Mysterious treasure chest

Chapter 99 The Indescribable Thing

Chapter 99 The Indescribable Thing
Zuo Ling's car was a pearl white BMW hot hatch.

This seemingly small and pleasant model is actually a road king that is extremely focused on performance and driving experience.

Some modified small steel cannons can even give the driver an extremely exciting experience like flying a plane on the road once the car is driven.

"It's really a car like a car. Women who like this kind of car have a heart that is not inferior to men. They belong to the wild school of the little wild cat."

Yang Hao sat on the co-pilot and observed Zuo Ling calmly.

The BMW was galloping on the road, Zuo Ling didn't take the conventional route, but detoured the Outer Ring Expressway in the northeast direction, intending to enter the urban area from the direction of the port.

"It's going to be the rush hour at noon soon. It's not so congested here, but it's hard to say. I hope we can go back to school for lunch smoothly."

Zuo Ling said, and asked: "Student, you haven't joined the club yet, have you?"

Yang Hao joked, "Does Hongxing Society count? My elder brother is Chen Haonan."

"Spoof! Let me be blunt. In addition to my duties in the student union, I also serve as the president of the martial arts club. How would you like to join me?"

"I'm not interested. I've only joined three of the school teams, and I usually have to attend classes. I don't have the time to start any clubs, sister."

"Hmph, time is like a sponge, if you squeeze it, there will always be something, just say if you want to come or not."

"Oh, no."

"Boy, in a word, add or not!"

"Oh, no."


The small steel cannon slammed on the brakes, leaving long black tire marks on the ground, and stopped directly on the side of the road.

Fortunately, this is the wilderness between the southern suburbs and the port area, otherwise, if you are on the highway, you will be courting death if you brake so suddenly.

"Boy, don't pull me like this, do you want me to kneel down and beg you?"

Zuo Ling stared at Yang Hao angrily, bit her lips, and said, "Why don't I treat you to lunch, and you can choose the place, so you can save face, okay?"

Yang Hao had a smirk on his face: "Ahem, senior sister, shouldn't acting like a baby mean holding my arm and shaking it? You are not acting like a baby, you are being arrogant."

"Boy, do you want to court death?"

"Okay, okay, senior sister, I really don't have time, there are too many things to do, in addition to the three school teams and daily classes, I also have some personal affairs, I can't really arrange my daily schedule completely, can I? "

"Hmph, cheapskate, you still hate me for laughing at you just now, right? In fact, even if you join the martial arts club, you don't need to do anything at ordinary times. Anyway, you have already joined the school martial arts team and learned boxing from my grandfather. How can you need it?" My advice."

"Then why do you want me to join?"

"You are stupid, relying on the appeal of my senior sister, there is no shortage of people in the daily activities of the club, but at critical moments, there are still people who can control the situation, or should I be begging you?"

Zuo Ling punched the steering wheel, and said unwillingly: "Now that martial arts are in decline, the martial arts club has no generals who can handle it. It is embarrassing to be suppressed by powerful clubs such as karate club, taekwondo club, and free fighting club."

"And did you know that the masters of the karate club and the taekwondo club are all Japanese and Korean students studying abroad. With some real kung fu, they always laugh at our martial arts club for only having beautiful fists and embroidered legs. It really pissed me off!"

As Zuo Ling said, she punched the steering wheel again, and the car horn blared.

Yang Hao rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Well, senior sister, I really didn't want to give you face, but I just came into contact with martial arts for the first time today, and I can't even stand up. Why are you so optimistic about it? And me?"

"Hmph, I'm not optimistic about you, but I believe in the old man's eyesight."

Zuo Ling glanced at Yang Hao angrily, and said, "I've never seen him go wrong since I was a child, but unfortunately he always said that the martial arts on the stage are performances, which are no different from dancing, so yes. The Wushu team doesn't care too much."

"Oh, I understand, hehe, it seems that senior sister, you are really a strong person. It is very hard to support the martial arts club by yourself?"

Yang Hao blinked and looked at Zuo Ling curiously.

