Rebirth of the ugly girl

Chapter 137 Picking Up Clothes

Chapter 137 Picking Up Clothes

Shen Ting returned to school early the next morning, it was still early, and there were not many people on campus.

The three walked through the cafeteria, the playground, and returned to the dormitory.

Lu Yihe didn't sleep almost all night, and the dark circles under his eyes were obvious. Shen Ting was supported by Zhou Ya. Although she was hung up and took medicine, she was much better than before, but she still felt a little weak.

"Go back to the dormitory and have a good rest, take a leave of absence from the teacher, and don't try to force yourself to go to class." Lu Yihe warned.

Shen Ting nodded to him, "You go back to rest too, thank you yesterday."

I really don't want to hear you say thank you to me, Lu Yihe didn't say anything, turned and left.

Zhou Ya let out a breath, helped Shen Ting walk into the dormitory, and said sleepily, "I want to ask for leave too, I'm so sleepy."

The tutor asked for leave, and Shen Ting returned to the dormitory and slept for a long time before waking up. When she woke up, Zhou Ya just walked into the dormitory with millet porridge.

"It's really time for you to wake up." Zhou Ya put the millet porridge on the table and waved to Shen Ting: "Get up, wash your face and brush your teeth. I bought the porridge and it's still warm."

Shen Ting got out of bed, passed by the mirror and took a look, her complexion was much better, at least she was no longer pale like a ghost.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she took the millet porridge from Zhou Ya, and she smiled and said thank you: "Thank you for taking me to the hospital last night." Under such circumstances, Zhou Ya is the only one who can rely on her.

Zhou Ya patted her, and smiled heartlessly as usual: "We are roommates who love each other, why do you say such kind words, the porridge won't taste good when it's cold, eat it quickly."

Seemingly grinning, but actually very careful, Shen Ting looked at the delicate porridge in the bowl, raised the corner of her mouth and smiled, this was the first time she felt the power of friendship besides Fang Kelu and Huajian.

Zhou Ya went to class in the afternoon, and Shen Ting originally wanted to go to class with her, but she was pressed on the bed by her, and she said unquestionably: "You get out of bed after recovering from your illness, don't cause trouble for me."

Shen Ting knew that she was concerned about her body, so she nodded and stayed in the dormitory. It is estimated that after resting for half a day, her body will fully recover tomorrow morning.

Having had enough sleep in the morning, and having no desire to sleep in the afternoon, Shen Ting took out her computer and entered the school forum.

Zhu Ning kept his promise and posted a clarification post on the forum. The post has been refined and was pushed to No.1.

Although he has some mental problems, it has to be said that Zhu Ning's brain is completely fine. After all, he is a high-achieving student admitted to Z University. The clarification post he made is simple and easy to understand, explaining the cause and effect.

Although Zhu Ning didn't mention his name during the whole process, he left out the relationship between Shen Ting and Lu Yihe, and specifically mentioned that the two of them are not actually boyfriend and girlfriend.

It's just because there are some things to do, so the brothers and sisters had dinner together twice. Some people disliked Shen Ting and wanted to ruin her reputation, so they posted fake news on the forum.

The gossip suddenly changed, and the person who posted the post went wrong countless times. Finally, someone realized that the previous scolding of Shen Ting was too much, and said that if they meet again on campus, they must say sorry to the junior sister.

Seeing the people below expressing that they would apologize, Shen Ting sat upstairs and stretched, okay, see the sun through the clouds and mist, no matter how ugly what those people said before, she doesn't mind strangers, as long as they misunderstand Just untie it.

Getting out of bed and going to the bathroom, Shen Ting glanced at the balcony. The clothes she washed yesterday were already dry and were blowing back and forth in the wind. She walked to the balcony and picked the clothes off with a clothes rail. Due to carelessness, a shirt slipped off The clothes stretched and fell down the balcony.

With a cry of surprise, she hugged the clothes and looked down. The shirt fell into the bushes downstairs in the dormitory. The off-white linen shirt was especially conspicuous among the green bushes.

Remembering the location, Shen Ting put the clothes on the chair, took the key and locked the door and left the dormitory.

