Chapter 421
It is true that "Money and Banking" at the undergraduate level is not considered advanced, and the teacher who wrote the questions at Dongda University did not intend to make it difficult for freshmen, so the entire test paper is not considered difficult.

But according to the usual practice, getting most people to pass does not mean that they can get full marks in the test, and it is even difficult to get a high score. This is also a test of the proficiency of the question maker.

And the watershed of this test paper is the last two big questions. The question maker obviously intended to use them to discourage those freshmen who are trying to get high scores, so these two questions are quite difficult.

Although in the eyes of the proud and arrogant Xiao Huang, they are not worth mentioning, but they are enough to stump most freshmen.

Especially the last question, except that it is not required to answer in English, its difficulty is already at the graduate level, which is enough for most undergraduates to give up.

Want to get full marks?Hehe, it's best to call a graduate student of related majors with real materials, Xiao Huang thought while browsing from the last part of the test paper.

Although she didn't teach in the Department of International Finance, and didn't even stay in school for a long time, she mainly focused on CFP and Citibank's part-time jobs, but as a self-proclaimed "female student bully" exam madman, she I have already figured out these routines of the person who made the question.

Just look at how well Yang Hao answered the last few questions, you can tell whether he is an unborn genius or a bastard who walked through the back door, and Xiao Huang thinks he must be the latter.

Unfortunately, after a few minutes, the sneer on her face disappeared without a trace, replaced by a face full of disbelief.

Perfect, the answer is too perfect, Yang Hao's answer is really like what Li Deming said just now - perfect!
Xiao Huang had to admit that even if he answered it himself, he couldn't answer it more perfectly than this, and even...maybe it was not as comprehensive and detailed as this answer.

In particular, one of the viewpoints is completely pioneering and cutting-edge thinking, which is definitely not accessible to a freshman.

Even a graduate student may not be able to answer this point, unless he is always paying attention to the cutting-edge developments in the academic world, but... How is this possible? !

Xiao Huang was completely dazed, he couldn't believe that the answer in front of him was written by a freshman, and he even finished answering the entire test paper in less than half an hour.

Of course she finds it unbelievable, unless she knows how well developed Yang Hao's brain is, normal people would not believe it.

Xiao Huang forced himself to continue to read the previous questions, but it was obvious that Yang Hao answered every question perfectly, and the fluency of the answers was as smooth as his handwriting.

I am afraid that for any marking teacher, reading such test papers is a kind of enjoyment, and giving full marks is a matter of course.

" is this possible? It must be a leak, it must be!" Xiao Huang muttered to himself, but he knew very well that this could never be a leak, because just like Li Deming said, refer to the answer It is impossible to answer better than Yang Hao.

Maybe after he got the topic, he found a doctoral student or professor of related majors to come up with the answer, and then memorized it and wrote it down silently?
But... But is it necessary to do this? Even if you want to study abroad, you don't need to get full marks in every subject. The effort is not directly proportional to the reward, and it is not in line with Pareto optimality.

Xiao Huang thought wildly, until Li Deming came back from a stroll, coughed lightly and asked: "What's the matter, Xiao Huang, why are you still holding Yang Hao's test paper in a daze? Is there any problem with his test paper?"

"Ah, what?" Xiao Huang was taken aback, just woke up like a dream, quickly threw down Yang Hao's test paper, and asked with a confused face.

Li Deming knew what was going on when he saw her distraught look, so he deliberately asked: "Hehe, I'm asking you, how did Yang Hao's paper answer, is it perfect? ​​Or maybe I was wrong, In fact, he wrote in a blind breath?"

Xiao Huang blushed instantly, and replied in a muffled voice: "Uh, er...he answered okay, I... I didn't look carefully, and I don't teach "Money and Banking"."

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly lowered her head to invigilate the exam, her buttocks were burned like a dog who had been defeated in a fight, and she was in a state of embarrassment.

Li Deming chuckled, and slowly re-folded Yang Hao's test paper, and glanced proudly at Xiao Huang's back, muttering in his mouth: "Hehe, I'm driving you crazy, I haven't told you yet, this Yang Hao is from our school The number one scholar in the college entrance examination dug at a high price."


On the other side, Yang Hao left the teaching building, went back to the dormitory and packed up his things briefly, and then prepared to drive to Xinhai Logistics Park, and finalized the action plan for going to St. Petersburg next year with Alice.

Because the end-of-term assembly of William International School will be held tomorrow, and my sister will be on winter vacation at that time. According to the previously arranged itinerary, I will go home with my sister tomorrow night to prepare for the New Year.

As for Xiao Yating, Yang Hao discussed with her, and she decided to celebrate the New Year in Donghai, because Master Jiao said that during the New Year, the performance fee and drink commission could be quadrupled for her.

But in fact, the more important reason is that Xiao Lolita does not welcome Xiao Yating to go home with them for the New Year. Although she never said so, Yang Hao knows it well, and little Lolita can't hide the matter on her face .

Xiao Yating also seemed to be very aware of this, so she 'actively' stated that she wanted to stay in Donghai to make money.

During this period, Liu Jianjun's security department will be responsible for her safety, and Abao's ranger will take care of her secretly. Yang Hao also greeted the little monk and asked Dharma Guardian Tianzong to help keep an eye on her.

If this can't stop Xiao Tianqin, then he can only use his last trump card. Anyway, Alice will be taken abroad by him after the next year.

Yang Hao's arrangements were perfect, but he still hoped that Xiao Tianqin would let his daughter have a quiet New Year's Eve. After all, peace is the most important thing for the New Year's Eve.

He was thinking about it, but just as he walked into the parking lot in area B, the phone rang, and the screen showed that it was Master Jiao calling.

Yang Hao had a bad premonition in an instant. It seemed that Xiao Tianqin didn't intend to let his daughter have a good New Year. He sighed secretly and pressed the answer button.

Sure enough, Master Jiao's voice was full of fear and uneasiness, he faltered and said: "Young Master Yang, hold... sorry, I just received a notice that my bar was closed for rectification, saying that someone reported criminals Selling drugs and stuff in there."

Master Jiao paused, and continued in a low voice: "But... But someone sent me a message to cancel all cooperation with Miss Xiaoxiao, otherwise, 'Waste Time' will never be able to open the door again, so... Young Master Yang ,sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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