Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 547 You Are Really Caring, Kid

Chapter 547 You Are Really Caring, Kid

St. Petersburg, Hermitage.

Sayetelina held the satellite phone in a daze. In fact, it had been a while since the call ended, but she was still agitated.

In fact, she had already quickly glanced at her private mailbox just now, so she had already confirmed that there were indeed several strong competitors for her surrender.

Compared with these powerful families, the declining Ivan family doesn't have much advantage at all, so Sayetelina is really worried that "Mr. Yuri" doesn't like the Ivan family.

Fortunately, the final result was not bad. The other party has already expressed a little tendency to cooperate, at least in Shaye Terina's view, otherwise the other party would not need to agree to an interview with her. After all, many families can provide the information the other party wants. It's not worth choosing the Ivan family.

"Phew, I hope we can successfully reach a cooperation agreement, but where did the organization 'Authority' come from? I've never heard of such an organization before, at least not in Europe."

Sayetelina frowned, but even if she racked her brains, she couldn't think of such a mysterious and powerful organization.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much. It's better to quickly prepare the information that the other party wants, and also pay attention to confidentiality. Otherwise, if other families know that I have arranged an interview with the other party, it will definitely cause big trouble."

Shayeterina gritted her teeth, and she didn't even call out to her confidant, but did it herself, sorting out the information bit by bit.


"That's it? Don't contact other families who want to surrender? Shop around." Alice asked.

Yang Hao shook his head: "No need for the time being, this kind of thing is no better than buying things. There are too many people to contact, but it is easy to leak the news, and it is not beautiful to scare the snake when the time comes."

"And I plan to have an interview with Shayeterina, and then based on the information she provides, I will decide which families to recruit in the future, so before that, keep it secret."

Alice nodded: "That's fine too, but where are you going to ask her for an interview? She said in the email that she is currently in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Do you want to ask her to come to Moscow?"

Yang Hao chuckled: "No, Moscow seems to be the top priority of the Red Front Council of Elders. It is a sensitive area. Try to avoid negotiations and other things here."

Alice was noncommittal: "Then where do you plan to meet?"

Yang Hao shrugged: "Actually, I didn't intend to inform her of the time and place at all, but planned to sneak into the Winter Palace directly. When the time comes, I can secretly observe if there is anything tricky, and secondly, I can also show it to this Sayetelina. How about the strength of our 'authority', don't you think so?"

Alice rolled her eyes: "Hmph, it's all fooling around, this kind of 'authority' sounds quite bluffing, but in fact, so far, apart from the master and you, there is only one dog and one It’s a chicken, it’s too embarrassing to say it.”

Yang Hao didn't feel embarrassed at all, instead he laughed like a cunt: "It's embarrassing to say it, but if we don't say it, who would know? For example, this time, the Red Front is such a powerful organization, isn't it scared by us?" Fucking shit, even crying and yelling to surrender, I don't think there's anything shameful about being able to fool around like this."

Alice complained angrily: "Hmph, in my opinion, you might as well change the name of 'authority' to 'selling crutches', which is more in line with the connotation of this deceitful organization."

Yang Hao didn't bother to argue with her, he checked the time and found that it was getting late, so he closed Alice temporarily, entered the dimensional space, then left the church and returned to the abandoned subway station.

Wangcai and Father Cang are healing here, and they are not in the mood to say hello when they see him back.

Father Cang squatted listlessly on the top of the dragon egg, slowly using the light yellow divine light to guide the red light of the dragon egg, and then sucked the red light into the body little by little, but the efficiency was really very low.

Wangcai's situation is much better. It squats next to the dragon egg, absorbs red light much faster than Cang's father, and digs a gemstone from the egg shell to eat it from time to time. recover.

Yang Hao took out a few packs of snacks, and studied the rules of the Plane Tower while eating. These rules are very complicated, and he hasn't fully understood them. Now that he is idle, he will study them further.

After a period of time, Wangcai had recovered his power, and his injuries were almost healed. It turned its eyeballs, ran to Yang Hao, and whispered, "Brother Hao, let's discuss something." What's the matter?"

Yang Hao raised his eyelids, and joked: "Speak if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say. Anyway, I'm not your father, so you don't need to be so humble to please me."

Wangcai smiled awkwardly, and said awkwardly: "Ahem, brother Hao, it's boring for you to do this. If you say that we are both pure men, of course we usually speak directly."

It turned its head and glanced at Cang's father, saw that the latter was still drowsy, and then said in a low voice with relief: "It's not like Xiao Huang, it is a mother after all, as a pure man, we naturally have to be more magnanimous Well."

Yang Hao rolled his big eyes: "Oh, you've become a 'little yellow', it seems that your determination to steal chickens is already unshakable."

Seeing that Wangcai's dog's face was completely red, Yang Hao stopped teasing it, and said with a smile: "Okay, as the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than one marriage. I still bless you. Now if you have anything to say, just say it.”

Wangcai was extremely embarrassed: "Hey, look at what you said, what is love and not love, Xiao Huang and I are pure friendship."

Yang Hao spread his hands: "Okay, can't I believe it? If you have something to say, don't explain it. Explaining is just covering up."

Only then did Wangcai say: "That's how it is. Although the essence of the earth fire dragon egg is quite suitable for me to absorb, it is not suitable for Xiao Huang."

"It is the blood of the phoenix. Although it can absorb the essence of the earth fire, the utilization rate is too low because it needs to filter the breath of the dragon in it."

As he said that, Wangcai looked at Yang Hao eagerly, and pointed out: "It's better to get some pure fire-attribute magic crystals, or other fire-attribute items to absorb for Xiao Huang, so that it can also grow quickly. , when the time comes, I will be able to help you even more, Brother Hao."

Yang Hao blinked his eyes: "Good guy, you have made a big circle, so you want to please your father Cang, no, to please your little Huang, you are really considerate."

Wangcai blushed and said, "Ahem, cough, brother Hao, this matter is good for you too. Really, if Xiao Huang grows up, his fighting power will definitely not be inferior to mine."

(End of this chapter)

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