Alien professional player

Chapter 668 anticlimactic

Chapter 668 anticlimactic
"Ghost-faced man! This skeleton is resurrected after self-explosion! And! It can be resurrected many times here! If his secret is found out! Deborah may be able to resurrect now!", ignoring the skeleton monarch and Garuda Joanke just stared at Lin Chen seriously and said about their appearance.

For Joanke, he insisted on finding out the secret of this abyssal lair, whether it was Garuda, or the Skeleton Monarch, or even Gabriel next to him, for him, they all It doesn't matter if you object, but Lin Chen is the only one who needs to seek consent.

They objected, Joanke didn't care, just used force to make them submit. For Joanke, for Deborah's resurrection, he could even slaughter the top powerhouses of the human race, let alone Garuda and the others. A few, he doesn't care at all.

However, Lin Chen's consent is very important. First of all, since he has chosen to join the opponent's team, he should follow his opinion. Besides, the opponent has already agreed to him. God's word will help him bring Deborah back to life.

Moreover, in addition to this reason, the more important point is the resistance of the Skeleton Monarch. Only when Lin Chen agrees, and only if he helps, can he find out about this abyssal lair.

Otherwise, if Lin Chen refuses to agree, Qiao Anke alone, with his current strength, which is only a matter of giving birth, will not be able to stop the crazy self-destruct attack of the Skeleton Monarch.

"Ghost-faced man! No need! It's good to do this! Let's go!" Following Joanke's words, Garuda stared at Lin Chen seriously and said, with some eagerness in his mouth.

Jialuluo could also see that Qiao Anke attached great importance to Lin Chen. If Lin Chen agreed to leave, Qiao Anke would not insist.

"..." Listening to what Joanke and Garuda said, Lin Chen was a little embarrassed for a while, and didn't know how to answer. On the one hand, if he promised to persevere, what face would Lin Chen have when facing Garuda and Luo in the future? Gabriel?
On the other hand, if you don't agree, wouldn't that disappoint Joanke?Moreover, the nine-star mission that he could complete within a short distance, also passed by like this.

This is a choice between morality and companionship. After a moment of silence, Lin Chen gritted his teeth, looked at Qiao Anke seriously, and said: "Since this is the case! Since you insist! Then! Do as you want Bar!".

While speaking, Lin Chen raised the Divine Scourge Sword in his hand, expressing his position. After hearing Lin Chen's words and hearing his choice, Joanke stared at Lin Chen with wide eyes, and then, his eyes It was a little moist, and his eyes were full of emotion.

In fact, Qiao Anke is not a person who does not understand the world, he also knows Lin Chen's embarrassment now, after all, he agreed to Garuda's request to come to this abyss lair, and now let him make a choice, and it is for himself Joanke actually didn't have much hope for someone he had known for less than a day.

However, what I didn't expect was that Lin Chen actually agreed. While Joanke was shocked, his heart was even more moved.

Since Lin Chen is willing to come for Garuda, it is obvious that the two of them had friendship before, but now, because of himself, a person who has known each other for less than a day, he refuses Garuda's request. Apart from being moved, Qiao Anke can also have what?

"Thank you! Ghost-faced man! Thank you..." Looking at Lin Chen earnestly with eyes full of emotion, Joanke sincerely thanked him. Although he said that he joined the team mainly because of the deal with Lin Chen, but now , Lin Chen's choice made Qiao Anke truly agree with Lin Chen as a companion in his heart.

"We are teammates! We are partners! Your business is mine! You don't need to thank me!" Looking at Joanke's eyes full of emotion, and hearing his sincere thanks, Lin Chen was also very moved Satisfied, said in his mouth.

Indeed, although such a choice will make Lin Chen feel guilty towards Garuda, but in all honesty, although Garuda and himself have fought side by side, he is an outsider after all.

And Joanke is his teammate, so for an outsider, offending his teammate, is it worth it?The answer is obvious.

Besides, Lin Chen asked himself, he is not a noble person, let alone a saint who worries about the world first, he is just a very simple person, that is to protect himself, to protect all the people he wants to protect , and since Joanke is his teammate, what position does Lin Chen have to stand opposite Joanke?
Qiao Anke is a teammate of the team, and the most important thing for a team is to trust each other and live in harmony. If he really rejected Qiao Anke today, Lin Chen believes that he should not conflict with him, but it is inevitable that he will Let a rift between him and himself, and between him and the team.

