Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 600 Interns

Chapter 600 Interns

Sakata Tongshi has long known from his eldest brother that this 'Mr. Mori' is a ruthless man, but he is very generous in his actions. Seeing the other party throwing money at him, he immediately smiled: "Don't worry, Mr. Mori, I will definitely do it for you." Be pretty."

Yang Hao didn't delay, and urged: "Okay then, go to your Dark Gold Mutual Aid Association, and you say that I am your distant relative, and I came here to join you. In addition, it is best to find a way to promote me to a cadre as soon as possible , remember?"

Sakata Kototoki licked his lips, a little embarrassed: "Remember, but... ahem, Mr. Mori, to be honest, although I am a cadre of the Yoshioka group, I have limited rights. No problem, but if you want to be a cadre, you have to make meritorious service."

Yang Hao frowned: "Make meritorious service? How can you make meritorious service?"

Sakata Kotoki explained: "At present, except for the Okita team that specializes in fighting, the main task of the other groups in our Dark Gold Mutual Aid Association is to make money, and the main source of income in the club is private lending business. Our Yoshioka The group is mainly responsible for collecting accounts, as long as they can complete the task of collecting accounts beautifully, they will definitely be appreciated by the higher-ups."

"Collect the debt?" Yang Hao frowned: "It's simple, isn't it just to recover the loan you gave out? For me, this is not a problem."

Sakata Tongshi twitched his lips and said with a smile: "Then... that is of course the best. I will try my best to help you get through the joints in the meeting and let you be promoted to a cadre as soon as possible."

Yang Hao nodded: "Well, work hard, I am a very generous person, if things go well, money will be indispensable to you."

"It will be done!" Sakata Tongshi patted his chest and promised, and then said: "Then I will take you to go through the registration procedures first, the location is a little far from here, if you don't have a car, then we will take a taxi Let's go, okay?"

Yang Hao was slightly taken aback, and asked, "You don't have a car?" No wonder he was surprised, after all, the other party was a cadre of the Yoshioka group, and he was also the little leader of the Dark Gold Mutual Aid Association, and he often had to go out to collect bills. If not, then the strength of the Dark Gold Mutual Aid Association is really bad.

Sakata Tongshi shook his head in embarrassment: "No, I usually use the car in the group when I go out to collect bills. I have invested all my own savings into my second brother's shop. His dilapidated shop has not been doing well recently. How can I return it?" Buy me a car if you have the money."

These are all private matters, so Yang Hao didn't ask any more questions, nodded and said, "Then take a taxi, and when I'm promoted to a cadre, you'll have the money to buy a car."

Sakata Tongshi suddenly regained his spirits, and respectfully followed Yang Hao out of Kikyo House. His elder brother Sakata Jinshi had already rushed out to call a taxi in advance.

Soon, Sakata Tongshi took Yang Hao to an office building in the western suburbs of Kyoto. Before entering, he apologized: "Mr. Please forgive me for revealing."

Yang Hao nodded: "Well, it's okay, I don't want to make too high a profile."

After tidying up their clothes, the two entered the building.

This building is not tall, and only has five floors in total. It is the property of the Dark Gold Mutual Aid Association, and it is also their officially registered headquarters building.

There are two young soft girls sitting at the front desk of the lobby on the first floor, and there are no vicious tattooed men wandering in the lobby. It seems that this is a very normal financial company.

Sakata Tongshi smiled and greeted the girl at the front desk, but without registering, he took Yang Hao straight to the team leader's office of the Yoshioka team on the far right on the second floor.

The leader of the Yoshioka team was named Kazuo Yoshioka, who happened to be in the office at this time. He was a tall, thin, middle-aged man, wearing a printed white coat, and he didn't look vicious at all.

If Sakata Tongshi hadn't bowed and greeted him respectfully, I'm afraid Yang Hao really wouldn't have thought that this ordinary uncle would be the backbone leader of the Dark Gold Mutual Aid Association.

Sakata Kotoki explained the situation to Kazuo Yoshioka, and patted his chest and said that he was willing to be Yang Hao's guarantor, but Kazuo Yoshioka did not directly agree, but asked Yang Hao with a smile: "Mori Kotaro, why do you want to be a guarantor?" How about joining our club?"

This is the rhythm of the interview?Yang Hao was not stage-frightened, and said bluntly: "I don't like studying, and I don't want to go to the construction site to move bricks. I heard that the financial industry is very profitable, so I came to join my cousin."

Hearing his straightforward answer, Kazuo Yoshioka was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, not bad, not bad, quite real, at least much better than those hypocrites, I like it!"

Sakata Tongshi hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "Team leader, my distant cousin is very honest and has practiced kung fu. It would be perfect for us to join our Yoshioka team."

Kazuo Yoshioka nodded and asked Yang Hao: "Our team is full-time to collect bills. Although it is a civilized society now, collecting bills has long been beyond the reach of killing and killing. Otherwise, the group of idiots in the police department will not I will sit back and ignore it, but it is still good to know some kung fu, what kind of kung fu do you know? Judo? Kendo?"

Yang Hao said without shame: "I know a little bit, and I can not only play, I also know the legal knowledge, and I can also know a little foreign language."

Kazuo Yoshioka touched his chin and said with a smile: "Oh, I haven't seen a young man as confident as you for a long time, but it's not enough to just brag. In our line of work, you don't have to look at anything, but you must It depends on your performance, so you can come in as an intern first, and if you do well, I will make you a regular again."

Yang Hao thought to himself that the competition in Japan is indeed fierce enough, even the mixed clubs have to start with interns first, and they are required not only to be able to fight and kill, but to be the kind of compound talents who can master multiple skills , really drunk.

Next, Kazuo Yoshioka asked Sakata Tongshi to take Yang Hao to go through the formalities. The interns didn't have any benefits, basically just taking care of the meals.

If there is no place to live, the association will provide you with a bed. As for the accommodation, don’t expect extravagant hotels. The utility room in the association is the destination for interns.

After completing the formalities, Kazuo Yoshioka assigned Yang Hao to Sakata Dotoki's team with a wave of his hand, and asked Yang Hao to start working from now on.

These evil capitalists, Yang Hao slandered, followed Sakata Tongshi to the team office to which he belonged.

Dongying's offices are generally small. There are three collectors in Sakata Tongshi's team, and if you count Yang Hao, there are four.

In addition, there is a full-time female clerk who is responsible for handling documents and other chores in the group.

Sakata Tongshi briefly introduced Yang Hao to everyone, and then asked the female clerk, "Lixiang, show me all the mission materials for today."

(End of this chapter)

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