Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 257 Lost and found?

Chapter 257 Lost and found?
"3000 million, I will pay 3000 million!"

When the auction was halfway through, someone finally called out the price of 3000 million yuan first.

Yang Hao followed the prestige and couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that the person who called out the price of 3000 million was the thin man who laughed at himself before.

At this time, the thin man was nodding and bowing towards Yang Hao, with a flattering smile on his face.

Yang Hao shrugged his shoulders, thinking that money can make motui ghosts, in front of Chi Guoguo's interests, gods and horses are just clouds.

After the thin man called out the price of 3000 million, the scene fell into a state of silence for a while.

On the one hand, the reason is that the price is not very low. After all, although the emperor green is valuable, the rough stone in Yang Hao's hand has not been completely unlocked yet.

Although judging from the current situation of the stone, it is already perfect. The value of this rough stone is conservatively estimated to go up to 5000 million. If you are lucky, it will not be a problem to exceed [-] million.

But no matter what, as long as it is not completely solved, it is still within the scope of "half bet".

The price of the rough stone in this situation cannot be compared with that of pure jade, and it is not uncommon to get a [-]% discount.

Another reason is that in a short period of time, buyers with financial resources have reached a tacit agreement.

That is to work together to lower the transaction price of this piece of rough imperial green jadeite, so as not to make it cheaper for the rich and stupid Shenhao in front of him.

As for how to divide the spoils after the transaction, that will be a later matter, and we will talk about it slowly at that time.

Yang Hao saw all of this, how could those little tricks of 'smart people' be hidden from his clairvoyant eyes, but Yang Hao pretended not to know that's all.

Niu Wanwan didn't join in the bidding, but moved to Yang Hao's side, with a hesitant expression on his face, as if he was considering whether to let everyone join hands to lower the price and tell Yang Hao.

"Ahem, old cow, if you don't make an offer, our brothers will be the first."

It was Pharaoh who spoke, and while he was talking, he winked at Niu Wanwan, which meant that you should stop talking nonsense, or else you would block the brothers' way of making money, and we would turn our backs!

Niu Wanwan sighed heavily on purpose, trying to arouse Yang Hao's vigilance, but unfortunately Yang Hao didn't seem to notice at all, and his face was still indifferent.

"Sorry, brother Yang, brother, I can only help you here, but cutting the emperor green out of the dog-shit stone is a windfall in itself, if you earn less, you can earn less."

Thinking about it, Niu Wanwan could only smile wryly to himself, and honestly returned to his original position, not asking for trouble anymore.

Seeing Niu Wanwan's knowledgeable performance, Lao Wang and several other Jinling businessmen smiled proudly.

Lao Wang lowered his voice and muttered to some of his companions, telling them to hurry up and negotiate with other groups of bidders.

Time passed slowly, and the price was slowly rising, but it still failed to break through 500 million.

It's just that everyone knows that if a final consensus cannot be reached, then the most intense bidding stage will be the last half minute before the end of the auction.

At that time, several groups of buyers will definitely be popular, and the price will soar instantly!
Sure enough, less than half a minute before the end of the auction, Lao Wang took the lead in calling a new sky-high price.

"4000 million, I'll offer 4000 million to buy back this treasure that belongs to me. Friends, do me a favor, and I, Old King of Jinling, will be rewarded handsomely!"

It's really shameless for this old and cunning guy to openly discourage other buyers.

Liu Qing has been upset with him for a long time, and now she protested: "Hey, hey, you shameless profiteer, why don't you be ashamed? Since this stone was bought by our boss, it is his property. Why do you Tell everyone not to raise the price?"

Old Wang curled his lips, but did not refute. He was afraid of offending Yang Hao. If Yang Hao repented and canceled the auction, where would he cry? !

Fortunately, Yang Hao just glanced at him, not intending to cancel the auction at all.

The other people at the scene seemed to really have no intention of raising the price, and even the thin man who had been very active before did not speak at this time.

Liu Qing jumped anxiously, leaned into Yang Hao's ear, and said, "Boss, I always feel that this old king has a conspiracy, or we'd better not sell this stone, and get out the emerald inside before selling it. "

Yang Hao's face remained calm, but he kept rolling his eyes in his heart, thinking that if he continued to untie it, even if he cut it one more time, it would only take a few minutes to reveal his stuffing.

At that time, let alone 4000 million, if you can sell 400 million, it will be considered good.

So Yang Hao smiled mysteriously: "Sister Qing, trust my intuition, just accept it when you see it, 50 will change to 4000 million, this rate of return is already very good."

"Intuition? Come on, boss, isn't this an excuse that women like to use? And 50 to 4000 million is indeed a high return, but no one thinks it's too much money, right?"

Liu Qing was about to vomit blood, but her cell phone was already beeping.

The 3-minute auction time is over!

"Hahaha, this treasure is mine again, it is a great blessing in life to find it again!"

Old Wang was so overjoyed that he wished he could hold that piece of dog-shit stone and kiss him a hundred times, even though not long ago, he had abandoned it like a shoe.

Yang Hao cupped his hands at this time, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Boss Wang, let's pay first, I don't like others to pay on credit."

Lao Wang is such a shrewd person. I saw him holding a dog-shit, and said with a wry smile: "Master Shenhao, 4000 million is not a small amount. In a short while, where can I raise it for you?" A lot of money, why don't you give me a few days?"

He was thinking of unlocking this rough stone first, and if there was any accident at that time, it would be easy to waste money, wouldn't it?
Yang Hao didn't like this, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, Boss Wang, if you can't pay the bill right away, then this deal will be void. I don't want the money, and you can return the stone to me."

Lao Wang was dumbfounded immediately, and quickly hugged the dog Shishi tightly, begging for mercy: "Brother Shenhao, Master Shenhao, just give me two days, or just one day, okay?"

Yang Hao was unmoved: "One day? Huh, up to one hour, and you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other!"

He said, waving at Sanpao: "Sanpao, bring me back the stone. No one is allowed to touch this stone until the money arrives!"

Lao Wang still wanted to beg, but Sanpao rushed up like lightning, knocked away several other Jinling big men, and snatched the dog-shit stone from Lao Wang's hands.

Seeing that those Jinling big guys were going to charge this way, Yang Hao sneered: "Boss Wang, I advise you not to mess around, this is the East China Sea, believe it or not, I can let you lie down and go back to Jinling with just a phone call?! "

(End of this chapter)

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