Alien professional player

Chapter 763 The Lost Eternal City

Chapter 763 The Lost Eternal City
"Hoo hoo hoo...", the flames in both hands kept emerging, sometimes surging like a volcanic eruption, sometimes gentle like a small bird.

In front of Driss, under his casting ability, the scattered materials, unknown casting materials, were slowly changing under his casting ability, and finally, completely condensed into a cross shape , a badge that exudes a strong light.

"Crack!" After the condensing was completed, this cross-shaped badge happened to be inlaid in the groove on the huge door behind, no more, no less, just right.

With this badge inlaid in, a magic circle emerged from the entire giant gate, and then, the magic elements in the air automatically circulated and gathered on the magic circle.

This giant gate, judging by visual inspection, is at least ten meters high, almost comparable to a building with three or four floors. Although the shape is very calm, like a sleeping giant beast, but unfortunately, One can tell that the age is too long, and it is full of traces left by the years. After all, even gold cannot resist the corrosion of thousands of years.

"Quack quack..." With the lighting of the magic circle, the huge door slowly turned, making harsh and unpleasant sounds. As the giant gate turned, the door naturally opened.

"Let's go! Go in!" Seeing that the gate finally opened, Driss said to Tina beside him.

After speaking, he took a deep breath, raised his legs and walked in the door, and Tina naturally walked in with her.

"That! Can I not go in?" However, being dragged in by Dries, Tina shook her head and said to Dries.

Although it is said that Tina is very playful, she can go wherever it is fun, but Tina knows that this place is too dangerous for her.

"Why!? Do you think you have a choice? Don't worry, I won't do anything to you." Hearing Tina's words, Driss shook his head and said.

"But! You don't even have confidence here! You drag me! You just want to find a companion! It's all to make yourself feel at ease! Because you dare not come in by yourself."

Although Driss said it well, Tina, who has the power of the mind, can feel what Driss is thinking in her heart. It's not that Tina can already see what Driss is thinking, but Is it because Driss's mood swings are so strong that Tina can feel the emotions and know what is in his heart.

"You..." Upon hearing Tina's words, Driss turned his head and looked at Tina in surprise and shock. After all, Driss knew very well what his psychology was like, but he There was nothing on her face, how did she know?
Looking at Tina, Driss suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart, then widened his eyes, looked at Tina carefully, and said: "I remember hearing that there is a kind of cat-human race in the human world that may appear in thousands of years. Ability, called a prophet! Could it be that you are?".

"I..." Tina was flustered for a moment when she heard Driss's words. Didn't she think that she was still seen through the fact that she came from the human world?

In that case, things would be troublesome, but lying has always been Tina's weakness, so Tina didn't know how to answer for a while.

Looking at Tina's appearance, Driss can naturally tell that Tina should be the legendary orc prophet, but why does this orc catwoman have a pair of wings on her back?
Moreover, why did the orcs come to this God Realm?Moreover, how did Midarren's sword of Kamui end up in her hand?Could it be?Is there a gang from the human world?

"Forget it! Let's not worry about that much! There is a prophet of the orcs next to him! Maybe he can get a lot of help."

Although she was wondering why Tina came to the God Realm, and she also suspected that she had a gang from the Human Realm who stole the sword of Midalene.

However, for Driss, these are not important now, what is important is that he must get the contents inside, and Tina's restriction may be able to help him.

"Okay! Let's go! You have the power of a prophet! Maybe you can help me." Knowing that Tina is the existence of a prophet, Driss felt relieved, and it was impossible to let Tina leave. .

After all, in a dangerous place, if you don't have the confidence, you need someone to accompany you. This is human nature.

From the feeling of spiritual power, Tina also knew that it was impossible for Driss to let her go, so she had no choice but to accept this fact, but Tina felt that she should say Things still need to be clarified.

"I know it's impossible for you to let me go, but I want to tell you that my spiritual power has not yet reached the point of becoming a true prophet, and my help to you is very limited, and, in such a dangerous place, you Don't you think you should tell the truth?"

Knowing that it was impossible for her to leave, Tina walked behind Dries. At the same time, Tina asked Dries seriously. Although she could understand that this place is dangerous from the perception of her spiritual power, but, Tina still doesn't understand what kind of danger there is and what kind of situation it is.

"Oh? This catwoman is very interesting." Looking at Tina's current appearance, Driss murmured to himself, and thinking about the innocent appearance in the City of Angels before, the gap between before and after is indeed huge. Little one, the current Tina actually gives people a very mature feeling.

Although he sighed in his heart, Driss nodded and told her everything Tina needed: "Well, let me tell you, this city is a city that has been lost for tens of thousands of years. city ​​called the Eternal City...".

It turns out that this is a lost city of eternity. In ancient times, 10 years ago, all races and creatures lived together on the mainland, gods, demons, humans...

These races live together, and there is no so-called struggle. Whether it is historical documents or ancient legends, that period is called the initial period of the emergence of the continent. In that era, the existence of the foundry was also born. , all races can cast all kinds of things.

At that time, all the foundry masters, in order to communicate better, slowly began to gather together. Later, more and more elite foundry masters gathered in one place, naturally, also A city was created and became a holy place for all race foundries, and this city is called the eternal city...

(End of this chapter)

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