Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 130 Take Jujube Pills!

Chapter 130 Take Jujube Pills!
In the southern suburbs of Zhejiang-Hangzhou City, Yuhuang Mountain.

Cayenne drove along the road around the mountain and stopped at the Mountain Resort on the top of the mountain.

"Xiao Liu, it's inconvenient for you to participate in the next thing. You can take a rest here, eat, drink and have fun, and put it on my account."

Prince Ma got out of the car, greeted the manager of the villa with ease, and left Liu Qing here.

Liu Qing curled her lips and didn't speak, but her small eyes made it clear that she was asking: Hey, hey, it's not convenient for me to participate?Do you really want to take the monks to do health care?
Regardless of what she thought, anyway, Prince Ma took Yang Hao and two monks to the depths of the woods, and soon disappeared.

After walking for about ten minutes, the four of them left the path and headed deep into the dense forest where there are few people.

The further you go, the steeper the terrain is, and there is almost no road under your feet, which is very steep.

"Sexy, please help Yang Hao, he was overworked last night, and he hasn't recovered yet, so don't fall."

Prince Ma walked away very easily, and even turned around to ask the little monk to give Yang Hao a hand.

The old monk was even more like walking on flat ground, not even panting.

Yang Hao didn't refuse the little monk's support, and with his current physical condition, there was no need to be brave.

"Impatience? This is your name, no, your dharma name? Cough cough, it's quite special, hahaha!"

Yang Hao couldn't help laughing, as revenge for his previous revenge.

The little monk rolled his eyes and glared at Prince Ma: "Damn, old horse, did you do it on purpose?"

Prince Ma also laughed: "Hehe, Yang Hao, he is not 'tempered', but 'extremely sexual', extremely extreme."

The little monk's nostrils dilated: "You are extreme. Your whole family is extreme. You are really uneducated. This Dharma name of the Buddha has a lot of meaning, isn't it, Master?"

He turned his head to look at the old monk. The latter practiced silent meditation, of course he would not say anything, but just nodded benevolently.

Only then did the little monk explain himself: "The Shurangama Sutra says: the attainment of perfect nature will not lose all sentient beings. This is the immeasurable method in the twelve parts of the Tripitaka. The meaning of my name is to cultivate the Buddha nature to the fullest." At the end, see the mind and see the nature, reach the other shore, understand? Two turtles!"

Yang Hao smiled and said nothing, too lazy to argue with this funny little monk.

Prince Ma sneered: "You still cultivate Buddha nature to the end? Hehe, I believe that you can practice joy meditation to the end."

The little monk turned his nostrils to the sky, and said disdainfully: "You old pervert understand the Dharma of a chicken feather. The Buddha is practicing in the world. It is to see through the world of mortals and end one's own destiny. It is great wisdom. What a fart you know!"

Prince Ma chuckled: "Fucking Buddha, Buddha, you uneducated fake monk, this 'Buddha' means thief in the dialect of the capital. But you are indeed a thief if you stole the secret treasure of Shingon sect." Well, hahaha."

The little monk was angry: "Damn, old horse, if you talk about this again, believe it or not... I will turn my face!"

The two were noisy, but the time passed quickly.

After walking for about half an hour on the mountain road, the four of them finally arrived at their destination.

A Taoist temple hidden on the back of the mountainside.

This Taoist temple is obviously not a tourist attraction, it looks a bit dilapidated, the door is closed, and those who don't know it think there is no one inside.

The scale is not large, there is not even a mountain gate, it is just a big courtyard with a few old houses inside.

On the contrary, the four big characters of "Wuji Immortal Palace" are glittering with golden light, which has a little fairy atmosphere.

"I'll go, this name is a bit domineering!"

Yang Hao blinked, and joked: "Old Ma, you are not a disciple of cultivating immortals, are you?"

Prince Ma rolled his eyes: "It's so old, who still believes in this. Don't worry, come with me. I brought you here today, because I want you to see the martial arts today."

Before Yang Hao could speak, the little monk suddenly interjected: "Don't listen to this old guy fooling around, the chicken-feathered martial arts, what age is it, and the martial arts is a woolen thread. In fact, it is just a small circle of internal boxing. And there are all kinds of people in it, and you will know it after a long time."