The operation of the team requires everyone to work hard. Is it worth it to let your team have a rift with Joanke for the sake of Garuda?Besides, for Lin Chen's team, a strong man like Joanke is of great significance.

Although it is true that I am sorry for Garuda, but Lin Chen does not regret his choice, only Garuda, when he heard Lin Chen's words, his face changed drastically, and he even exclaimed: "Ghost-faced man! No! This is Johnson's own choice! No! Let's go!".

"Garuda! I promised you to come here before! It was because of your request! But now I choose to stay! It was my teammate's request! I'm sorry! All I can say is! Try not to hurt your friend!", heard When Garuda screamed, Lin Chen turned his back to him and said, Lin Chen was also embarrassed to see Garuda, after all, Lin Chen felt a little guilty about him.

"Okay! Get out of the way! You know we can't stop us!" Now that he has decided, Lin Chen has no intention of hesitation. He walked up to the Skeleton Lord, looked at him seriously and said, indeed, with himself and Joanke teamed up, this skeleton monarch is absolutely unstoppable.

"Are you really going to go!? If you really go! You will definitely regret it!" Looking at Lin Chen and Joanke seriously, the pair of dark white soul fires of the Skeleton Monarch flickered coldly The light, his words, made Lin Chen's heart instinctively flashed a chill.

However, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched. At this time, it is impossible to turn back. Moreover, with Qiao Anke and himself joining forces, Lin Chen really does not believe that this nine-star task will not be completed by himself. Therefore, Lin Chen and Both Qiao Anke nodded heavily, and said in unison: "That's right! We must go there!".

"That's good! Since I can't stop you! Then you go in! But! I hope you don't do things that make the world angry." I also know that I can't stop Lin Chen and Joanke For the two of them, the Skeleton Monarch stepped back a bit and said in a deep voice.

"Uh..." At first, I thought I was going to rush in after a big fight, but I didn't expect that the Skeleton Monarch actually got out of the way. Both Lin Chen and Joanke were a little surprised.

However, since he is willing to step aside automatically, this is naturally the best, so Lin Chen and the two walked directly towards the entrance without saying anything.

In fact, the choice made by the skeleton monarch is indeed the smartest choice. It is indeed impossible for him to stop Lin Chen and Joanke from joining forces, and the two are determined to go in, so why should he What about doing useless work?
"Johnson! Is it really okay?", watching Lin Chen and Joanke walk in, Garuda stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

Indeed, he was still determined before, as if he had to step on its corpse if he wanted to go there, but now, he actually got out of the way like this, which really seemed a bit anticlimactic.

"The problem is huge! But it's a pity that they can't stop them! Why should I do useless work? I just hope they don't make mistakes!" Hearing Garuda's words, Johnson's skeleton monarch said with a sigh, While speaking, the remaining one hand concealedly made a gesture to Garuda.

"This..." Seeing the concealed gesture made by the Skeleton Monarch, Garuda frowned, and then nodded without a trace, expressing his understanding.

Others may not know the meaning of the gesture of the Skeleton Monarch, but Garuda once traveled to the mainland with Johnson and experienced thousands of battles. Even after 1000 years, Garuda still remembers this gesture. This means vigilance, and generally means that there is danger lurking in the dark.

"Don't do anything that would make the people of the world angry? What's hidden in it?", walking side by side with Joanke, keeping vigilant. At the same time, Lin Chen muttered suspiciously, since the skeleton The monarch said these words, obviously there should be something that shakes the world hidden in it, right?

"Stop talking! Go in and have a look and it will be clear." Hearing Lin Chen's muttering, Joanke next to him shook his head and said.

"That's right! Let's go." He nodded in agreement, and Lin Chen stopped thinking about it so much. If he went in and took a look, everything should be clear.

"It's over!? This guy let them in like this?" A figure lurking in the dark watched Lin Chen and Joanke walk in, his eyes widened, and he didn't expect it either.

I didn't expect the Skeleton Lord to let them in so easily. I tried here several times, but every time I was dragged desperately by the Skeleton Lord, I couldn't rush in at all.

(End of this chapter)

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