Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 623 Old Driver's International Driver's License

Chapter 623 Old Driver's International Driver's License
Eric was also stunned. He knew Yang Hao's information, and knew that this guy must have some background, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make Xiao Tianqin feel embarrassed.

But this is the United States, and Eric feels that on his own territory, this stinky boy named Yang Hao can't make any waves.

So when he saw Yang Hao talking so arrogantly, he couldn't hold back his face. He immediately put away his smile, stared at Yang Hao coldly, bared his teeth and said, "Yang Hao, you'd better find out where this is. On the land of the United States, it is not the turn of a monkey like you to act aggressively!"

Little Lolita and Little Monk's English listening is average, but looking at Eric's appearance, they also know that the visitor is not friendly, and Xiao Yating's face is even worse, because Eric's words are clearly racial discrimination.

On the contrary, Yang Hao was more direct. With a slight lift of his right hand, a phantom flashed, and Eric's head quickly tilted left and right.

clap clap!

The two crisp sounds only sounded at this time, and they were a little slower than Yang Hao's movements, and Eric had already had two red marks on his cheeks, obviously he had been slapped twice.

Only then did Yang Hao say calmly: "Okay, get out of here quickly, or you won't be able to keep all your teeth in your mouth later."

Eric's little friends didn't see Yang Hao's movements clearly. They didn't know that Eric was beaten until they saw the red mark and heard the crisp sound, and they were immediately surprised.

And Eric only felt the burning pain on his face, terrified, and wanted to say something cruel, but Yang Hao gently stretched out his hand to sweep aside at this time, he felt a huge force coming, and the whole person stood still. Unable to stand still, he fell down and sat down in the flower bed next to the cafeteria gate, as embarrassing as he could be.

Yang Hao didn't even bother to look at him, striding into the cafeteria, while Xiao Yating and Xiao Luoli quickly followed.

Little Lolita blinked and asked Yang Hao: "Brother, did that kid have any grudge against you just now?"

Yang Hao shrugged, with a calm expression on his face: "It's just a boring fly, don't worry about it, let's eat."

While waiting in line to order food, Xiao Yating thought about it, and leaned over to Yang Hao, reminding her in a low voice: "Yang Hao, the United States is not the country, many people here have guns, and Eric's family is very powerful. Big, you'd better be careful."

Yang Hao nodded with a smile: "Well, don't worry, I know that, by the way, does this Eric often pester you, otherwise he wouldn't come here today to be jealous."

Xiao Yating smiled helplessly: "At first, my dad wanted to develop a new energy joint venture with their family, so he wanted to marry the two families. Later, this matter ended without a problem, but this Eric is still entangled with me. , I didn’t want to ask my dad for help for this matter, and I didn’t want my mom to worry, so I didn’t tell them.”

Yang Hao shook his head: "This way of dealing with it is not acceptable. For a bitch like Eric, the more you tolerate, the more he will make progress, but you don't have to worry anymore. Since I am here, this matter will be handled by you. Let me help you solve it."

Xiao Yating asked thoughtfully: "Could you be planning to use violence? If so, then I advise you to be cautious. Eric's family is really strong, just in case..."

Yang Hao spread his hands and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not a reckless man who likes to fight and kill, and I don't need violence to deal with a little lecher, just wait and see."

Hearing what Yang Hao said, Xiao Yating felt a little more at ease, and didn't ask any further questions, but changed the subject: "Yang Hao, are you planning to settle in the United States for a long time?"

Yang Hao said frankly: "It's not considered a long-term settlement, it's just a temporary settlement. Xiaohuan will also finish her studies in the United States. I also have some business matters to deal with. As for the future, no one can say anything." Sure, and I'm going on a round-the-world trip."

Xiao Yating took a deep look at him, and said softly: "Travel around the world, I also have this wish, can we go together when the time comes?"

Yang Hao nodded indifferently: "Of course it's okay for the beauty to speak, and there may be quite a few people going with her at that time, Xiaohuan, she's very sexy, and Zhang Lei, do you remember Zhang Lei?"

Xiao Yating was slightly taken aback, nodded and said: "Zhang Lei? I seem to have a little impression, it should be your high school classmate?"

Yang Hao smiled: "Well, she was the study committee member of our class at the time. She is studying at the Beijing Police Academy and is applying for a student visa. She will also come to the United States after a while. Let's have dinner together and sit down. Sit down."

After hearing these words, Xiao Yating hesitated to speak, wanted to ask something, but in the end she didn't ask anything, but changed the subject again and chatted with Yang Hao for a few words.

After eating, the four of them planned to leave the campus and go for a stroll in the city.

Xiao Yating took the initiative to ask Yang Hao: "Did you drive? Do you want to take my car?"

Yang Hao smiled and said: "It's driving, let's take my car, I'm an old driver, you all know it."

"Okay, old driver, then take your car, but I have to drive my car home and park it first. My mother is flying back tonight, and I'm afraid she will use the car." Xiao Yating explained.

Yang Hao's car was parked in the parking lot of Harvard's West District, which was far from the cafeteria, so the four of them first came to Xiao Yating's parking lot, planning to take her car to the West District.

Xiao Yating's car is a white second-hand BMW X5. This kind of car is considered very good in the United States, and ordinary people rarely drive a BMW. It's not that the car is expensive, but that it consumes too much fuel. Not cheap.

But considering Xiao Yating's family background, this second-hand BMW is really low-key, but Yang Hao didn't ask any further questions, and drove to the West District.

Xiao Yating asked curiously, "Didn't you just come to the United States and have an international driver's license?"

Massachusetts, where Harvard is located, does not recognize domestic driver's licenses, so Yang Hao's domestic driver's license cannot be used directly here. He must obtain a U.S. driver's license or an international driver's license recognized by the state government.

Yang Hao shrugged with a smile, "Professional PR companies here in the United States are still very easy to use. I just got off the plane and less than 24 hours ago, they helped me get rid of these trivial matters."

As he said that, he took out his international driver's license and handed it to Xiao Yating, and said with a smile, "Here, it's fresh out of the oven. Check if there's any problem. If there's any problem, I'll have to ask them to refund the money."

Xiao Yating took a look at the driver's license, shook her head and said, "No problem, the professional public relations companies in the United States are quite powerful. When my dad sent me to study at Harvard, many trivial matters were also entrusted to these companies, which can save a lot of trouble. Less trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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