Chapter 270

Gong Chu scratched the other side of Shen Ting's face, including the forehead and chin.

During this period, Shen Ting couldn't stand the pain and passed out twice. Both times, she was woken up by Gong Chu splashing water. Then, the evil scissors stretched out to her neck, arms, and all the exposed skin.

The blood is like a red thread, intricate and intricate, everywhere it can be seen.

Gong Chu never stopped talking, she told Shen Ting not to approach Hongxi and Lu Yihe, saying that she was humble, dirty, and a bedbug in the sewer.

"I've checked your identity, and you're just picking up junk, living under the bridge, eating and sleeping all day long, and you can't even get enough to eat."

"By the way, you used to be very ugly, like a toad, why are you beautiful now? Did you go for plastic surgery?"

"The plastic surgery doesn't look good either. Look at your current appearance. You look like a ghost. Do you think Hongxi and Yihe will still like you? Hahaha, they won't like you anymore. Who would like an ugly monster?"

"You dare to stare at me? Stare again and gouge out your eyeballs!"

Shen Ting closed her eyes, feeling that her body was getting colder and her blood was draining too fast, she wouldn't really die here today, right?

Her brain was a little dull, and her reaction to the outside world slowed down, but she kept hearing Gong Chu repeating two names.

"Hongxi, he...we were together...Yihe was young...he was very powerful...I like..."



"They are really outstanding. You can't climb up to them. Why are you so shameless? You should die, die, do you hear me?"

Stop talking, my head hurts.

"Why did you close your eyes? You looked at me!"

The eyelids were lifted, and Shen Ting vaguely saw a woman's face from the blood redness. She tried hard to concentrate, but she couldn't remember who she was for a while.

Her whole body was paralyzed, her body was as heavy as a piece of lead, she felt that she was imprisoned in this body, she wanted to break free, but the pain always pulled her back.

"You promise me that you will not appear in front of Hongxi and Lu Yihe again, and I will let you go."

There was a sweet temptation hidden in Gong Chu's voice, Shen Ting stretched her neck, wanting to look into her eyes, everyone said eyes are the windows of the soul, if her eyes are sincere, then it is the truth.

It's a pity that the blood flowed into her eyes, no matter how much she hooked her neck, she couldn't see the face of the person in front of her clearly, let alone the eyes that required careful consideration.

Gong Chu couldn't get back, his face immediately darkened, "You don't agree?"

Shen Ting's voice was so hoarse that she could no longer speak.

"It seems that this little injury is nothing to you at all. Don't talk, right? I'll make you shut up later."

Gong Chu's high-pitched voice changed its tone because of anger, Shen Ting heard the sound of high heels walking away, she looked at the only window, but found that the light was much darker when she came.

How long has she been locked up here?
Lu Yihe never expected that the land would fall into Hongxi's hands in the end. He had prepared so much, Lu's financial resources were strong, and various relationships had been established. Have you changed your mind?
Xin Cheng also has the same idea as him. Over the years, he has developed the gang from the dark to the bright, opened entertainment venues, and opened restaurants. Try to get closer to real estate.

I heard that there is a piece of land to be bid for this time, and he attaches great importance to it. He cleared up the relationship a long time in advance, invited him to dinner, and gave him gifts.

Xin Cheng knew that Hongxi was back early in the morning, and probably knew that he had developed abroad in these years, and even joined a quite large gang as the second boss.

Due to Hongxi's current status, he didn't want to confront him head-on, but this time it was really irritating. He had been coveting this land for a long time, and he couldn't swallow his anger when his flesh was snatched away.

When Hongxi, Lu Yihe, and Xin Cheng were left in the conference room of Nuo University, Xin Cheng finally couldn't hold back, and snorted at Hongxi in a strange way: "Congratulations to Mr. Hong, there will be a A piece of land is crowned with your company name."

It was expected that the land was taken, Hong Xi took out a cigarette and lit it, and replied with a smirk: "I am just lucky, but Mr. Xin prepared so well, the land did not come into your hands, is it true?" It's a pity."

These words were no different from slapping Xin Cheng hard. Xin Cheng wanted to have a fit, took a few deep breaths, and finally endured it.

When he is old, he doesn't have the relentless vigor that he had when he was young. The more he has, the more he is afraid of losing. He takes every step of the way in order to live longer and enjoy it longer.

It's just a piece of land, let this kid forget it, he doesn't need to conflict with him over a piece of land, after all, behind him is the silver snake.

Thinking of this, he gave Hongxi a cold look, pushed away the chair, and left the conference room leaning on crutches.

He has only started to use crutches in the last two years. A few years ago, during gang fights, one leg was shot through by a bullet. Walking is not a problem, but he is limping and can only rely on crutches.

Because of inconvenient legs and feet, Xin Cheng walked very slowly. There were many stairs in the bidding site, so he could only move slowly.

He was very annoyed at first, but as he was staggering, he suddenly heard something he was interested in, and he couldn't help but stop.

Hongxi and Lu Yihe got up from their seats at the same time and walked towards the middle corridor.

Last time Lu Yihe threatened Hongxi with bidding for land, but he did not expect that the land would eventually fall into his hands.

The two stood face to face. Although he lost the bidding, he didn't have much setbacks, because the stone that had been weighing on his heart, grandpa, was finally no longer a heart problem.

Even if the bidding failed this time, he will definitely be able to win it back next time. Most importantly, he can ask Shen Ting to forgive him, and he doesn't have to worry too much about it.

"You lost." Hong Xi didn't show a mocking expression, but just faced Lu Yihe and calmly stated a fact.

"I lost to you here, but you lost to me elsewhere." And it was early.

Lu Yihe refers to Shen Ting, of course Hongxi understands.

He smiled contemptuously: "What qualifications do you have to say that, you don't know how much you hurt her?"

Lu Yihe's face darkened, and he randomly raised a provocative smile: "I will announce the dissolution of the engagement with Gong Chu immediately, and call Xiao Ting right now." He said, taking out his mobile phone in front of Hongxi.

"Do you think this is a child's play?" Hong Xi looked at him mockingly, "How long is it? I don't know how you convinced your old-fashioned grandpa, but what if next time It is a last resort, do you want to sacrifice Xiaoting again?"

Lu Yihe stopped his hands, looked at Hongxi blankly for a while, and said each word: "There will be no next time." Absolutely, this kind of thing will never happen again.

Xiao Ting, among the people around Lu Yihe, only one has Ting in his name. Judging from the meaning of the two people's words, Hongxi also likes that Shen Ting.

Xin Cheng held the crutch excitedly, with a calculating smile on his lips.

He turned around and said loudly, "Two."

Hong Xi and Lu Yihe, who were killing each other with their eyes, turned their heads and frowned at the same time. This old boy is smiling like this, what is he planning?
(End of this chapter)

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