Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 517 Magneto-Optical Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 517 Magneto-Optical Chamber of Commerce
Yang Hao took a closer look, and found that the membership interface was basically the same, only the title was changed to 'one-star member', and there was a strange new icon added.

This icon is a group of constantly distorted and changing starlight, and the color is also changing. It says 'Plane Tower' at the bottom, and there is a small shining star beside it.

Yang Hao shook his little hand and hit the icon.

Amidst a burst of strange vibrations, Yang Hao's eyes blurred, and he found himself surrounded by a group of strange colorful lights, and then instantly entered a gray passage.

When he took a closer look, he found that he had no body at all, only a dim phantom, still irregular in shape, like a group of low-level slime souls, and he didn't know what kind of body he was in this situation. How to see yourself.

Yang Hao tried, but he couldn't speak or move, as if his consciousness was imprisoned in this phantom.

Fortunately, the passage soon came to an end, and there was a white hole in the front.

With a soft sound, Yang Hao felt as if he had been drilled out of some kind of liquid, and couldn't help moaning so comfortably.

"Hey, it seems to be able to move."

He looked down and found that although he was still in the shape of a dim phantom, he could at least control his actions with consciousness.

"Okay, just treat yourself as a jelly for a while, but how do you go back later?"

Just as Yang Hao was thinking, an indescribable unknown consciousness came to his mind, and he knew how to exit here in an instant. He only needed to say 'exit' silently in his heart, and then confirm it, and he could leave the Plane Tower. Back to my body.

But at the same time, he also knows that he can only enter the one-star plane tower once a day, and each time is 1 minute.

But the specific purchase method and price, this consciousness similar to the "beginner's guide" is not indicated.

In fact, in Yang Hao's view, this 'Guidance for Beginners' still adheres to the cheating spirit of the 'Mysterious Treasure Box'. It is almost shockingly simple, and there is no explanation of any useful information. You need to explore it yourself.

"Okay, once a day, 1 minute each time, this is the rhythm of taking Yin Yang Dabu pills, it's too short!"

Yang Hao's head was full of black lines, but he had nowhere to reason. He could only desperately move the phantom and fly forward at full speed.

What unfolded in front of him was a mysterious space, the surroundings and the sky were full of colorful and ever-changing starry sky, or it is more appropriate to call it 'void'.

Only the ground under the feet is a piece of silver-white ground, which seems to be made of metal, and the place where Yang Hao just came out is a certain edge of this place. There is no hole in it, only void.

Yang Hao originally wanted to try to look at Feifei in the void, but some mysterious force made it difficult for him to move even an inch. It seemed that his range of activities was limited to the silver-white area.

And in the center of the silver-white area, there are strange buildings. The colors and shapes of these buildings are different.

But what attracted Yang Hao's attention the most was the golden beam of light in the central area surrounded by those buildings.

This beam of light seemed to shoot down from the endless void, and its height was completely immeasurable. Anyway, Yang Hao did not see the source of the beam of light.

Other than that, this silver-white area seems to be unpopular, at least Yang Hao hasn't seen any other phantoms or creatures so far.

The phantom's speed is quite fast, similar to that of a human body running at full speed, and this silver-white area is only as big as a stadium.

Yang Hao tried his best, and almost broke out to surpass Bolt's sprint speed of [-] meters. It only took more than ten seconds to arrive at the building closest to him in a straight line.

Since all the buildings are facing the golden beam of light in the middle, he can only see the butt of this building.

The building looks a bit like an enlarged version of a mango, but the color is colorful iridescent, and the texture is a bit like a conch.

Yang Hao didn't have time to look more, he walked around to the front of the mango house, and saw clearly where the golden beam of light fell.

There is a golden light group, and it is a wriggling light group, as if it has life, but it is always moving within the envelope of the golden beam of light.

And in this construction area, Yang Hao finally saw other people, no, it should be said to be other phantoms.

There are not many of them, just four or five at a glance, most of them are similar in shape to Yang Hao's phantom, they are all round lumps, the difference is only in size and color.

Due to time constraints, Yang Hao had no time to say hello, he quickly glanced at the nearby buildings, and found that there was a mercury-like hole in the front of these buildings.

"Damn, at least put up a signboard, otherwise how would I know what you all do!"

Yang Hao cursed secretly, and when he was about to rush into the nearest mango house to try his luck, his consciousness suddenly fluctuated, and only then did he realize that these mercury holes were strange.

Immediately afterwards, a brief awareness came from the entrance of the mango house closest to him—Magneto-optical Chamber of Commerce.

Yang Hao was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously turned his thoughts to a building next to him that looked like an enlarged version of a red crystal skull, and there was a similar brief consciousness on it—the Eternal Magic Club.

It turns out that these openings are all attached with such a brief idea, not only the 'signboard' indicating the building, but also a brief introduction of information similar to advertisements.

For example, the Magneto-Optical Chamber of Commerce has stated the certification information of the chamber of commerce, as well as the main services and products it provides, including the current operating status, whether it is open, and what kind of visitors it is open to.

"Time is running out, let's just enter one and talk about it!"

Yang Hao didn't have time to check more buildings, so he crashed directly into the entrance of the nearest Magneto-Optical Chamber of Commerce.

Similar to the feeling when entering the Plane Tower before, Yang Hao successfully passed through the mercury hole and entered the inside of the mango house.

"At least this Magneto-Optical Chamber of Commerce has no barriers to entry, and it seems to be more friendly to a rookie like me."

While Yang Hao was thinking, he looked at the internal situation of this space.

The Mango House doesn't look like much from the outside, it just looks like a small one-story house, but it's bigger inside, but not much bigger, it's about the size of a shop on the ground floor of a general shopping mall.

It is divided into upper and lower floors, and there is no sense of technology. It looks like an old-fashioned grocery store, and the second floor is connected by stairs next to it.

The only bright spot is the building materials and decoration style, which are similar to the outside of the mango house with colorful shells, conch shells, and even grotesque small crabs, and other small creatures that Yang Hao can't recognize at all crawling on the ground.

Suddenly, an old voice sounded: "Hehe, rookie, this is my meeting gift for you, take it back and read slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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