Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 549 Planetary Carbon-Based Life Science and Technology Civilization

Chapter 549 Planetary Carbon-Based Life Science and Technology Civilization
"Oh, so that's it. My previous auction was a seller's name randomly generated by the Order of the Phoenix for me, and it was not fixed, and there was no relevant information, message and other additional services. It was equivalent to the identity of a tourist."

Yang Hao instantly understood the benefits of this 'naming service', which is equivalent to registering with the Order of the Phoenix, no longer a lonely ghost with no name and surname, so there are many benefits.

And the privileged information also specifically stated that if necessary, you can also choose to trade anonymously, that is, there are no side effects, and you don't have to worry about being traced.

Yang Hao thought for a while and said, "Then name it for me, the name is 'Xiao Hao'."

This naming service cannot be changed, at least VIP-level privilege information cannot change the name, but Yang Hao has no plans to change the name for the time being, and this name is only registered with the Order of the Phoenix, if you go to other stores, you still have to change it. Start from scratch.

After the naming was completed, Yang Hao began to take the time to browse the product information in the eggshell house. The method is quite simple. He only needs to come to the counter and connect his consciousness to the lumps of independent yellow light balls on the counter. That's fine.

Moreover, the product classification here is similar to that in online games. Simply put, it can be divided into several categories, such as equipment, consumables, equipment, etc., and can be adjusted according to the preferences of the viewer.

"It's quite convenient, otherwise, if the product information is classified according to the habits of the fantasy plane, then I really don't know how to browse."

Yang Hao quickly became familiar with this browsing method, and then tried to pour his consciousness into the rules of the light group, and began to modify the classification rules according to his own ideas.

The first is the individual products. Yang Hao initially divided them into small categories such as weapons, armor, riding, recovery, reinforcement, etc. Basically, they are all products that can be used to quickly improve individual combat power.

Then there are group products, technology, sundries...

After spending half a minute, Yang Hao finally sorted out the massive amount of product information relatively clearly, at least to the extent that he felt it was easy to use.

"OK, now let's filter out the products I can afford."

With Yang Hao's thought, more than half of the massive product information disappeared, but the amount of remaining information was far from what he could read in a short while.

"I didn't expect that there are so many cheap things, but many things seem to be of no use to me. For example, this 'Yaozu middle-grade cauldron furnace' is priced at 88 copper star coins, but it has so many usage requirements, the earth The environment is not satisfying at all, and buying it is a waste of money.”

Yang Hao frowned secretly. It seems that although the products here are all-encompassing, there are not many things that can really be used on the earth, which seems to be due to the restrictions of the rules of the plane.

"It's just that I don't know whether the plane the earth is in is considered a technological plane or another type of plane. Let's filter according to the technological plane for the time being."

Yang Hao is a little worried. Although the classification rules of product information are not absolute, they can be adjusted according to his preferences.

But after all, these adjustments are only based on his cognition, and it does not mean that the original attributes of the product can also be modified.

Moreover, screening prices is the easiest, but once the screening rules such as 'suitable for use in the earth's environment' are refined, it is completely impossible to accurately screen.

Even classifying according to the attributes of the planes, Yang Hao also encountered a lot of trouble, because even if it is a technological plane, there are many types in it, and Yang Hao was dizzy from seeing it.

"Oh, this is a troublesome thing. I didn't expect that there are so many branches in the technological plane. What kind of technological plane does the earth belong to? Well, let me think about it, the earth should be regarded as a technological civilization of carbon-based life Right? And the level of civilization should not be very high, at least at the plane level, it should belong to the low level of civilization..."

Yang Hao racked his brains, seeing that there was not much time left in 5 minutes, he simply chose several plane screening criteria based on his own imagination, among them was 'planetary carbon-based life science and technology civilization' small categories.

This is also the screening standard that Yang Hao can find in a short period of time that is most in line with the level of earth civilization. At least he thinks so. According to the screening standard information provided by the trusteeship consciousness of the Order of the Phoenix, the "star-level" technological civilization is already a technological level. It's the bottom of the civilization pyramid.

All technological civilizations that have not yet developed a second living planet belong to this level, and Yang Hao thinks that the earth's civilization should be at this level at present.

Coupled with the additional screening rule of 'carbon-based life', it is almost enough to filter out most of the commodities that are worthless to oneself.

As soon as the screening rules were selected, Yang Hao found that the ocean of commodities in front of him decreased rapidly, and it decreased rapidly like a waterfall.

The previous screening speed is very fast. Once the screening rules are confirmed, the results can be obtained almost in the blink of an eye.

But this time, I don't know if the screening rules set by Yang Hao are too small. The waterfall of products in front of him lasted for a long time before finally completing the screening.

The time of 5 minutes was running out, and Yang Hao looked at the screening results in front of him, and he really wanted to cry.

According to what he could afford, there were less than ten products that met the screening rules!
The sea of ​​goods that was just as vast as the sea of ​​stars has now turned into a pitiful little group, and it is so sparse that it looks pitiful.

These are almost all the products that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​currently selling that can be used in the earth environment and whose price is within 262 copper stars, including consigned products.

Moreover, Yang Hao took a brief look and found that the products filtered out under this screening rule are not rigid technological items, but products that can play a role in the environment of 'planetary carbon-based life science and technology civilization'. out.

Of course, it is specially marked on the screening results that this result is 'for reference only', that is to say, if you buy it and find that it is not available in the current environment, or if there is any problem when using it, then the Order of the Phoenix will not be responsible .

For example, one of the products is called 'Bailu Refining Pill', the price is 50 copper stars, and it can be supplied in batches. The product information says that this product is not produced by the technological plane.

However, the later remarks also said that there are records showing that this thing has been used in multiple "carbon-based life science and technology civilization" environments, and all of them have certain effects, including two "planetary" use cases, so it will included in the filter results.

(End of this chapter)

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