I don't know if it was the reason why I went out without putting on my coat and shoes last night or what happened, Lu Yihe felt a little hot as soon as he returned to the dormitory.

He measured his body temperature with a thermometer, and it was 38 degrees. Lu Yihe lived alone, so he prepared all the usual medicines. After taking two antipyretics, he climbed into bed and slept until the afternoon.

After sleeping for six or seven hours, covered in sweat, Lu Yihe got up from the bed, poured himself a glass of water, and habitually walked to the balcony.

In the past, he just let himself go to the empty balcony, but Lu Yihe didn't expect to see Shen Ting on the balcony suddenly, watching her pick up the clothes with the pole and put them in her hands, she looked better.

Although the two buildings are not close, Lu Yihe can still tell from her movements that Shen Ting is much better, at least her movements seem much lighter than before.

A touch of white suddenly slid down the stairs, Lu Yihe was taken aback for a moment, and the next second he saw Shen Ting stretching his head out from the balcony to look.

Lu Yihe broke into a cold sweat from her dangerous action, but fortunately Shen Ting withdrew her body quickly, and only swallowed the cry on the edge of her mouth.

Seeing her appearance, she was about to go down to pick up clothes. Lu Yihe looked at the opposite side of the ground, and the clothes fell in the corner. He remembered that the bushes planted there were full of barbs, and he might not be able to retreat completely if he got the clothes back. easy.

Back in the dormitory, he put down his glass, put on a coat, and left the dormitory.

Running all the way out of the dormitory gate, Lu Yihe went out of the bushes before Shen Ting, looked up at the position of the clothes, put his coat and hat on his head, and got into the bushes.

When Shen Ting arrived at the bushes, she stood on tiptoe to look, and was surprised that her clothes were gone. Could it be that they were taken away in a short while?

Just when Shen Ting took a few glances to make sure that the clothes were really gone, and was depressed and wanted to leave, there was a movement from the bush. Shen Ting was taken aback, turned around, looked at the bush that heard the movement, and walked forward One step, is that the thief?

Lu Yihe got out of the bushes with his clothes in his arms, and filled his arms with Shen Ting, almost knocking her down, but thanks to his quick response, he grabbed her hand and brought her into his arms.

Shen Ting put his hands on his chest and was about to struggle when he heard Lu Yihe's voice before he stopped.

"Don't move, my foot seems to be sprained." Lu Yihe's face turned pale, and he slowly let go of Shen Ting's waist, backed away, and sat on the grass.

Shen Ting quickly squatted down and looked down at his feet, "Which foot is injured?" Why is he wearing slippers again?

Lu Yihe handed her the clothes, stretched his left foot, and took a breath.

Shen Ting looked at the clothes in her arms, they were clean, without any scratches on them, she raised her head to look at Lu Yihe's lower head, her eyes were complicated: "How do you know that my clothes fell off?"

"Drinking tea on the balcony of the dormitory, I just saw it." Lu Yihe replied without raising his head.

Shen Ting pinched his clothes, put them on, and helped his wrist, "I'll help you to the infirmary."

Lu Yihe shook his head, "I didn't bring my mobile phone, you go to the dormitory and ask Wen Chen to come, I'm too heavy and you can't help me."

Shen Ting took a deep breath, lifted his arm with her hand, and put it on her shoulder, "Don't underestimate my strength, if you can walk with me for half an hour, it doesn't matter if I send you to the hospital room."

Really stubborn, Lu Yihe lowered his head and chuckled, recalling Shen Ting's bulging cheeks just now, sighed how cute she was, put most of her body strength on her right foot, and stood up supporting her shoulders.

With her face turning red, Shen Ting stabilized Lu Yihe, regretting the big words just now, but it would be too embarrassing if she regretted it now, she held Lu Yihe's arm and walked bitterly to the infirmary.

"Are you tired?" Lu Yihe asked in her ear.

Shen Ting shrank her ears, "I'm not tired."

The tips of her ears turned red, Lu Yihe looked at Shen Ting's ears, and smiled a little silly where Shen Ting couldn't see, the injury was worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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