Prince Ma sighed: "Oh, what the little monk said is right. Times have changed and martial arts have declined. There is no such thing as martial arts nowadays. It is just a small circle of fighting and rowdy, and it is still barely maintained by the relationship of interests. .”

The little monk pursed his lips: "That's right, poor culture and rich martial arts, there are not many clean people in our line of work since ancient times."

Prince Ma was not happy: "Hey, little monk, you killed a boatload of people with a stick."

The little monk poked his neck and said: "Hmph, that's what it is, chivalrous use of martial arts to violate the ban, you can count it yourself, among the guys in this circle, whoever has a clean hand if they are well-behaved, flourishing, and have many disciples and grandchildren? Even if I'm cleansed now, I definitely did a lot of immoral things in my early years!"

Yang Hao interjected at this time and asked: "Old Ma, Xingji said 'in this line of business' when he opened his mouth and kept silent. Could it be that monks are also involved in the underworld?"

Both Prince Ma and the young monk sprayed it, but the old monk was as stable as Mount Tai.

"Hey, Yang Hao, little monk, this is a problem that fell in Dongying in his early years. According to him, when he traveled to Dongying to promote Buddhism, he actually went to Dongying to steal things."

Prince Ma came over and teased: "For a while, he said that he really planned to join the violent gang in the Kanto region to experience a different life."

"Later, he stole the things ahead of time, so he hurriedly fled back to the country. Naturally, his involvement in the underworld was over. But the hooligan tone remained, and his master didn't care about it. It's what it is now."

Prince Ma finally explained: "As for the 'industry' he said, he actually refers to 'martial arts', which is a very broad concept. But the current martial arts is indeed similar to what the little monk said, a mixture of good and evil. That kind of It is very difficult for a good person who is really innocent to get along in this line of work."

Yang Hao nodded, and was about to ask again, but the four of them had already stood in front of the Taoist temple.

Prince Ma stepped forward to knock on the door, Yang Hao couldn't speak anymore.

Boom boom boom!
The heavy knock on the door was very clear in the early morning valley.


The heavy black door opened slowly, and several Taoist priests led two rows of little Taoist boys, standing behind the door to welcome them.

The leader is a high-value young Taoist priest who is as beautiful as a crown jade, wearing a navy blue Taoist robe, wearing a crescent moon crown, and wearing a Hunyuan bun.

He's really handsome!

"Old Ma, Master Daoyan, please come inside."

The handsome Taoist respectfully led the four of them to the depths of the Taoist temple.

"Qingfeng, I haven't seen you for a while, you look handsome again."

Prince Ma even dared to tease monks, so naturally he would not let Taoist priests go, so he asked as he walked, "Tsk tsk, how is it, have you found a couple who are dual monks? Shall I look for you, I have a lot of resources at hand. "

The handsome Taoist priest named Qingfeng not only refused to accept the move, but also resorted to a Tai Chi Push Hands move, shifting the topic to Yang Hao: "Mr. Ma, this is your new apprentice? It looks a bit hypocritical, do you want me to find you?" Master asked, see if you can teach him some tricks in the house?"

Yang Hao was depressed, and wailed in his heart: I have provoked someone, I was shot while lying down.

What was even more depressing was still to come, because Prince Ma gave him another shot.

"Hi, his name is Yang Hao, he's my old friend. You young people, you don't know how to control yourself. Last night, you lived with a beautiful personal trainer. The lonely man and the widow are all alone in the same room. Of course, it's like firewood."

Prince Ma winked: "As for the art in the room, Qingfeng, aren't you pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey? My old horse's imperial power is not a hundred times stronger than your master's asshole art?"

Qingfeng chuckled, nodded quickly, and flattered: "That is, that is, of course, Ma Lao's emperor's secret art is unrivaled."

As he said that, he turned his head and smiled at Yang Hao: "Brother Yang Hao, you are lucky to be with Mr. Ma."

Yang Hao almost fainted, and thought: Who are these people? Monks are not like monks, and Taoists are not like Taoists. They all sound like gangsters, taking jujube pills!

 Thank you 1389706213 for the reward, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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