Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 607 Making Big News?

Chapter 607 Making Big News?
Cage scratched his head and said doubtfully: "Boss, of course we know about the 'Broken Wall Project'. Gotta buy one!"

Douglas smiled mysteriously: "I mentioned the 'Broken Wall Project', which means that we might as well look at these two things together. After all, these two things are things that we think are beyond the reach of human beings at the current stage." .”

Cage thought deeply, "Boss, do you mean that the two incidents were done by the same group?"

Douglas was noncommittal: "I'm not sure about this, but the emergence of the 'Break the Wall Project' has provided me with a guess, that is, someone may have made a major breakthrough in the research of artificial intelligence."

"This kind of breakthrough is enough to completely crush all the artificial intelligence known today, such as Google's 'Alpha Dog'. Didn't they use 'Alpha Dog' to sweep all human Go masters before?"

Douglas finally looked around at the crowd and said seriously: "Then we can completely assume that the mysterious Dongying man who swept our professional question bank this time is also very likely to be a super artificial intelligence that crosses the ages, what do you think?"

The audience was silent, and everyone was stunned by Douglas' "fantasy", but they had to admit that Douglas's bold guess was the most likely one at present.

Cage first nodded in agreement: "Boss, when you say that, my train of thought suddenly becomes clear. Indeed, from a human point of view, the incident that swept across our question bank is unbelievable anyway. But if it is placed on artificial intelligence, it is entirely possible to happen."

The other technicians also nodded one after another. They were not romantic Frenchmen, but geeks who devoted themselves to the forefront of technology. Although they were all influenced by Douglas, they really enjoyed it.

So Marsal may not understand the deep meaning of what Douglas said just now, but these technicians understand it all.

Among the latest scientific and technological information they know, artificial intelligence and virtual reality are the most interesting to them among the major fields studied by human beings today.

Basically, all of these technicians have temporary positions in the companies in which Douglas has a shareholding. On the contrary, the work on the international website of the Mensa Club is considered a part-time job.

Under the influence of Douglas, they also have a clear understanding of the frontier trends in these two fields.

For example, Google's "Alpha Dog" is a very well-known artificial intelligence project. This project was established very early, and it is almost the first batch of formal artificial intelligence research projects.

This kind of artificial intelligence research mainly uses the "logic learning method", that is, to use a large amount of logic code and big data information input and processing to let the "alpha dog" learn some extremely complex knowledge, and master this knowledge to an extremely high level. The top level is even far superior to the level that humans can master.

As a result of a small test, Google researchers used the alias of "Alpha Dog" to pretend to be a human being on the Internet, and played against the world's top Go masters.

As a result, the human masters were almost completely defeated, and were killed by the "Alpha Dog". When this incident was announced at the time, it caused a lot of shock and onlookers.

But in the eyes of Douglas and others in the industry, the road to artificial intelligence of "Alpha Dog" has just begun, and there is still a long, long way to go in the future, far from reaching the level of "Skynet" in "Terminator" , and even more so.

It wasn't until some time ago that the "Break the Wall Project" was born, which shocked all the people and institutions engaged in artificial intelligence and virtual reality research all over the world.

In their view, this 'wall-breaking plan' is definitely a black technology that crosses the ages, and its impact on human civilization will be no less than that of several industrial revolutions.

When Douglas chatted with his technicians, he also agreed with this slightly radical point of view. He felt that once the "Break the Wall Project" was promoted, it would immediately lead mankind from the "Internet Age" to the "Virtual Age".

The only worry is that this step is too big, and I don't know if it will tear the eggs of human civilization.

But the consensus reached in the industry is that even if you are talking about the egg, you must make great strides forward, because the small pain in the egg is nothing compared to the huge leap of civilization.

It's a pity that the developers of the 'Break the Wall Project' hide too deeply. No matter how all the forces in the world track it, they still can't find the exact whereabouts of each other.

At present, I only know that the other party is conducting preliminary tests in the United States, and after the groping of the test players, it is found that the wasteland game that has been opened is still connected to the Internet, using the satellite network in the United States, but I only found a few of the other party's intentions. Shell companies in the foreground.

I heard that the U.S. federal government is still discussing whether to take restrictive measures on the game operation of the "Wall Breaking Project", but the congressmen are arguing endlessly, and there is no conclusion for the time being.

The forces in other regions, especially Europe, which has invested a lot of manpower, power, and financial resources in the fields of artificial intelligence and virtual reality, are naturally eager to find developers of the "Break the Wall Project" so that they can get a share of the pie first.

Douglas was naturally aware of all these movements, so when he accidentally discovered that today's incident was likely to be related to the 'Break the Wall Project', he suddenly regained his spirits.

"Cage, don't try to trace the origin of the other party now, first find a way to contact the respondent through the communication system of our website."

"Since the other party chooses to come to the international website of our Mensa Club to answer the questions, he must have an idea." Douglas touched his chin and said while thinking.

"Maybe they also want to follow the example of 'Alpha Dog' sweeping the world of Go, and make a big news of 'artificial intelligence sweeping human IQ', so as to further stir up the upsurge brought by the 'Break Wall Project' and openly operate for the next step Make a bedding."

When he said this, everyone else became excited, and Cage was as if he had been beaten, and immediately started to operate in front of the computer, muttering: "Fuck, if I can be the first to follow the 'broken If we contact Project Wall, then we will be in the limelight!"

Seeing that a room full of people has gone from arguing just now to the current group fight, and no one pays any attention to himself as the director of operations, Marsal can only ask Glass with a twitching corner of his mouth: "Big bear, what the hell did you call me?" Did you come here just to let me watch you pretend?"

(End of this chapter)

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