Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 611 Love Saint?

Chapter 611 Love Saint?

In Douglas' office, all the backbones of the technical department were crowded at this time, as well as Marsal, who couldn't be driven away.

Since knowing that this 'Caesar' is likely to be related to the 'Broken Wall Project', no matter how stupid Marzar is, he also knows the super huge commercial interests hidden in it, and his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees. He even brought the sleeping bags to Douglas' office, as if he would not leave even if he was killed.

And just now, when he received the news of 'Caesar' logging in, Marzar almost jumped up and did a hula dance on the spot to express his excitement.

Douglas and the others are similar, especially Douglas, he is the person who directly communicates with 'Caesar', and his typing hands are trembling at this time.

Seeing the cold reply sent by the other party, Douglas couldn't help asking everyone with a sad face: "This guy seems to be a stubborn stubble, should I just tell the whole story of our cooperation intention, or try again?"

The technicians didn't have any good ideas, but Marsar woke up the dreamer at this time: "Hey, big bear, your IQ has dropped too fast, you said it yourself, the other party is obviously a soft-hearted person Guy, then you still have to test the wool, if you continue to test, the other party will probably go offline directly, so you should hurry up and say something, at least there is still a glimmer of life."

Douglas slapped his thigh, suddenly realized, and quickly tapped on the keyboard, revealing all his guesses and cooperation intentions.

As a result, after a while, 'Caesar' only replied with one sentence: "Okay, I understand what you mean, let's talk about this matter another day, bye."

Then Cage, who had been staring at the background of the server, exclaimed in disappointment: "Oh, damn, this guy is offline!"

Douglas also let out a long breath, leaned back on the chair, unbuttoned the neckline again, and smiled wryly: "We have done everything we can, and now we can only resign ourselves to fate."

Cage said unwillingly: "Boss, why don't you use the hotel's surveillance system to see if you can capture the other person's appearance, and then find someone to follow him, maybe you can find the 'Broken Wall Project' guy by following the clues." What about the mysterious developer?"

Massar rolled his eyes and interjected: "Come on, if you do this, you're really asking for trouble."

Cage was puzzled and said, "Why are you asking for trouble? Could it be that the method I mentioned is not feasible? When we hacked into the hotel's network server, we had already hacked their monitoring system. Now As long as I type a few commands, I can immediately call their cameras."

Marsar smiled: "Hehe, it seems that you didn't understand me, so I'll just say one more sentence. If you don't understand, then I can't help it."

As he said, he shrugged and said, "If you can find the developers behind the 'Break Wall Project', then the CIA, FBI in the US, MI[-] in the UK, and all similar agencies around the world , I’m afraid I’m going to die of shame, understand?”

Cage was taken aback for a moment, then realized in an instant, and immediately blushed and couldn't say anything to refute.

Others also understood what Marsar meant. You must know that such a cross-age black technology as the "Broken Wall Project" is a big killer that can definitely change the world pattern.

In this case, not only the profit-seeking capital and venture capital are looking for the developers of the "Break the Wall Project" like crazy, but the intelligence agencies mentioned by Marsal just now will definitely not be stupid haha The onlookers must be trying their best to track down all the clues related to the 'Wall Breaking Plan'.

But so far, no one or force has found any real valuable clues, even if it is the 'Caesar' that Douglas and the others suspected this time, they are just suspicions.

It can be seen from this that how deep this group of people can hide, and how perverted their anti-reconnaissance ability is, how could Cage's small hacking method be found?
Even if we take a step back and assume that 'Caesar' has nothing to do with the 'Break the Wall Project', then the IQ shown by 'Caesar' is by no means something that Cage's tricks can handle.

Connecting these joints, Douglas also nodded in disappointment: "Oh, what the old horse said is correct, in my opinion, the Dongying IP address exposed by the other party this time may be a springboard and a cover, so let's not startle the snake. , just wait and see how it gets better."

Seeing that the boss had spoken, Cage and the others nodded dejectedly, and the atmosphere in the office suddenly plummeted.

At this time, Marsal cheered everyone up: "Hey, this incident was originally a surprise. It is of course good to be able to get on line with the 'Break the Wall Project', but even if you can't get what you want, that's okay." Nothing to lose."

"Besides, just the fact that 'Caesar' has swept our advanced question bank is enough for us to create a huge wave of hype on the Internet. If it works well, it will definitely make our club more famous, so this is also It's a good thing."

He said so, but everyone still couldn't get excited about it. After all, compared with the "Break Wall Project" that is in the limelight, the hype about the Mensa Club is not a big news at all, it's a bit tasteless .

Douglas said at this time: "Okay, everyone has worked hard, and the matter of 'Caesar' has come to an end for the time being, so I leave work early today, I invite everyone to have a big meal, and then go to the bar to have fun, it is a reward Good work everyone."

As soon as they heard that they could leave work early, and the boss was going to treat guests, everyone's morale finally recovered a little bit, and they left the office one after another to pack their things.

Only then did Marsal approach Douglas, and said with a smile, "Big Bear, these straight men are really hard to take care of, and it's really hard for you."

Douglas rolled his eyes: "It's easier than taking a crooked man like you. At least when I go to the bar with them to drink, I don't have to worry about the safety of my ass after I get drunk."

Marsal almost spat out a mouthful of 82-year-old blood, and protested: "Hey, big bear, what the hell is wrong with me, you know I'm a man known as the 'Love Saint of Giverny', can you Don't slander me, or I will sue you for slander!"

Douglas said disdainfully: "Hey, what about 'Giverny Lover', shouldn't you add a 'town' in the middle? And if I remember correctly, the full name should be 'Second Lover of Giverny Town'." 'Bar?"

"You... Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as people like you!" Marzar fled in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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