Chapter 76 She Knows
Wang Feng, Wang Yuyan and Xue Muhua were walking forward in the hazy night, when there was a loud voice from ahead.Xue Muhua said: "It seems that someone is fighting ahead, let's avoid it."

"No, let's go and have a look!" Wang Yuyan said.Then he looked at Wang Feng, as if he was asking Wang Feng for his opinion.

Wang Feng nodded and said, "Then let's go and have a look."

Xue Muhua had no choice but to let them go. "Then let's go and have a look, but don't get involved."

Wang Feng and Wang Yuyan nodded to Xue Muhua, and then walked towards the direction of the voice.Xue Muhua shook his head and thought to himself. 'I hope there will be no misunderstanding. ' and followed.

Wang Feng and the others found that Murong Fu and his party were fighting with a group of people.Wang Yuyan looked at Murong Fu in the crowd with complicated eyes. 'Really? '

Then Wang Yuyan said something. "I'll stop them." I just wanted to step forward and get involved.

Wang Feng secretly sighed in his heart. 'She really still cares about her cousin so much. 'Wang Feng reached out his hand to stop Wang Yuyan, and said to her: "I'll come, it won't be good if I hurt you."

Wang Yuyan nodded to Wang Feng, and then Wang Feng rushed towards the crowd with Lingbo microsteps.

Wang Feng was in a bad mood, and he didn't show mercy.One move at a time, all the people who were hit by Wang Feng vomited blood, and they were seriously injured.

At this time, Boss Wu noticed that Wang Feng was killing all directions, and shouted: "This kid's martial arts is too high! Let's go together!"

Several good fighters looked at each other, and then shot at Wang Feng together.But they didn't get close to Wang Feng at all, and they were knocked to the ground by Wang Feng's palm.

Just now Boss Wu shouted to make everyone pay attention to Wang Feng's situation.They saw that Wang Feng waved his hand casually, and several masters on their side were sent flying, lying on the ground unable to get up again.Everyone was stunned at this moment, they all stopped looking at Wang Feng, filled with fear in their hearts.

This group of people stopped, and Murong Fu and the others naturally also stopped. "It's you!"

Wang Feng doesn't want to talk to Murong Fu, Wang Feng is very unfriendly to Murong Fu in his heart now.After seeing everyone stop, Wang Feng looked in Wang Yuyan's direction.

Wang Yuyan walked slowly to Wang Feng's side, and looked at Murong Fu with complicated eyes.Is it love?I'm afraid not.Is it mercy?Pitiful……?Wang Yuyan spoke affectionately and called out. "cousin."

"Hmph!" Murong Fu snorted coldly. "You still know how to call me cousin! Come here soon, why are you still standing there!"

Wang Yuyan glanced at Murong Fu.This time Wang Feng saw it clearly, it was a look of pity.Then Wang Yuyan looked around and shouted loudly: "Who is Boss Wu? Please stand up, I have something to ask."

Hearing this, everyone in the surrounding 36th hole and 72nd island looked at Boss Wu.Boss Wu looked left and right, and it was all right now, even if he wanted to, he couldn't let it go.I had no choice but to step forward and stand up.

Wang Feng felt a little strange!How did Wang Yuyan know that Boss Wu was here?
"I'm Boss Wu, what does this girl want to ask me? I'll tell you everything." Boss Wu said to Wang Yuyan when she saw Wang Yuyan standing with Wang Feng who had just shown off her power.

"You captured a girl in Vulture Palace?"

"You're right. But how did you know?" Boss Wu asked strangely.

Wang Yuyan didn't answer Boss Wu's words, but said to Boss Wu: "Bring her out and let me see."

"This..." Boss Wu hesitated for a moment, then looked at Wang Feng who was standing there.Then he ordered people to bring a big bag containing people.

"Open it!" Wang Yuyan ordered.

Boss Wu opened the bag himself.A thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl emerged from the bag.Looking very scared, he bowed his head and curled up.

"Tianshan Child Elder? Are you my grandfather Wu Yazi's senior sister?" Wang Yuyan asked the little girl.

At this moment, Wang Feng understood, Wang Yuyan already knew about Tianlong Babu.But when did Wang Yuyan know about it?

Wang Feng couldn't help but want to say something to Wang Yuyan. "Yuyan...!"

But was interrupted by Wang Yuyan, Wang Yuyan looked at Wang Feng with some distress, and said to him: "Honey, let me clarify some things first."

Just when Wang Yuyan said "Tianshan Child Elder", the curled up little girl raised her head to look at Wang Yuyan.At that time, Wang Yuyan was turning her head to talk to Wang Feng, but she didn't see Wang Yuyan's face.After Wang Yuyan finished speaking, she turned to look at the little girl.

At this moment Wu Xingyun blurted out suddenly. "Li Qiushui!" Then Wu Xingyun shook his head again. "No! You just said that your grandfather Wu Yazi, you are not Li Qiushui!"

Wang Yuyan said to Wu Xingyun, "Li Qiushui is my grandmother, are you really my grandfather Wu Yazi's senior sister?"

Wu Xingyun suddenly muttered in a childish voice. "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! I didn't expect them to even have a granddaughter!"

"Are you really Wu Xingyun?"

Wu Xingyun raised his head and looked at Wang Yuyan. "That's right! I am Wu Yazi's senior sister—Wu Xingyun! You followed the orders of that bastard Li Qiushui to kill me! Just come!"

When Wang Yuyan heard this, her body softened suddenly. "It's true! 36 holes, 72 islands! Boss Wu! And the Tianshan Child Elder who was kidnapped by Boss Wu! All this is really just a story! What about me! What am I? I'm a fictional character in a story people……!"

Wang Feng hurriedly supported Wang Yuyan. "Yu Yan!"

Wang Yuyan looked at Wang Feng in front of her, and put her hand on Wang Feng's face. "I am a fictional person in a story."

Wang Feng grabbed Wang Yuyan's hand on his face. "No! You are a real person, I can clearly feel your existence. You are not an illusory person! Can't you feel my existence?"

At this time, a group of people from Cave 36 and Island 72 heard Wang Yuyan's "Tianshan Child Elder".Suddenly the crowd became confused.

"Is this little girl Tianshan Child Elder?"

"I don't know! We haven't seen each other before."

"Who cares if she is, first ask her for the antidote to the Life and Death Talisman!"

"That's right, if you don't give it to me, I'll kill her!"

Then the people from Hole 36 and Island 72 held weapons and approached Wu Xingyun, shouting continuously.

"Give us the antidote for the Life and Death Talisman!"

"Unlock the life and death talisman for us!"

"Give us the antidote! Otherwise, we'll kill you!"

"Haha...!" Wu Xingyun laughed loudly.Hearing Wu Xingyun's laughter, these people trembled in fright, and took several steps back one after another.Tianshan Child Elder has a lot of prestige in their hearts!There were even a few who sat on the ground in fright.

Wu Xingyun looked around for a week.Then he said: "You can hack me to death, anyway, my grandma is dead, and you all have to be buried with me!"

 PS: Thanks to 'A Chou. 'The reward again!Thank you for your great support!
(End of this chapter)

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