"It's... okay, hey, isn't the rhythm right? Hey, hey, kid, just hurry up and ask if you can help me with this favor. At worst, I'll introduce some beauties to you in the future. "

"Ahem, senior sister, please, you are the president of the martial arts club, not the pimp club."

Yang Hao's head was full of black lines, and he agreed after thinking about it: "Okay, seeing that you are so sincere, senior, I will reluctantly agree to you. But we have to agree, the general daily activities in the club , I don’t have time to attend.”

"Haha, that's right, a man has to be more straightforward, so how can a woman like you!"

Zuo Ling smiled heartily and started the car: "Come on, I invite you to have a big meal, what do you want to eat, sister please!"

"I'll go, senior sister, with your straightforward personality, will there really be many boys pursuing you? I personally doubt it."

"You want to die? Huh, let's not talk about it, let me decide. Let's go to the Bund and eat authentic official dishes at Longlin Pavilion!"

The small steel cannon drifted sideways, rushed to the outer ring speed on the left, and was about to turn to the Bund.

Didi Baba!

Suddenly, a green sports car rushed out from the next three-way intersection and honked its horn at Zuo Ling.

"It's really unlucky, no matter how broad daylight, you can meet this damn little boy!"

Zuo Ling frowned, as if she knew the other party, but she didn't want to say hello to him at all, and just drove with her head depressed.


The green sports car was supposed to be heading north, but when it saw Zuo Ling's car, it immediately drifted at a right angle and approached quickly.

The window was lowered, and there was a handsome young man sitting on the driver's seat, with three-dimensional facial features, fair skin, dyed golden hair, and ear studs, very reminiscent of a Korean male god.

The co-pilot was a tall, turbulent girl. The moment the window opened, she hurriedly arranged her underwear, not knowing what indescribable things the two of them had done in the car just now.

"Hey, Miss Zuo, we are really destined to meet each other like this, hahaha!"

The young man laughed loudly, and shouted towards this side: "However, Miss Zuo, the bet you lost to me last time has not been cashed in yet, should it be cashed in now?"

Zuo Ling's face was dark, she didn't speak, she slammed on the accelerator, trying to get rid of the other party.

The green sports car accelerated suddenly, and with a dangerous change of direction, tried to stop the hot cannon.


Zuo Ling slammed on the brakes angrily, lowered the window, and said coldly: "Hou Haitao, do you want to die?"

Hou Haitao whistled and said sarcastically, "Hey, Miss Zuo, you don't plan to avoid me all the time to repay my debt, do you? Or give me another blow?"

As he said, he glanced at Yang Hao: "Hehe, come on, you can kill or cut it up to you, but I will make sure to publicize it afterward, saying that Miss Zuo is willing to gamble and hide from debts with a pretty face."

Zuo Ling's complexion was frighteningly dark, and she said bitterly: "I lost the race last time, but I never promised to be your girlfriend, so don't spit blood here!"

"Hehe, Miss Zuo, anyway, you did lose last time, right? As a winner, I naturally have the right to win something. How about I give you a chance, let's compete again, how about it?"

Hou Haitao stretched out his arms to put his arms around Dabomei, and looked at Zuo Ling with contempt, as if he was provoking her on purpose.

"You! It's too deceiving!"

Zuo Ling was furious, but she didn't dare to agree to Biaoche. She lost badly last time, and she knew she was not the opponent.

At this time, Yang Hao suddenly moved.

With lightning speed, he stretched out his arms to hug Zuo Ling, and whispered in her ear at the same time: "Hey, senior sister, let me, a 'little boy', settle this matter for you."

Caught off guard, Zuo Ling blinked her eyes in confusion, and was about to push Yang Hao away.

Yang Hao pulled Zuo Ling into his arms like lightning, leaned down, blocked the outside view, and said with a smile: "Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, senior sister, where is your previous arrogance?"

Zuo Ling's eyes widened, feeling the scorching hot breath coming towards her, her whole body became stiff.

From the outside of the car, it looks like the two are kissing deeply inside the car.

Hou Haitao on the other side exploded in an instant, roaring angrily: "I'm an idiot, where the hell are you from, you little boy, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

It was Yang Hao's middle finger who responded to him!
(End of this chapter)

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