Lu, turned over and jumped off the horse.

Rolled on the spot, then quickly got up, and ran towards the woods not far away. About 1000 meters away, there was a large forest. If he hid in it, Lin Chen was at least [-]% sure that he would be able to escape .

However, the distance is still more than 1000 meters, can you outrun those galloping horses?Lin Chen's mentality is very weak, but he still has to try anyway, after all, he still has three bottles of unstable medicine in his hand.

"Spread out! Surround them!!!", obviously because of the fear of Lin Chen's unstable potion, the bandit leader didn't dare to rush over together, but let people quickly scatter, from Lin Chen The two sides of the two circled around, surrounded them, and wanted to trap and kill them.

"Unstable potion!!!" Looking at the bandits who wanted to surround him from both sides, Lin Chen secretly gritted his teeth, knowing that once he was surrounded, it would be even more difficult.

With a flick of his hand, he threw out the two bottles of unstable potion, and then, the familiar explosion on both sides of Lin Chen sounded again. The terrifying explosion brought Lin Chen a lot of experience, and it actually made Lin Chen directly Got to level 11.

"Damn!!! Such a terrible explosive potion!!! How much does he have left!?" Seeing Lin Chen throwing out the unstable potion as if he didn't want money, the bandit leader behind was startled and distressed Such a terrifying potion is equivalent to instant sixth-order magic. If you buy it, it will definitely be a super high price! ! !
"What should I do?" There were four bottles of unstable potion before and after, which almost took away the lives of sixty or seventy bandits. asked the leader.

"Ropa! Shoot that man! Can you do it!?", with monstrous hatred in his eyes, but also deep scruples, the bandit leader turned his head and asked the Lv39 archer next to him road.

"I'll try!", the archer nodded lightly, and then, he pulled the longbow instantly, and the three arrows directly locked on Lin Chen, and the real killing intent was attached to the bow and arrow.

"You want to kill me!?", a burst of cold killing intent lingered in Lin Chen's heart, and when he turned his head and saw the archer's arrow locked on him, Lin Chen snorted coldly, and then, quickly He took out a bottle of golden potion from his bag.

"Iron Armor Guardian Potion (Legendary Level): Instantly increases physical defense by 3800 points, lasts for 10 minutes, and cools down for 36000 seconds."

"Damn! Waste is waste! It's just medicine! There will be opportunities to refine it in the future!" Looking at the golden medicine in his hand, although it is not worth using it in this kind of place, Lin Chen still secretly gritted his teeth , raised his head and poured down the potion in his hand.

The legendary potion, which was customized by the boss of a guild. He wanted to use it to overthrow a big boss, but he didn't expect to use it in this place.

(End of this chapter)

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