Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 10 Yang Hao, Brother Hao, Lord Hao!

Chapter 10 Yang Hao, Brother Hao, Lord Hao!

On the campus of No. [-] Middle School, everyone whispered.

"Have you heard that Yang Hao killed someone!"

"Please, don't mislead everyone, okay. They killed fugitives. My uncle is a policeman. He said that this matter has been determined and he acted bravely. Although there is no public commendation, all the bonuses have been paid."

"That... that's also a murder, tsk tsk, I heard it was shot to the head, the brains were sprayed out, and there was blood everywhere at the scene, it was scary."

"Ugh, stop talking, I want to vomit..."

Conversations like this filled every corner of the campus, and even the teachers were whispering gossip.

Not long after Yang Hao entered the school gate, he noticed keenly that everyone was avoiding him, but they were sneaking glances frequently.

But once his eyes glanced over, the voyeur would quickly lower his head, his face turning pale.

"I knew it would be like this, but it's good, at least no one dares to blatantly come to watch."

Yang Hao laughed at himself. When he left the police station yesterday, the other party repeatedly promised that he would keep his killing of the fugitive secret.

But now?I'm afraid even the aunt who sweeps the toilet knows.

"Forget it, the police can't be blamed for this incident. There were so many people around at that time, it's good that I didn't put my name and photo on the Internet."

Yang Hao comforted himself and walked into the classroom.

The students who were chattering just a moment ago quieted down instantly, and their gazes focused on Yang Hao.

Yang Hao paused, frowned, his face was a little unnatural.

That's right, suddenly being stared at by dozens of pairs of eyes, and still looking at it like a murderer, no one can get up naturally.

But Yang Hao's expression became gloomy in the eyes of others, as if he was about to get angry.

Swish swish!
All eyes looked away, the classroom was silent, even the rapid heartbeat could be heard.

"My good fellow, what are the rumors all about? Why do you make me look like a perverted killer..."

Yang Hao was amused in his heart, and he didn't bother to explain. It might be useless to explain. For ordinary people, a person who has killed someone is always scary.

Walking to his seat, Yang Hao began to study hard.

There was a dead silence in the classroom, and it was so oppressive that it was difficult to breathe.

The girl sitting in the front row of Yang Hao, named Yang Li, was so timid that she would pee out of fear when she heard a ghost story.

Just now when other people were discussing about Yang Hao's murder and describing brains, blood, etc., Yang Li was already terrified.

And now, Yang Hao is sitting behind him!
It seemed that there was an invisible murderous aura, continuously attacking from behind, climbing up Yang Li's back, feeling chilly.

Soon, she could no longer bear this horrible feeling, and stood up cautiously, but trembling uncontrollably, she managed to escape from the classroom with water stains on her pants.

Yang Li was the first to leave, but not the last.

A few minutes later, Yang Hao looked up and saw that his surroundings had become no man's land.

"Oh, actually... I'm a good person!"

Yang Hao smiled helplessly. If this continues, the head teacher may have to talk to him.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, Li Zhengwang came and politely invited Yang Hao to the office.

To be honest, Yang Hao has never seen such a polite teacher, as if he is not his student, but the director of the Education Bureau.

Li Zhengwang first made a cup of tea for Yang Hao, then gave a dry cough, and said, "Xiao Hao, first of all, the teacher would like to praise you, thank you for eliminating harm for the people, and saving the lives and properties of the people..."

Yang Hao got goosebumps, so he quickly interrupted: "Ms. Li, you should call me Yang Hao, I know you came to me because you were afraid that I would affect other students in the class, so why don't I take a long vacation and come back for the college entrance examination? "

Li Zhengwang smiled awkwardly and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no, don't misunderstand. The principal has explained this matter in particular, and I agree very much. You are a hero who bravely fights gangsters and saves classmates. Our Qingjiang No. [-] Middle School will never let heroes shed blood and tears!"

Yang Hao was not interested in the talk of these tall cars, so he simply got up and made a gesture to leave: "Oh, then I'll go back and do the questions."

