Alien professional player

Chapter 70 Lin Chen's Exclusive Bodyguard

Chapter 70 Lin Chen's Exclusive Bodyguard

"Well, the properties of the medicine are much better..." At the headquarters of the Pharmacists Guild, Elder Mocha nodded secretly while holding the magic potion he had just refined.

Although the magic potion in his hand is still only epic level, Elder Mocha can clearly detect the magic potion. As his refining method of intersecting civil and military fire becomes more and more proficient, the potion's efficacy is also better.

Elder Mocha believes that at his current speed, he will definitely be able to successfully refine the legendary magic potion within a month.

Knowing everything, Elder Mocha believes that as long as he can successfully refine the legendary potion, then as long as he consolidates the tricks of refining the legendary potion, then he can successfully break through and reach the legendary level. The days of the pharmacist are just around the corner.

A legendary pharmacist!Thinking of this, Elder Mocha is full of longing. Although there is only one level difference between the epic level pharmacist and the legendary level pharmacist, the difference of this level is the difference between the quasi-top pharmacist and the top pharmacist.

Although epic-level pharmacists are precious, there are more than a dozen pharmacist guild headquarters. In the entire empire, Elder Mocha estimates that there may be more than 20 epic-level pharmacists, or even thirty, although compared to the entire empire In general, only twenty or thirty epic pharmacists are indeed very precious resources, but they haven't reached the top yet.

Only when you reach the legendary pharmacist level can you really climb to the top, because the pharmacist guild has only two legendary pharmacists so far, and one of them is a newly promoted legendary pharmacist five years ago. Got the position of Vice President...

"Legendary level! It seems that I have a chance to aspire to the position of vice president..." Thinking of the succession ceremony held by the vice president who was newly promoted to the level of a legendary pharmacist five years ago, everyone envied him at that time, Elder Mocha has some longing.

Originally, I thought that I had no chance to become a legendary pharmacist in this life, but after a little advice from Lin Chen, I suddenly realized that I had found a way, and the door leading to the realm of a legendary pharmacist also quietly opened a gap for himself.

"By the way, is Lin Chen still wasting his life?" Thinking of the legendary pharmacist, Elder Mocha reflexively thought of Lin Chen who had inadvertently called him, and murmured secretly.

Putting down the magic potion in his hand, stood up, and walked outside. In Elder Mocha's opinion, it is a waste of life to be a swordsman with Lin Chen's talent. He is just an apprentice swordsman now. That's all, are you still working hard to get the professional title of junior swordsman?

"Huh? Where is Lin Chen?" But when Elder Mocha walked to the trial room and knocked on the door, he found that there was no one inside. Elder Mocha asked a person in charge of the test.

"Report to the elder, Lin Chen left early this morning. I heard from him that he seems to have gone out of the city, and he wants to try his own strength with the Fengling Fox King." Ordinary core members cared so much, but the person in charge still answered hastily.

"What!? He went out of the city alone!? He went to find Fengling Fox King!?" Hearing what the person in charge said, Elder Mocha's eyes widened, and he shouted in surprise, and then he spoke hastily He said: "No way! He must not be allowed to fight against monsters outside alone! Go find Pale quickly! Let him do nothing! Be Lin Chen's bodyguard! Go!".

"Uh..." Hearing Elder Mocha's order, the staff member was dumbfounded. Pale is a sky-level swordsman. In the Pharmacist Guild, those who can get the protection of sky-level swordsmen are generally at least the medicines above the perfect level. To be a master, moreover, it must be someone with potential, but how can an ordinary core member be protected by a sky-level swordsman?And is it a dedicated bodyguard?
It wasn't just this staff member who was stupid, but Elder Mocha eagerly shouted that everyone was dumbfounded, wondering who the hell is that Lin Chen?How could an ordinary core member be protected by a sky-level swordsman?Is it the prince of the empire?

No matter what, no matter how shocked the staff member was, under the order of Elder Mocha, he quickly turned around and ran to inform, and brought a sky-level swordsman, who was the few strong men who protected Elder Mocha back then One, when Elder Mocha asked him to protect Lin Chen and be his bodyguard, Pale nodded calmly and agreed.

Back then on the road, Lin Chen knew the status of a young perfect pharmacist. Such a young perfect pharmacist is qualified enough to be protected by a sky-level swordsman. When he is promoted to an epic-level pharmacist, At this point, will you lose your own benefits?
On the other side, Elder Nuopa also walked through the hall with his disciple Lolage. Elder Nuopa is also an epic-level pharmacist, and his disciple is also famous. He is one of the well-known geniuses in the guild, and he is expected to be promoted to an epic pharmacist in the future.

"Rorag, this great magister is your bodyguard sent by the guild. You will have to work hard in the future." Elder Nopa pointed to an old man in his sixties next to him who was wearing a dark blue magic robe. Said.

"Thank you, mentor!" Hearing Elder Nopa's words, Lolage said excitedly. At the same time, he nodded to the great magister next to him, and said modestly: "Thank you! My safety in the future! I will leave it to you!" .

A professional bodyguard of a great magister, as the son of the prime minister of the empire, Lolage didn't care, but since this was sent to him by the guild, Lolager was very excited. This is a kind of affirmation from the guild. Affirm the performance of your abilities and talents.

This is like a student. Although his family has money and doesn’t care much about money, he is still very excited when he gets a scholarship at school. Although money is not the most important thing, the meaning contained in it is the most important thing. of.

A master-level professional usually needs the protection power that a perfect-level pharmacist can obtain. He is only an excellent-level pharmacist. Being able to receive such protection is enough to prove that the guild values ​​his talent.

"It's nothing. I am also very satisfied that this old man can protect a genius pharmacist like Master Lolage in his twilight years." Hearing what Lolage said, the old great magister said with a smile.

Lolage is not only one of the geniuses of the Pharmacist Guild, but also the son of the prime minister of the empire. It is definitely beneficial and harmless for him to have this relationship.

"What!? He went out of the city alone!? He went to find Fengling Fox King!? No way! He must not be allowed to fight against monsters outside alone! Go find Pale! Let him do nothing ! Dedicated to be Lin Chen's bodyguard! Hurry up!".

Just when Lolage was excited, there was a sudden scream, which attracted the attention of Lolage and Elder Nuopa. Soon, a sky-level swordsman came over and was eagerly sent by Elder Mocha to give Lin Chen became the bodyguard in charge.

"Lin Chen!?" Lolage, who was attracted by Elder Mocha's shout, was secretly surprised when he heard Elder Mocha's words, and then heard that Lin Chen, a little-known kid, could actually get the special training of a sky-level sword master. Protection, Rorag, who was excited by the protection of the great magister, lost all joy in his heart, and only anger and jealousy remained!

"Lin Chen? I haven't heard of this person. What's wrong with Mocha? He actually sent a sky-level swordsman to be his bodyguard?" Elder Nuopa walked over, with some doubts on his face. The murmured secret passage could make Elder Mocha shout so out of place, and Elder Nuopa was also very curious about what kind of character this Lin Chen was.

(End of this chapter)

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