Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 79 Brother Hao, please accept my knee!

Chapter 79 Brother Hao, please accept my knee!

bang bang!

Gao Jun rolled on the ground, his whole right hand was twisted at a strange angle, the pain caused him to roll all over the ground, screaming incessantly.

Beep beep beep!

The cold sweat on the referee's forehead came down in a flash, and he blew his whistle frantically.

"Grass mud horse, why the hell are you beating people!"

The red-nosed guard knew the truth, but the villain complained first and yelled loudly.

The other animals who didn't know the truth also turned red in an instant, and rushed up regardless, trying to surround and beat Yang Hao.

"Paralyzed, beat him! This is too bullying, Gao Jun is broken!"

The animals shouted, and the other boys in the second class were also excited and rushed over.

"Grass, brothers, I have seen it. It is obvious that Gao Jun maliciously charged first and wanted to let Yang Hao go, but somehow, he broke his hand!"

Wang Qiang's sharp eyes saw a part of the truth, so he quickly complained for Yang Hao.

"Okay, the animals in the second class, if you can't win, you want to make a black hand! Brothers in the first class, let's fight them!"

Xiong Wei was so passionate that, as the squad leader, he wanted to take the lead in a group fight.

All of a sudden, the scene was extremely chaotic, and it was about to lead to a major accident.

Beep beep beep!

The referee's face was pale, and the whistle almost blew, but it couldn't stop the crazy crowd at all.


The girls outside the arena started screaming and ran away, fearing that Chi Yu would be hurt.


There was a loud bang!
It was Yang Hao who picked up the basketball, flew high, flew over the heads of the crowd, and then hit the backboard heavily.

The basketball exploded.


The tempered glass of the backboard cracked like a spider web, and then shattered with a crash!
this moment.

All the voices disappeared, and the audience was silent.

"Damn it, wife, come out and see God!"

The center on the side court was trying to slam dunk.

As a result, the person was in the air and happened to see the scene just now. He was stunned for an instant, bumped his head against the bottom of the basket, and fell to the ground screaming.

"What did I see!! It's over, I must have masturbated too much, I have hallucinations in broad daylight!"

Many boys uttered such miserable screams in their hearts.

Yang Hao fell heavily on the ground, with a dark face, he glanced at the petrified enemy and us, and said coldly: "What's the matter, who else is not convinced and wants to fight?"


The animals in the second class swallowed their saliva collectively, retracted their fists embarrassingly, and dared not even look at Yang Hao.

"Brother Hao is mighty, Brother Hao is domineering, Brother Hao will last forever, Brother Hao will rule the world!"

The funny Wang Qiang was the first to cheer.

"Brother Hao is mighty!"

The other boys in Class [-] also followed suit.

"Cough cough cough!'s match, I think this is the end, brother Hao, what do you think?"

Seeing that the group fight could no longer be fought, the referee quickly wiped off his cold sweat and looked at Yang Hao begging for mercy.

"It's all fractured, so let's forget it. However, there is a sentence, I have to explain it clearly."

Yang Hao walked over slowly.

Everyone backed away one after another, leaving a spacious passage.

"Wow, so handsome, so handsome, I seem to have seen the scene of Moses parting the Red Sea in the myth!"

Beside Wu Tingting, Huang Jing's whole body was dying, and the hearts in her eyes almost jumped out.

Yuan Tian and Liu Yalan also covered their hearts, looking like they were having difficulty breathing.

"Hmph, three little nymphomaniacs, it's hopeless!"

Wu Tingting's face was full of disdain, but her breathing was also involuntary, a little short.

In the chest, it seemed that there was a deer running rampant.

On the court, Yang Hao had already walked in front of Gao Jun.

He knelt down and pressed Gao Jun's right hand with both hands.

"Hey, you... what are you going to do, he's already like this, why don't you let him go?"

The red-nosed guard is Gao Jun's best friend, and he boldly protested at this time.


Yang Hao didn't even bother to pay attention to him, he twisted his hands vigorously, and then broke them again.

Gao Jun's right hand instantly returned to its original shape.

"Okay, let's call the school hospital to come over, he's fine, he just needs to recuperate for a while, just to save military training."

Yang Hao stood up, looked at Gao Jun, and said coldly: "As for what you were thinking just now, you just need to know it in your heart."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. His unrestrained appearance caused the little girls on the sidelines to scream.

"and many more!"

The one who spoke was Gao Jun who was sweating profusely from the pain. He suppressed the pain and didn't scream anymore.

"I...I was wrong! I was the one who wanted to plot against Yang Hao just now. I was wrong. I...I apologize!"

Gao Jun blushed and bowed deeply towards Yang Hao.

"Even if you are still a man, I accept your apology. Honestly wait for the doctor to come, otherwise there may be sequelae."

Yang Hao didn't turn around, but smiled, walked to the basketball hoop, and picked up his schoolbag.

"It's my fault to damage public property, this money should be my compensation."

He took out his wallet, took out a stack of hundred-dollar bills, and asked: "Which friend will play here for a while? If the school logistics staff comes later, please help me to say sorry to them. The extra Money, it’s hard work.”

"It's so righteous! Don't say anything, brother Hao, please accept my knee!"

It was Zhang Yang who spoke, and he punched Yang Hao with a red face, and took the money from Yang Hao.

Seeing Yang Hao who spends money like water, the little girls around screamed again, and some even dared to come up and ask for their phone number and WeChat ID.

Yang Hao hurriedly fled.

"Hey, don't go, brother Hao, the brothers even said they would treat you to dinner... I'll fuck it up, this running speed is no one else!"

Xiong Wei just gave up after two steps, and Yang Hao ran so fucking fast!

"Wow, wow, he's so handsome in running, it's too bad, I'm really in love with him, what should I do?"

Huang Jing's face was flushed, her thighs rubbed against each other, and she felt urgent to urinate.

"Yeah, I haven't chased boys yet, so what should I do?"

"By the way, we can go to Zhihu and ask, just say it's urgent, wait online!"

Liu Yalan and Yuan Tian came up with bad ideas from the sidelines.

"Cough cough cough, please, you three nymphomaniacs, Yang Hao has run away without a trace, why don't you wake me up?"

Wu Tingting coughed heavily. Seeing that the three roommates were still fascinated, she had no choice but to leave angrily.

On the other side, Yang Hao ran back to the bedroom directly.

"Damn it, these little girls are so fucking crazy, they almost ripped off my panties!"

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and sat down on the chair.

"What's the matter, fourth child, you run so out of breath, are you being chased for debt?"

Liu Lan just washed off the mask, seeing Yang Hao's appearance, couldn't help teasing him.

"Oh, don't mention it, a bunch of little girls are crying and wanting to add me on WeChat. If I didn't run fast, I wouldn't be able to come back."

Puff puff!
Jiang Tianxi, who was drinking tea, sprayed instantly.

"Ahem, ahem, Yuqian Longjing, fourth child, do you know how much my tea costs per catty? It's a scam!"

"9494, fourth child, can you still have some basic sense of shame? Although you don't have to pay taxes to brag, you can't have no bottom line, right?"

Liu Lan almost rubbed the BB cream into her nostrils, and she became unhappy immediately.

"Oh, these days, no one will believe the truth. It's really a declining world."

Yang Hao sighed pretendingly, without explaining.

At this moment, Cheng Yaodong, who had just finished a round of live broadcast, spoke.

"Fourth, don't be silly, I have shocking good news to tell you!"

 Thanks to a few friends for their rewards, Yehuoxingge, , LucK, Thomas, Shaohua, Beisheng℡, Blind Cat, Yuezhao Hometown Heart Ruohan, -, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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