Chapter 407

In fact, almost everyone in the circle knew that their marriage existed in name only, but as long as the interests were sufficient, no one cared about the truth.

This is the rule of the game in this circle, cruel and suffocating.

Gao Yulan also knew that Xiao Tianqin would not dial this number unless it was absolutely necessary, so she would answer every time, although her tone was always so cold.

And this time was no exception. After the call was connected, a cold magnetic female voice rang out: "Tell me, who died in your family again this time?"

The corners of Xiao Tianqin's eyes twitched. Today, this woman is probably the only one who dares to talk to him like that.

He tried his best to calm down, and said coldly: "Gao Yulan, let's just say it, what are you going to do with this matter, do you really want to force me to tear my face apart?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then he sneered and said, "Hehe, Xiao Tianqin, after all these years, you are still so self-righteous, you just keep your mouth open and shut about what I want, do you really think you are the center of the universe, the omnipotent master? "

Xiao Tianqin raised his chin, feeling inexplicably irritated: "That's enough, Gao Yulan, don't think that I will tolerate you indefinitely. I order you now to end this farce immediately, otherwise..."

Gao Yulan laughed loudly, and said disdainfully: "Xiao Tianqin, you must be sick. First, I don't even understand what you're talking about; second, you should ask your conscience that you may never have had before. When have you ever been tolerant to me, you fucking meow is simply ignoring me, okay?!"

Xiao Tianqin heard a strong hatred from her tone, yes, even with the passage of time, even with vicissitudes, this hatred has never diminished, even like old bitter wine, it will only grow stronger with the passage of time. It's getting bitter.

But he didn't care, and never cared, he didn't even understand where this hatred came from, just like he didn't understand why this woman loved him back then.

In Xiao Tianqin's view, for a qualified political marriage, there shouldn't be any extra emotions mixed in. Whether it's love or hate, it's just asking for trouble.

In a battlefield without gunpowder, the sensibility of the weak cannot be tolerated. Only rationality and ruthlessness are the best weapons for the strong.

Xiao Tianqin was thinking about his principles in his heart, and his tone was still cold, as if he wasn't angry at all because of Gao Yulan's swearing.

"I'm not in the mood to listen to a woman's complaints, including yours, Gao Yulan, let's open the skylight and speak plainly, you—" He paused, and asked emphatically, "Why did you secretly instigate and support Yating and I am against you, we have already spoken before..."

Gao Yulan interrupted him and asked in surprise, "Yating? What happened to her?"

Xiao Tianqin frowned, keenly aware that the other party's tone didn't seem to be pretending, but that he really didn't know anything about it.

Am I wrong in my suspicions?But besides her, who else has the position and ability to plan all this?Xiao Tianqin was a little embarrassed and asked, "You really don't know what happened?"

Gao Yulan sneered and said, "If I were a good actor, then the two of us might not be where we are today. Unfortunately, I am not, never have been."

Xiao Tianqin is really tired of women's inexplicable emotions, and even more disgusted with this feeling of not being under his control. Compared with them, he prefers those "fair deals" that you like and I like.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now, goodbye." Xiao Tianqin frowned, and was about to hang up the phone after speaking, thinking over and over in his heart who was behind the scenes and what kind of conspiracy the other party would have in the future.

He firmly believed that his daughter was just deceived by someone, and the reason why the other party instigated her to run away from home was just to take the opportunity to damage his prestige, and there must be a series of open and hidden arrows behind him.

Gao Yulan asked at this time: "Wait, let's make it clear, what happened to Yating, I don't want to waste time calling and asking others, you tell me now."

Xiao Tianqin was impatient: "Are you ordering me? You should be very clear, I hate being ordered."

Gao Yulan confronted her tit-for-tat: "Xiao Tianqin, you are really terminally ill. I really don't understand what I went through to fall in love with such a selfish, pathetic and self-willed bastard like you."

Xiao Tianqin couldn't bear it anymore: "Enough! Woman, don't take my tolerance for you as a reason for your unscrupulousness, and you should understand that I never forced you to love me. For me, love is weakness, and being loved Same, so I don't need it!"

"You are so pitiful, Xiao Tianqin, you have nothing but cold rights, and after you die, no one will shed half a tear for you, except me, a super fool!"

The woman's hysterical voice stung Xiao Tianqin's eardrums, there seemed to be the sound of tears piercing the air, and then the phone was hung up, leaving only dead silence.

Xiao Tianqin froze on the spot, threw the phone on the desk two seconds later, and said to himself: "Stupid woman, I don't need tears, whether it's my own or someone else's, and it doesn't matter if it's life or death. After that, never needed."

But for some reason, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart, and even felt a trace of loneliness and guilt for the first time.

Suddenly, Xiao Tianqin remembered the article he had read when he was young - Lu Xun's "The Lonely Man".

At that time, he was still in exile. He didn't know when he would return to the capital, and he didn't even know if he would live until tomorrow, so he had to read books to pass the time, so that he had no time to be afraid.

In that environment, there was nothing to choose. In the small library, apart from some boring newspapers and local chronicles, there were only Lu Xun's anthology to read.

And Xiao Tianqin's deepest memory, and what he likes to read the most, is "The Lonely Man".

"Lonely is lonely. I'd rather die alone than live weakly." Xiao Tianqin murmured, and in a blink of an eye he cleared up his emotions and returned to that hard-hearted and cold state again.

But when he turned around and was about to go out to deal with business, he suddenly stopped and his eyes fell on the phone.

After a few seconds, he walked over, picked up the phone, and pressed the redial button.

It's not weakness, it's just to keep that irrational stupid woman from doing something stupid, he told himself.

Soon, the phone was connected, Gao Yulan did not speak, only deep breathing.

Xiao Tianqin pursed his lips, and said coldly: "I don't know who incited Yating to suddenly pursue some ridiculous free life, and she has already eloped with a little liar. I will send you the specific information later. In the mailbox, or the address has not changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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