Li Zhengwang immediately became anxious, and pressed Yang Hao's shoulder: "Then let me just say it straight, you must not be allowed to leave, after all, the school still needs face. But after this happened, the classmates in the class Somewhat uncomfortable."

As he spoke, he looked at Yang Hao's face, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything, so he said nervously: "Otherwise, you will come to the office every day to study. If you have any questions that you don't understand, the teachers will answer them for you at any time." , just treat it as a small stove, what do you think?"

Yang Hao looked around and couldn't help frowning secretly.

This is the public office for the third grade of high school. There are nearly [-] teachers crowded here. They are all looking at themselves with curious eyes at this time. Students and outsiders often come in and out. It is not a place where you can study with peace of mind.

Yang Hao thought to himself: Hehe, the words are beautiful, but this thing is done too badly, without any sincerity, just thinking about the reputation of the school, and not considering my feelings?
Thinking of this, he stopped being polite, and said directly: "Mr. Li, there are people coming and going here, it's too noisy, I can't study at ease, and I don't have any questions to answer, so I'll come back after the college entrance examination."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Zhengwang's first reaction was: As far as your poor grades are concerned, don't you have any questions to answer?Just brag!

Yang Hao didn't bother to care what he thought, so he turned around and left after speaking. To be honest, he didn't have a good impression of Li Zhengwang.

I have been in his class for so long, it can be said that I watched Class 5 ([-]) getting worse and worse.

His style of managing students is called "governing by doing nothing" if it sounds good, and "letting things go" if it sounds bad.

As long as there is no accident and his bonus is not affected, Li Zhengwang will not care about it, and let those bad students turn the class into a mess, and eventually become a famous bad class in the school.

What's even more ridiculous is that those bad students even sat in better seats, while honest people like Yang Hao sat in the corner for ten thousand years.

It's just because the parents of those people gave Li Zhengwang red envelopes, but Yang Hao didn't.

In the past, Yang Hao could only swallow his anger, but now, he no longer wants to bear it, and there is no need to bear it anymore.

Seeing that Yang Hao was about to leave and the principal's explanation was going to be yellow, Li Zhengwang panicked, and he couldn't even care about his face in his desperation.

He hurriedly chased out the door, stopped in front of Yang Hao, and said with an apologetic smile: "Yang Hao, you are still young, don't be impulsive. To be a human being, you must put the overall situation first. Since you can act bravely, you must not be a selfish person, right? ? As for the difficulty, there must be some, but it will be over once you overcome it, right?"

Yang Hao laughed, out of anger, and said in his heart: What's the matter, if I act bravely, it proves that I'm a fool?Should I swallow my anger and sacrifice my own interests to satisfy you?Why, I am not happy!
Thinking about it, he simply stopped, turned around and stared at Li Zhengwang, and said word by word: "Mr. Li, I'm not the same Yang Hao from before, put away your tricks, it's useless!"

Li Zhengwang was completely dumbfounded, and then he remembered that the student in front of him had killed someone before!
He shuddered involuntarily, but when he remembered the principal's explanation and the other party's promise, Li Zhengwang went all out.

Seeing that there was no one around, he begged in a low voice: "Yang Hao, Brother Hao, Lord Hao! I'm about to judge my job title right now, you have a lot of adults, let me go, can you show me a way to survive? "

Yang Hao was stunned. He really didn't expect that Li Zhengwang could ask for this job. It seems that the job title evaluation is really important to him.

"Forget it. Although Li Zhengwang is hateful, he is not a very evil person after all. There is no need to kill him."

After thinking for a while, Yang Hao said, "Well, give me a separate office, and I'll stay. I know you can't make the decision, so go ask the principal, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Li Zhengwang's head was like a chicken pecking rice: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Half an hour later, Yang Hao got the key to the office.

The fly in the ointment is that the principal didn't take the initiative to assign him a beautiful teacher as a secretary, otherwise, there might be the popular "what after class. avi". ╮(╯▽╰)╭

(End of this chapter)

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